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Analysis of past and future oil production in Peru under a Hubbert approach. (2015). Szklo, Alexandre ; Chavez-Rodriguez, Mauro F. ; de Lucena, Andre Frossard Pereira, .
In: Energy Policy.

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  1. Assessing the exploratory potential in Brazil by applying a creaming curve variant. (2019). Szklo, Alexandre ; Hallack, Larissa Nogueira.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  2. The Future of Sustainable Energy Production in Pakistan: A System Dynamics-Based Approach for Estimating Hubbert Peaks. (2017). Cai, Yanpeng ; Ur, Syed Aziz ; Ali, Sharafat ; Shah, Izaz Ali ; Walasai, Gordhan Das ; Mirjat, Nayyar Hussain.
    In: Energies.

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  3. Multimodel forecasting of non-renewable resources production. (2017). Semenychev, V K ; Danilova, A A ; Kurkin, E I.
    In: Energy.

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  4. Modelling the natural gas dynamics in the Southern Cone of Latin America. (2017). Chavez-Rodriguez, Mauro F ; Szklo, Alexandre ; Hawkes, Adam ; Seixas, Julia ; Simoes, Sofia ; Dias, Luis.
    In: Applied Energy.

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  5. Forecasting the coal production: Hubbert curve application on Turkeys lignite fields. (2016). Berk, Istemi ; Ediger, Volkan.
    In: Resources Policy.

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References cited by this document

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