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The effect of benchmarked performance measures and strategic analysis on auditors risk assessments and mental models. (2010). Kochetova-Kozloski, Natalia ; Salterio, Steven E. ; Knechel, Robert W..
In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  1. A mental model approach to teaching database querying skills with SQL and Alteryx. (2023). Casterella, Gretchen ; Lee, Lorraine.
    In: Journal of Accounting Education.

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  2. An equity crowdfunding research agenda: evidence from stakeholder participation in the rulemaking process. (2020). Hamilton, Erin L ; Vismara, Silvio ; Rawhouser, Hans ; Cummings, Michael E.
    In: Small Business Economics.

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  3. Materiality judgments in an integrated reporting setting: The effect of strategic relevance and strategy map. (2019). Cheng, Mandy M ; Green, Wendy J.
    In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  4. External Auditors Judgment and Decision Making: An Audit Process Task Analysis. (2018). MacTavish, Carolyn ; Schmidt, Regan N ; McCracken, Susan.
    In: Accounting Perspectives.

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  5. Responsiveness of Auditors to the Audit Risk Standards: Unique Evidence from Big 4 Audit Firms. (2018). Niemi, Lasse ; Collis, Jill ; Ojala, Hannu ; Knechel, Robert W.
    In: Accounting in Europe.

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  6. The interplay between strategic risk profiles and presentation format on managers strategic judgments using the balanced scorecard. (2018). Cheng, Mandy M ; Zhang, Yichelle Y ; Humphreys, Kerry A.
    In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  7. A natural field experiment examining the joint role of audit partner leadership and subordinates’ knowledge in fraud brainstorming. (2018). Dennis, Sean A ; Johnstone, Karla M.
    In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  8. Client business models, process business risks and the risk of material misstatement of revenue. (2016). Wright, William F.
    In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  9. The decision to outsource risk management services. (2016). Christensen, Jacqueline ; Smith, Tom ; Kent, Pamela.
    In: Accounting and Finance.

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  10. Group judgment and decision making in auditing: Past and future research. (2015). Trotman, Ken T ; Humphreys, Kerry A ; Bauer, Tim D.
    In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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  11. Managing audits to manage earnings: The impact of diversions on an auditor’s detection of earnings management. (2015). Luippold, Benjamin L. ; Kida, Thomas ; Smith, James F. ; Piercey, David M..
    In: Accounting, Organizations and Society.

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References cited by this document

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