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Womens and Mens Relative Status and Intimate Partner Violence in India. (2014). Weitzman, Abigail .
In: Population and Development Review.

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  1. Dont cross the line: Bounding the causal effect of hypergamy violation on domestic violence in India. (2022). Dhamija, Gaurav ; Roychowdhury, Punarjit.
    In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A.

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  2. Husband, sons and fertility gap: Evidence from India. (2019). Parasnis, Jaai ; Mishra, Ankita.
    In: Monash Economics Working Papers.

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  3. Complicating narratives of women’s food and nutrition insecurity: Domestic violence in rural Bangladesh. (2018). Lentz, Erin C.
    In: World Development.

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  4. Longitudinal analysis of the impact of economic empowerment on risk for intimate partner violence among married women in rural Maharashtra, India. (2018). Raj, Anita ; Shakya, Holly B ; Donta, Balaiah ; Saggurti, Niranjan ; Klugman, Jeni ; Silverman, Jay G.
    In: Social Science & Medicine.

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References cited by this document

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