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Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions. (2014). Strack, Philipp ; Viefers, Paul .
In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.

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  1. Learning to hesitate. (2022). Page, Lionel ; Massoni, Sébastien ; Descamps, Ambroise.
    In: Experimental Economics.

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  2. Searching to avoid regret: An experimental evidence. (2021). Jhunjhunwala, Tanushree.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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  3. .

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  4. When to stop? A Theoretical and experimental investigation of an individual search task. (2020). Bouhlel, Imen ; Guerci, Eric ; Festre, Agnes ; Chessa, Michela.
    In: Working Papers.

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  5. When choosing is painful: anticipated regret and psychological opportunity cost. (2020). Gabillon, Emmanuelle.
    In: Bordeaux Economics Working Papers.

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  6. Salience and skewness preferences. (2019). Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus ; Koster, Mats.
    In: DICE Discussion Papers.

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  7. Learning to hesitate. (2019). Massoni, Sebastien ; Descamps, Ambroise.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  8. Learning to hesitate. (2019). Page, Lionel ; Massoni, Sebastien ; Descamps, Ambroise.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  9. When to Stop? A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of an Individual Search Task. (2019). Guerci, Eric ; Festré, Agnès ; Chessa, Michela ; Bouhlel, Imen.
    In: GREDEG Working Papers.

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  10. Optimal hesitation, an experiment. (2017). Page, Lionel ; Massoni, Sébastien ; Descamps, Ambroise.
    In: QuBE Working Papers.

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  11. Regret theory and risk attitudes. (2017). Diecidue, Enrico ; Somasundaram, Jeeva.
    In: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

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  12. Does uncertainty cause inertia in decision making? An experimental study of the role of regret aversion and indecisiveness. (2017). Sautua, Santiago I.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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  14. Regret in One-Shot and Recurrent Decisions: A Cautionary Tale. (2016). Wilson, Alistair ; Lame, Diego ; Imas, Alex.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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