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How to create and preserve social capital in climate adaptation policies: A network approach. (2017). Ingold, Karin.
In: Ecological Economics.

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  1. Does Social Capital Promote Health?. (2022). Hong, Xiang ; Hao, Wang ; Yue-Qun, Cao ; Yuan, MA.
    In: Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement.

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  2. Beyond the community in participatory forest management: A governance network perspective. (2020). Rhodes, Jonathan R ; Wilson, Kerrie A ; Struebig, Matthew J ; Guerrero, Angela M ; Friedman, Rachel S ; Meijaard, Erik ; Yogaswara, Herry ; Kusworo, Ahmad ; Hutabarat, Joseph A ; Indrawan, Tito ; Budiharta, Sugeng ; Santika, Truly.
    In: Land Use Policy.

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  3. Is Social Capital Green? Cultural Features and Environmental Performance in the European Union. (2019). Picazo-Tadeo, Andres ; Peiró-Palomino, Jesús ; Peiro-Palomino, Jesus .
    In: Environmental & Resource Economics.

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References cited by this document

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    In: Sustainability.

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  35. Gender Inequality and Adaptive Capacity: The Role of Social Capital on the Impacts of Climate Change in Vietnam. (2019). Lin, Jun-Hua ; Jou, Sue Ching ; Phan, Loan Thi.
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  36. The Impact of the Implementation of Cohesion Policy on the Sustainable Development of EU Countries. (2019). Axinte, Gheorghe ; Drgan, Cristian ; Pirvu, Ramona ; Gin, Andra ; Lupncescu, Mihaela ; Dinulescu, Sorin.
    In: Sustainability.

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  37. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies of Agriculture in Mediterranean-Climate Regions (MCRs). (2019). Engler, Alejandra ; Brunel-Saldias, Nidia ; del Pozo, Alejandro ; Molina-Montenegro, Marco A ; Jara-Rojas, Roberto ; Lobos, Gustavo A ; Acevedo-Opazo, Cesar ; Ortega-Farias, Samuel.
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  38. Smallholder Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Production Cost Insurance in Rural West Java, Indonesia: A Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) Approach. (2019). Usami, Koichi ; Mutaqin, Dadang Jainal.
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  39. Can the poor organize? Public goods and self-help groups in rural India. (2019). olofsgård, anders ; Desai, Raj M ; Olofsgrd, Anders.
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  40. A comparative analysis of governance and leadership in agricultural development policy networks. (2019). Cramer, Laura ; Lubell, Mark ; Niles, Meredith ; Rudnick, Jessica.
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  41. Engineering meets institutions: an interdisciplinary approach to the management of resilience. (2018). Linkov, Igor ; Aldrich, Daniel P ; Yu, David J ; Naderpajouh, Nader ; Matinheikki, Juri.
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  42. Risk perception and decision-making: do farmers consider risks from climate change?. (2018). Meyer, Markus A ; Binder, Claudia R ; Eitzinger, Anton .
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  43. Social Solidarity, Collective Identity, Resilient Communities: Two Case Studies from the Rural U.S. and Uruguay. (2018). Thompson, Diego ; Leap, Braden.
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  44. Farmers’ risk perception, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change in rural Pakistan. (2018). Wang, Jianling ; Fahad, Shah.
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  45. Methods in ecosystem services governance analysis: An introduction. (2018). Sattler, Claudia ; Meyer, Claas ; Mann, Carsten ; Loft, Lasse.
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  46. Collaborative and competitive strategies in the variability and resiliency of large†scale societies in Mesoamerica. (2018). Feinman, Gary M ; Carballo, David M.
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  48. Considering the locals: coastal construction and destruction in times of climate change on Anjouan, Comoros. (2016). , Beate ; Sinane, Kamardine ; Petzold, Jan .
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