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- LSAPs is a dummy variable equal to one during periods of LSAPs; DA( ) denotes the proportion of …rms in an industry with DA below the-th quantile; CR is the proportion of …rms in an industry with investment grade credit ratings. The sample consists of an unbalanced panel of 3; 647 U.S. publicly traded non-…nancial …rms observed at a quarterly frequency over the period 2007:Q1 - 2018:Q3. Robust standard errors (in parentheses) are computed using the delta method (*** p < 0:01, ** p < 0:05, * p < 0:1).
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- LSAPs is the (scaled) amount of U.S. Treasuries and agency MBS purchased by the Fed; DA( ) denotes the proportion of …rms in an industry with DA below the-th quantile; CR is the proportion of …rms in an industry with investment grade credit ratings. The sample only includes …rms with at least 10 time observations, resulting in an unbalanced panel of 3; 011 U.S. publicly traded non-…nancial …rms observed at a quarterly frequency over the period 2007:Q1 - 2018:Q3. Robust standard errors (in parentheses) are computed using the delta method (*** p < 0:01, ** p < 0:05, * p < 0:1).
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- LSAPs is the (scaled) amount of U.S. Treasuries and agency MBS purchased by the Fed; DA( ) denotes the proportion of …rms in an industry with DA below the-th quantile; CR is the proportion of …rms in an industry with investment grade credit ratings. The sample only includes …rms with at least 8 time observations, resulting in an unbalanced panel of 3; 236 U.S. publicly traded non-…nancial …rms observed at a quarterly frequency over the period 2007:Q1 - 2018:Q3. Robust standard errors (in parentheses) are computed using the delta method (*** p < 0:01, ** p < 0:05, * p < 0:1).
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- Table C.13: Estimated quantile threshold parameters Estimates of the quantile threshold parameters from a grid search procedure across both the partial adjustment model and the ARDL speci…cations described in equation (10). The upper panel shows the estimated threshold parameters for the single-threshold panel regression model, where pre = post. The lower panel displays results for the two-threshold model, where pre 6= post. The estimation sample consists of an unbalanced panel of 3; 647 U.S. publicly traded non-…nancial …rms observed at a quarterly frequency over the period 2007:Q1 -2018:Q3. Par. Adj. ARDL(1) ARDL(2) pre = post = ^ 0.56 0.76 0.76 pre 6= post ^pre 0.56 0.56 0.56 ^post 0.77 0.77 0.77 Table C.14 reports the estimated coe cients for the partial adjustment model, while Table C.15 and C.16 report the estimates for the ARDL(1) and ARDL(2) speci…cation, respectively.
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- The sample consists of an unbalanced panel of 3; 647 U.S. publicly traded non-…nancial …rms observed at a quarterly frequency over the period 2007:Q1 - 2018:Q3. Robust standard errors in parentheses (*** p < 0:01, ** p < 0:05, * p < 0:1).
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