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Trade openness and the environmental Kuznets curve: Evidence from Chinese cities. (2020). Fang, Zheng ; Yang, Zhuoxiang ; Huang, Bihong.
In: The World Economy.

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  1. The effects of foreign product demand-labor transfer nexus on human capital investment in China. (2023). Zhu, Yuqi ; Morrison, Alastair M ; Lee, Chien-Chiang.
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  2. The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) Hypothesis in China: A Review. (2023). Rej, Soumen ; Hassan, Muhammad Shahid ; Furqan, Maham ; Mahmood, Haider.
    In: Sustainability.

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  6. Export trade and smog pollution: Empirical evidence from China. (2021). Yu, Xuewei ; Bai, Junhong.
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  7. A visualization review analysis of the last two decades for Environmental Kuznets Curve “EKC” based on co-citation analysis theory and pathfinder network scaling algorithms. (2020). Shahbaz, Muhammad ; Ozturk, Ilhan ; Rong, Kong ; Memon, Kamran Ali ; Koondhar, Mansoor Ahmed.
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References cited by this document

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