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An analysis of the Eurosystem/ECB projections. (2019). Lambrias, Kyriacos ; Kontogeorgos, Georgios.
In: Working Paper Series.

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  1. Not all ECB meetings are created equal. (2023). Tillmann, Peter ; Kandemir, Sinem.
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  3. Analysing euro area inflation outlook with the Phillips curve. (2021). Vilmi, Lauri ; Oinonen, Sami.
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  4. Is High Inflation the New Challenge for Central Banks?. (2021). Tamborini, Roberto ; Roberto, Luigi Bonatti.
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  5. Interest-rate setting and communication at the ECB in its first twenty years. (2021). Jung, Alexander ; Cour-Thimann, Philippine.
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  6. ALICE: Composite leading indicators for euro area inflation cycles. (2021). Zekaite, Zivile ; de Bondt, Gabe ; Hahn, Elke.
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  9. The Bias and Efficiency of the ECB Inflation Projections: a State Dependent Analysis. (2021). Jalasjoki, Pirkka ; Granziera, Eleonora ; Paloviita, Maritta.
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  10. Interest rate setting and communication at the ECB. (2020). Jung, Alexander ; Cour-Thimann, Philippine.
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  11. The European Central Bank’s Monetary Policy during Its First 20 Years. (2018). Smets, Frank ; Hartman, Philipp.
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References cited by this document

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