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Alternative school policies and the benefits of general cognitive skills. (2006). Hanushek, Eric.
In: Economics of Education Review.

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  1. Edukacja jako dobro publiczne - próba kwantyfikacji. (2017). Polcyn, Jan.
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  2. Disconnected: Skills, Education, and Employment in Latin America. (2012). Vargas, Jaime ; Urzua, Sergio ; Busso, Matias ; Bassi, Marina.
    In: IDB Publications (Books).

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  3. Disconnected: Skills, Education, and Employment in Latin America. (2012). Busso, Matias ; Vargas, Jaime ; Urzua, Sergio ; Bassi, Marina.
    In: IDB Publications (Books).

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  4. The quality vs. the quantity of schooling: What drives economic growth?. (2011). Breton, Theodore.
    In: Economics of Education Review.

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  5. A Relação entre Gastos Educacionais e Desempenho Escolar. (2009). Menezes-Filho, Naercio ; Amaral, Luiz F. L. E., ; Menezes Filho, N. A, .
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  6. A Relação entre Gastos Educacionais e Desempenho Escolar. (2008). Menezes-Filho, Naercio ; Luiz Felipe Leite Estanislau do Amaral, .
    In: Anais do XXXVI Encontro Nacional de Economia [Proceedings of the 36th Brazilian Economics Meeting].

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References cited by this document

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