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- Further details on the calibration can be found in Almeida et al. (2013a). Castro et al. (2014) places a special focus on the calibration of the financial sector.
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- Households parameters are largely based on Fagan, Gaspar, and Pereira (2004), Harrison et al. (2005), Kumhof and Laxton (2007) and Kumhof et al. (2010). Consumption shares are calibrated to ensure a unitary elasticity of labor supply to real wage. The instant probability of death and the productivity decay rate are assumed to be identical, implying an average lifetime and an expected working life of 25 years. The share of hand-to-mouth households is broadly in line with the estimates for Portugal presented in Castro (2006).
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- Steady-state inflation stands at 2 percent per year and the euro area nominal interest rate at 4.5 percent (Coenen, McAdam, and Straub 2007). Steady-state tax rates, transfers from the rest of the euro area, government consumption, and government transfers are calibrated to match actual data.
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- The annual growth rate of the labor-augmenting productivity is set to 2 percent, which is a plausible estimate for potential output growth in both Portugal and the euro area (Almeida and F elix 2006, Musso and Westermann 2005, Proietti and Musso 2007).
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- The depreciation rate of capital is calibrated by taking into account actual data on the investment-to-GDP ratio. The unitary elasticity of substitution between capital and labor in the production function takes into account the actual labor income share. The steadystate price markup of tradable and non-tradable goods is calibrated using OECD product market regulation indicators, as well as the correlation between tradable and non-tradable goods markups and product market regulation indicators found in Høj et al. (2007). The elasticity of substitution between domestic tradable goods and imported goods is assumed to be identical across firms and set above unity (Coenen, McAdam, and Straub 2007, Harrison et al. 2005, Erceg, Henderson, and Levin 2000, Kumhof et al. 2010). The degree of monopolistic competition amongst distributors is lower than among manufacturers.
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- The leverage ratio of entrepreneurs, the probability of default, and the return on capital—assumed identical for the tradable and non-tradable sectors—are approximated with aggregate Portuguese historical features. The leverage ratio is 100 percent. The same value is used in Bernanke, Gertler, and Gilchrist (1999) and Kumhof et al. (2010). The probability of default—8 percent—is relatively close to the exit rates reported in Mata, Antunes, and Portugal (2010), and in line with the value found in Kumhof et al. (2010).
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- The loan rate spread of 175 basis points is close to the average value for the 2000-07 period.
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