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Xu, X., 2017c. Short-run price forecast performance of individual and composite models for 496 corn cash markets. Journal of Applied Statistics 44, 2593–2620. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✽✵✴✵✷✻✻✹✼✻✸✳ ✷✵✶✻✳✶✷✺✾✸✾✾.
Xu, X., 2018a. Causal structure among us corn futures and regional cash prices in the time and frequency domain. Journal of Applied Statistics 45, 2455–2480. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✽✵✴✵✷✻✻✹✼✻✸✳ ✷✵✶✼✳✶✹✷✸✵✹✹.
Xu, X., 2018b. Cointegration and price discovery in us corn cash and futures markets. Empirical Economics 55, 1889–1923. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✵✵✶✽✶✲✵✶✼✲✶✸✷✷✲✻.
Xu, X., 2018c. Intraday price information lows between the csi300 and futures market: an application of wavelet analysis. Empirical Economics 54, 1267–1295. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴ s✵✵✶✽✶✲✵✶✼✲✶✷✹✺✲✷.
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- Xu, X., 2018e. Using local information to improve short-run corn price forecasts. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 16. doi:✶✵✳✶✺✶✺✴❥❛❢✐♦✲✷✵✶✼✲✵✵✶✽.
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Xu, X., 2019b. Contemporaneous causal orderings of csi300 and futures prices through directed acyclic graphs. Economics Bulletin 39, 2052–2077. URL: ❤tt♣✿✴✴✇✇✇✳❛❝❝❡ss❡❝♦♥✳❝♦♠✴ P✉❜s✴❊❇✴✷✵✶✾✴❱♦❧✉♠❡✸✾✴❊❇✲✶✾✲❱✸✾✲■✸✲P✶✾✷✳♣❞❢.
Xu, X., 2019c. Price dynamics in corn cash and futures markets: cointegration, causality, and forecasting through a rolling window approach. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 33, 155–181. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✶✶✹✵✽✲✵✶✾✲✵✵✸✸✵✲✼.
Xu, X., 2020. Corn cash price forecasting. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102, 1297–1320. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✷✴❛❥❛❡✳✶✷✵✹✶.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021a. Corn cash price forecasting with neural networks. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 184, 106120. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳❝♦♠♣❛❣✳✷✵✷✶✳✶✵✻✶✷✵.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021b. House price forecasting with neural networks. Intelligent Systems with Applications 12, 200052. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳✐s✇❛✳✷✵✷✶✳✷✵✵✵✺✷.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021c. Individual time series and composite forecasting of the chinese stock index. Machine Learning with Applications 5, 100035. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳♠❧✇❛✳✷✵✷✶✳ ✶✵✵✵✸✺.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021d. Network analysis of corn cash price comovements. Machine Learning with Applications 6, 100140. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳♠❧✇❛✳✷✵✷✶✳✶✵✵✶✹✵.
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Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2021e. Rent index forecasting through neural networks. Journal of Economic Studies doi:✶✵✳✶✶✵✽✴❏❊❙✲✵✻✲✷✵✷✶✲✵✸✶✻.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022a. Canola and soybean oil price forecasts via neural networks. Advances in Computational Intelligence .
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022b. Cointegration between housing prices: evidence from one hundred chinese cities. Journal of Property Research .
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022c. Coking coal futures price index forecasting with the neural network. Mineral Economics doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✶✸✺✻✸✲✵✷✷✲✵✵✸✶✶✲✾.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022d. Commodity price forecasting via neural networks for cofee, corn, cotton, oats, soybeans, soybean oil, sugar, and wheat. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✷✴✐s❛❢✳✶✺✶✾.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022e. Contemporaneous causality among one hundred chinese cities. Empirical Economics doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✵✵✶✽✶✲✵✷✶✲✵✷✶✾✵✲✺.
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Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022f. Contemporaneous causality among residential housing prices of ten major chinese cities. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis doi:✶✵✳✶✶✵✽✴ ■❏❍▼❆✲✵✸✲✷✵✷✷✲✵✵✸✾.
- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022g. Network analysis of housing price comovements of a hundred chinese cities. National Institute Economic Review doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✼✴♥✐❡✳✷✵✷✶✳✸✹.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022h. Network analysis of price comovements among corn futures and cash prices. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization .
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022i. Residential housing price index forecasting via neural networks. Neural Computing and Applications doi:✶✵✳✶✵✵✼✴s✵✵✺✷✶✲✵✷✷✲✵✼✸✵✾✲②.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022j. Retail property price index forecasting through neural networks. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management .
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022k. Soybean and soybean oil price forecasting through the nonlinear autoregressive neural network (narnn) and narnn with exogenous inputs (narnn–x). Intelligent Systems with Applications 13, 200061. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳✐s✇❛✳✷✵✷✷✳✷✵✵✵✻✶.
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- Xu, X., Zhang, Y., 2022l. Thermal coal price forecasting via the neural network. Intelligent Systems with Applications 14, 200084. doi:✶✵✳✶✵✶✻✴❥✳✐s✇❛✳✷✵✷✷✳✷✵✵✵✽✹.
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