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Forecasting the total market value of a shares traded in the Shenzhen stock exchange via the neural network. (2022). Zhang, Yun ; Xu, Xiaojie.
In: Economics Bulletin.

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  69. Xu, X., 2015a. Causality, price discovery, and price forecasts: Evidence from us corn cash and futures markets .
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  70. Xu, X., 2015b. Cointegration among regional corn cash prices. Economics Bulletin 35, 2581–2594. URL: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❛❝❝❡ss❡❝♦♥✳❝♦♠✴P✉❜s✴❊❇✴✷✵✶✺✴❱♦❧✉♠❡✸✺✴ ❊❇✲✶✺✲❱✸✺✲■✹✲P✷✺✾✳♣❞❢.

  71. Xu, X., 2017a. Contemporaneous causal orderings of us corn cash prices through directed acyclic graphs. Empirical Economics 52, 731–758. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✵✵✶✽✶✲✵✶✻✲✶✵✾✹✲✹.

  72. Xu, X., 2017b. The rolling causal structure between the chinese stock index and futures. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 31, 491–509. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✶✶✹✵✽✲✵✶✼✲✵✷✾✾✲✼.

  73. Xu, X., 2017c. Short-run price forecast performance of individual and composite models for 496 corn cash markets. Journal of Applied Statistics 44, 2593–2620. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✽✵✴✵✷✻✻✹✼✻✸✳ ✷✵✶✻✳✶✷✺✾✸✾✾.

  74. Xu, X., 2018a. Causal structure among us corn futures and regional cash prices in the time and frequency domain. Journal of Applied Statistics 45, 2455–2480. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✽✵✴✵✷✻✻✹✼✻✸✳ ✷✵✶✼✳✶✹✷✸✵✹✹.

  75. Xu, X., 2018b. Cointegration and price discovery in us corn cash and futures markets. Empirical Economics 55, 1889–1923. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✵✵✶✽✶✲✵✶✼✲✶✸✷✷✲✻.

  76. Xu, X., 2018c. Intraday price information lows between the csi300 and futures market: an application of wavelet analysis. Empirical Economics 54, 1267–1295. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴ s✵✵✶✽✶✲✵✶✼✲✶✷✹✺✲✷.

  77. Xu, X., 2018d. Linear and nonlinear causality between corn cash and futures prices. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 16, 20160006. doi:✶✵✳✶✺✶✺✴ ❥❛❢✐♦✲✷✵✶✻✲✵✵✵✻.
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  78. Xu, X., 2018e. Using local information to improve short-run corn price forecasts. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 16. doi:✶✵✳✶✺✶✺✴❥❛❢✐♦✲✷✵✶✼✲✵✵✶✽.
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  79. Xu, X., 2019a. Contemporaneous and granger causality among us corn cash and futures prices. European Review of Agricultural Economics 46, 663–695. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✾✸✴❡r❛❡✴❥❜②✵✸✻.
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  80. Xu, X., 2019b. Contemporaneous causal orderings of csi300 and futures prices through directed acyclic graphs. Economics Bulletin 39, 2052–2077. URL: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❛❝❝❡ss❡❝♦♥✳❝♦♠✴ P✉❜s✴❊❇✴✷✵✶✾✴❱♦❧✉♠❡✸✾✴❊❇✲✶✾✲❱✸✾✲■✸✲P✶✾✷✳♣❞❢.

  81. Xu, X., 2019c. Price dynamics in corn cash and futures markets: cointegration, causality, and forecasting through a rolling window approach. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 33, 155–181. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✶✶✹✵✽✲✵✶✾✲✵✵✸✸✵✲✼.

  82. Xu, X., 2020. Corn cash price forecasting. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102, 1297–1320. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✷✴❛❥❛❡✳✶✷✵✹✶.

  83. Xu, X., Thurman, W., 2015a. Forecasting local grain prices: An evaluation of composite models in 500 corn cash markets doi:✶✵✳✷✷✵✵✹✴❛❣✳❡❝♦♥✳✷✵✺✸✸✷.
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  84. Xu, X., Thurman, W.N., 2015b. Using local information to improve short-run corn cash price forecasts doi:✶✵✳✷✷✵✵✹✴❛❣✳❡❝♦♥✳✷✽✺✽✹✺.
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  85. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021a. Corn cash price forecasting with neural networks. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 184, 106120. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳❝♦♠♣❛❣✳✷✵✷✶✳✶✵✻✶✷✵.
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  86. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021b. House price forecasting with neural networks. Intelligent Systems with Applications 12, 200052. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳✐s✇❛✳✷✵✷✶✳✷✵✵✵✺✷.
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  87. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021c. Individual time series and composite forecasting of the chinese stock index. Machine Learning with Applications 5, 100035. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳♠❧✇❛✳✷✵✷✶✳ ✶✵✵✵✸✺.
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  88. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021d. Network analysis of corn cash price comovements. Machine Learning with Applications 6, 100140. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳♠❧✇❛✳✷✵✷✶✳✶✵✵✶✹✵.
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  89. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021e. Rent index forecasting through neural networks. Journal of Economic Studies doi:✶✵✳✶✶✵✽✴❏❊❙✲✵✻✲✷✵✷✶✲✵✸✶✻.

  90. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021f. Second-hand house price index forecasting with neural networks. Journal of Property Research doi:✶✵✳✶✵✽✵✴✵✾✺✾✾✾✶✻✳✷✵✷✶✳✶✾✾✻✹✹✻.
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  91. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022a. Canola and soybean oil price forecasts via neural networks. Advances in Computational Intelligence .
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  92. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022b. Cointegration between housing prices: evidence from one hundred chinese cities. Journal of Property Research .
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  93. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022c. Coking coal futures price index forecasting with the neural network. Mineral Economics doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✶✸✺✻✸✲✵✷✷✲✵✵✸✶✶✲✾.
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  94. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022d. Commodity price forecasting via neural networks for cofee, corn, cotton, oats, soybeans, soybean oil, sugar, and wheat. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✷✴✐s❛❢✳✶✺✶✾.
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  95. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022e. Contemporaneous causality among one hundred chinese cities. Empirical Economics doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✵✵✶✽✶✲✵✷✶✲✵✷✶✾✵✲✺.
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  96. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022f. Contemporaneous causality among residential housing prices of ten major chinese cities. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis doi:✶✵✳✶✶✵✽✴ ■❏❍▼❆✲✵✸✲✷✵✷✷✲✵✵✸✾.

  97. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022g. Network analysis of housing price comovements of a hundred chinese cities. National Institute Economic Review doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✼✴♥✐❡✳✷✵✷✶✳✸✹.
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  98. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022h. Network analysis of price comovements among corn futures and cash prices. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization .
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  99. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022i. Residential housing price index forecasting via neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✵✵✺✷✶✲✵✷✷✲✵✼✸✵✾✲②.
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  100. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022j. Retail property price index forecasting through neural networks. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management .
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  101. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022k. Soybean and soybean oil price forecasting through the nonlinear autoregressive neural network (narnn) and narnn with exogenous inputs (narnn–x). Intelligent Systems with Applications 13, 200061. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳✐s✇❛✳✷✵✷✷✳✷✵✵✵✻✶.
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  102. Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022l. Thermal coal price forecasting via the neural network. Intelligent Systems with Applications 14, 200084. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳✐s✇❛✳✷✵✷✷✳✷✵✵✵✽✹.
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  103. Yang, J., Awokuse, T.O., 2003. Asset storability and hedging efectiveness in commodity futures markets. Applied Economics Letters 10, 487–491. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✽✵✴✶✸✺✵✹✽✺✵✸✷✵✵✵✵✾✺✸✻✻.

  104. Yang, J., Cabrera, J., Wang, T., 2010. Nonlinearity, data-snooping, and stock index etf return predictability. European Journal of Operational Research 200, 498–507. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳ ❡❥♦r✳✷✵✵✾✳✵✶✳✵✵✾.

  105. Yang, J., Haigh, M.S., Leatham, D.J., 2001. Agricultural liberalization policy and commodity price volatility: a garch application. Applied Economics Letters 8, 593–598. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✽✵✴ ✶✸✺✵✹✽✺✵✵✶✵✵✶✽✼✸✹.

  106. Yang, J., Leatham, D.J., 1998. Market eiciency of us grain markets: application of cointegration tests. Agribusiness: An International Journal 14, 107–112. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✷✴✭❙■❈■✮ ✶✺✷✵✲✻✷✾✼✭✶✾✾✽✵✸✴✵✹✮✶✹✿✷❁✶✵✼✿✿❆■❉✲❆●❘✸❃✸✳✵✳❈❖❀✷✲✻.
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  107. Yang, J., Li, Z., Wang, T., 2021. Price discovery in chinese agricultural futures markets: A comprehensive look. Journal of Futures Markets 41, 536–555. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✷✴❢✉t✳✷✷✶✼✾.

  108. Yang, J., Su, X., Kolari, J.W., 2008. Do euro exchange rates follow a martingale? some out-ofsample evidence. Journal of Banking & Finance 32, 729–740. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳❥❜❛♥❦❢✐♥✳ ✷✵✵✼✳✵✺✳✵✵✾.

  109. Yang, J., Zhang, J., Leatham, D.J., 2003. Price and volatility transmission in international wheat futures markets. Annals of Economics and Finance 4, 37–50.

  110. Yang, L., Cheng, X., 2015. Predictive analytics on csi 300 index based on arima and rbf-ann combined model. Journal of Mathematical Finance 5, 393. doi:✶✵✳✹✷✸✻✴❥♠❢✳✷✵✶✺✳✺✹✵✸✸.
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  111. Yao, S., Luo, L., Peng, H., 2018. High-frequency stock trend forecast using lstm model, in: 2018 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), IEEE. pp. 1–4. doi:✶✵✳✶✶✵✾✴■❈❈❙❊✳✷✵✶✽✳✽✹✻✽✼✵✸.
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  112. Ye, X., Yan, R., Li, H., 2014. Forecasting trading volume in the chinese stock market based on the dynamic vwap. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics 18, 125–144. doi:✶✵✳ ✶✺✶✺✴s♥❞❡✲✷✵✶✸✲✵✵✷✸.
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  113. Zhang, G.P., Qi, M., 2005. Neural network forecasting for seasonal and trend time series. European Journal of Operational Research 160, 501–514. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳❡❥♦r✳✷✵✵✸✳✵✽✳ ✵✸✼.

  114. Zhang, Y.T., Sun, B., 2017. Analysis of csi 300 stock index futures price trend based on arima model. DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science doi:✶✵✳ ✶✷✼✽✸✴❞tss❡❤s✴s❡♠❡✷✵✶✼✴✶✽✵✷✷.
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  115. Zhou, J., Huo, X., Xu, X., Li, Y., 2019. Forecasting the carbon price using extreme-point symmetric mode decomposition and extreme learning machine optimized by the grey wolf optimizer algorithm. Energies 12, 950. doi:✶✵✳✸✸✾✵✴❡♥✶✷✵✺✵✾✺✵.


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