- , (A-29) where mj, v2 j , and qj, j = 1, 2, ..., 7, are constants specified in Kim et al. (1998) and thus need not be estimated. In turn, (A-29) implies u∗∗ Ä+1
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- , (A-30) 40 However, we modify the algorithm of Primiceri (2005) to reflect the correction to the ordering of steps detailed in Del Negro and Primiceri (2014). where each state has probability Pr (sÄ+1 = j) = qj. (A-31) Draws for the sequence of states st can easily be obtained, noting that each of its elements can be independently drawn from the discrete density defined by Pr sÄ+1 = j| Θ, θt , ht , M0 i, Dt = qjfN r∗∗ Ä+1
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- , we cannot resort to standard Kalman recursions and simulation algorithms such as those in Carter and Kohn (1994) or Durbin and Koopman (2002). To obviate this problem, Kim et al. (1998) employ a data augmentation approach and introduce a new state variable sÄ+1, Ä = 1, .., t−1, turning their focus on drawing from p ht Θ, θt , st, M0 i, Dt instead of p ht Θ, θt , M0 i, Dt . The introduction of the state variable sÄ+1 allows us to rewrite the linear non-Gaussian state space representation in (A-27)-(A-28) as a linear Gaussian state space model, making use of the following approximation, u∗∗ Ä+1 ≈ 7
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- , we follow Primiceri (2005) and employ the algorithm of Kim et al.
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- . (A-41) 3. Draws from p rt+1| θt+1, ht+1, Θ, θt , ht, M0 i, Dt : we have that rt+1| θt+1, ht+1, Θ, θt , ht , M0 i, Dt ∼ N (( + t+1) + (β + βt+1) xt, exp (ht+1)) . (A-42) B Sequential combination In this section, we summarize the prior elicitation and the posterior simulation for the density combination algorithm proposed in Billio et al. (2013), which we extend with a learning mechanism based on the past economic performance of the individual models entering the combination.
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- (1998).40 Define r∗ Ä+1 = rÄ+1 − ( + Ä+1) − (β + βÄ+1) xÄ and note that r∗ Ä+1 is observable conditional on , β, and θt . Next, rewrite (19) as r∗ Ä+1 = exp (hÄ+1) uÄ+1. (A-26) Squaring and taking logs on both sides of (A-26) yields a new state space system that replaces (19)-(21) with r∗∗ Ä+1 = 2hÄ+1 + u∗∗ Ä+1, (A-27) hÄ+1 = λ0 + λ1hÄ + ξÄ+1, (A-28) where r∗∗ Ä+1 = ln h r∗ Ä+1 2 i , and u∗∗ Ä+1 = ln u2 Ä+1 , with u∗∗ Ä independent of ξs for all Ä and s. Since u∗∗ Ä+1 ∼ ln Ç2 1
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- All results are based on an evaluation period that extends from January 1947 to December 2007.
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- All results are based on the whole forecast evaluation period, January 1947 -
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- All results are based on the whole forecast evaluation period, January 1947 -
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- Columns two to five of Table C.4 show CERD results separately for recession and expansion periods, as defined by the NBER indicator. This type of analysis has been proposed by authors such as Rapach et al. (2010) and Henkel et al. (2011). When focusing on the linear models (columns two and four), we find higher economic predictability in recessions than in expansions. This results is consistent with the findings in these studies. For the TVP-SV models (column three and five), the story is however different. There we find the largest economic gains during expansions. This holds true both for the individual models and the various model combinations. This finding is somewhat surprising, since we would expect time-varying models to help when entering recessions; on the other hand, stochastic volatility might reduce the return volatility during long expansionary periods, having important consequences in the resulting asset allocations.
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- D Additional results In this section, we present a number of supplementary tables and charts, including results for a shorter evaluation sample ending in 2007 before the onset of the latest recession, and a graphical summary of the time dynamics of the CER-based DeCo combination weights.
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- SVAR Log(Smooth EP) Log(DY) BM Log(NPY) Log(DE) NTIS Log(EP) Others This figure plots the posterior means of the CER-based DeCo weights for the top individual linear models (top panel) and TVP-SV models (bottom panel) over the out-of-sample period. The individual predictors showed are Log(DP): log dividend price ratio, Log(DY): log dividend yield, Log(EP): log earning price ratio, Log(Smooth EP): log smooth earning price ratio, Log(DE): log dividend-payout ratio, BM: book-to-market ratio, TBL: T-Bill rate, LTY: long-term yield, LTR: long-term return, TMS: term spread, DFY: default yield spread, DFR: default return spread, SVAR: stock variance, NTIS: net equity expansion, INFL: inflation, and Log(NPY): log total net payout yield. The out of sample period starts in January 1947 and ends in December 2010.
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- The last four columns of Table C.4 show CERD results separately for two out-of-sample periods, 1947-1978 and 1979-2010. Welch and Goyal (2008) argue that the predictive ability of many predictor variables deteriorates markedly after the 1973-1975 oil shock, so we are particularly interested in whether the same holds true here. The results of Table C.4 are overall consistent with this pattern, as we observe smaller gains during the second subsample, both for the individual models and the various model combinations. However, the CER-based DeCo CERDs are still fairly large, as high as 87 basis points in the case of linear models, and as high as 167 basis points in the TVP-SV case.
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- We measure statistical significance relative to the prevailing mean model using the Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-tests for equality of the average loss. One star * indicates significance at 10% level; two stars ** significance at 5% level; three stars *** significance at 1% level. Bold figures indicate all instances in which the forecast accuracy measures are greater than zero.
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- We measure statistical significance relative to the prevailing mean model using the Diebold and Mariano (1995) t-tests for equality of the average loss. One star * indicates significance at 10% level; two stars ** significance at 5% level; three stars *** significance at 1% level. Bold figures indicate all instances in which the forecast accuracy metrics are greater than zero.
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