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Reforming minute reserve policy in Germany: A step towards efficient markets?. (2009). Wagner, Christian ; Rammerstorfer, Margarethe.
In: Energy Policy.

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  1. Carbon trading amidst global uncertainty: The role of policy and geopolitical uncertainty. (2023). Adediran, Idris ; Swaray, Raymond.
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  2. Design and regulation of balancing power auctions: an integrated market model approach. (2021). Ocker, Fabian ; Ehrhart, Karl-Martin.
    In: Journal of Regulatory Economics.

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  3. Balancing-market design and opportunity cost: The Swiss case. (2020). Schillinger, Moritz.
    In: Utilities Policy.

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  4. Compensating balancing demand by spatial load migration – The case of geographically distributed data centers. (2019). Keller, Robert ; Fridgen, Gilbert ; Thimmel, Markus ; Roevekamp, Patrick.
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  5. Balancing Market Design and Opportunity Cost - The Swiss Case. (2019). Schillinger, Moritz.
    In: Working papers.

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  6. Bidding into balancing markets in a hydro-dominated electricity system. (2019). Weigt, Hannes ; Schillinger, Moritz.
    In: Working papers.

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  7. Bidding strategies in Austrian and German balancing power auctions. (2018). Ocker, Fabian ; Ott, Marion ; Ehrhart, Karlmartin.
    In: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment.

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  8. Shifting load through space–The economics of spatial demand side management using distributed data centers. (2017). Fridgen, Gilbert ; Wederhake, Lars ; Thimmel, Markus ; Keller, Robert .
    In: Energy Policy.

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  9. Strategic behavior in the German balancing energy mechanism: incentives, evidence, costs and solutions. (2015). Weber, Christoph ; Just, Sebastian .
    In: Journal of Regulatory Economics.

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  10. Strategic Behavior in the German Balancing Energy Mechanism: Incentives, Evidence, Costs and Solutions. (2012). Weber, Christoph ; Just, Sebastian .
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References cited by this document

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  31. Swider, D. ; Weber, C. Optimized bidding in a day-ahead multi-unit procurement auction for power systems reserve. 2007 European Journal for Operations Research. 181 1297-1308
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  34. Wieschhaus, L., Weigt, H., 2008. Economic interactions between electricity reserve markets and wholesale electricity markets. Electricity Markets Working Papers, WP-EM-30, Dresden University of Technology.
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