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Banks total factor productivity change in a developing economy: Does ownership and origins matter?. (2011). SUFIAN, FADZLAN.
In: Journal of Asian Economics.

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  3. A decomposition analysis of managerial efficiency for the insurance companies: A data envelopment analysis approach. (2020). Govindaraju, Chandran VGR ; V. G. R. Chandran, ; Devadason, Evelyn Shyamala ; Kweh, Qian Long ; Nourani, Mohammad.
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  4. Corporate governance and banks’ productivity: evidence from the banking industry in Bangladesh. (2020). Islam, Azharul ; Iqbal, Md Asad ; Mohd, Shah Asadullah ; Ur, Md Harun.
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  5. Total productivity and cost efficiency dynamics of US merging banks: A non-parametric bootstrapped analysis of the fifth merger wave. (2020). Hussain, Tashfeen ; Essaddam, Naceur ; Al-Khasawneh, Jamal Ali.
    In: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

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  7. Financial Inclusion, Deepening and Efficiency in Microfinance Programs: Evidence from Bangladesh. (2019). Wijesiri, Mahinda ; Damme, Patrick ; Pellegrina, Lucia Dalla ; Mia, Md Aslam.
    In: The European Journal of Development Research.

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  8. Economic liberalization and sources of productivity growth in Indonesian Banks: is it efficiency improvement or technological progress?. (2017). Salim, Ruhul ; Bloch, Harry ; Defung, Felisitas.
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  9. Bank efficiency in Malaysia: a use of malmquist meta-frontier analysis. (2017). Muhammad, Abdul Kadar ; Munisamy, Susila ; Abul, MD ; Wanke, Peter ; Saona, Paolo.
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  10. A sequential global Malmquist productivity index: Productivity growth index for unbalanced panel data considering the progressive nature of technology. (2017). Oh, Yoonhwan ; Lee, Jeong-Dong.
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  11. Forced Mergers on Bank Efficiency and Productivity: Evidence from Semi-parametric Malmquist Productivity Index. (2017). SUFIAN, FADZLAN ; Kamarudin, Fakarudin.
    In: Global Business Review.

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  12. Productivity decomposition and economies of scale of Korean fossil-fuel power generation companies: 2001–2012. (2016). Oh, Dong-Hyun ; Lee, Yong-Gil.
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  13. Productivity and its determinants in microfinance institutions (MFIs): Evidence from South Asian countries. (2016). Aslam, MD ; ben Soltane, Bassem Ibrahim .
    In: Economic Analysis and Policy.

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  14. Influence of Turbulent Macroeconomic Environment on Productivity Change of Banking Sector: Empirical Evidence from India. (2015). .
    In: Global Business Review.

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  15. The impact of ownership structure on bank productivity and efficiency: Evidence from semi-parametric Malmquist Productivity Index. (2014). SUFIAN, FADZLAN ; Kamarudin, Fakarudin.
    In: Cogent Economics & Finance.

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  16. Estimating Productivity Change in South African Banks: Decomposing Productity Index Numbers. (2012). Van Der Westhuizen, Gerhardus .
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