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The Anatomy of Behavioral Responses to Social Assistance when Informal Employment is High. (2016). Cruces, Guillermo ; Bergolo, Marcelo.
In: CEDLAS, Working Papers.

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  1. Respuestas en los ingresos frente a un programa de transferencias monetarias: evidencia de un notch a partir de registros administrativos de Uruguay. (2019). Vila, Joan .
    In: Documentos de Trabajo (working papers).

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  2. The effect of welfare payments on work: Regression discontinuity evidence from Ecuador. (2019). Schady, Norbert ; Bosch, Mariano.
    In: Journal of Development Economics.

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  3. Inequality and fiscal policies in Uruguay by race. (2018). Rossi, Maximo ; Bucheli, Marisa ; Amábile, Florencia ; Amabile, Florencia.
    In: The Journal of Economic Inequality.

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  4. Inequality and fiscal policies in Uruguay by race. (2018). Rossi, Maximo ; Bucheli, Marisa ; Amábile, Florencia ; MaximoRossi, ; Amabile, Florencia.
    In: The Journal of Economic Inequality.

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  5. Intra-household Behavioral Responses to Cash Transfer Programs. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design. (2018). Galván, Estefanía ; Bergolo, Marcelo.
    In: World Development.

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  6. Behavioral responses and welfare reform: Evidence from a randomized experiment. (2018). Hartley, Robert Paul ; Lamarche, Carlos .
    In: Labour Economics.

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  7. Behavioral Responses and Welfare Reform: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. (2017). Lamarche, Carlos ; Hartley, Robert.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  8. The Anatomy of Behavioral Responses to Social Assistance When Informal Employment Is High. (2016). Cruces, Guillermo ; Bergolo, Marcelo.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  6. APPENDIX: ONLY FOR ONLINE PUBLICATION The Anatomy of Behavioral Responses to Social Assistance when Informal Employment is High Marcelo Bergolo and Guillermo Cruces August 2016 i

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