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Bargaining your way to success: The effect of Machiavellian chief executive officers on firm costs. (2022). Petrenko, Oleg V ; Hill, Aaron D ; Aime, Federico ; Recendes, Tessa.
In: Strategic Management Journal.

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  12. Productive process innovation as sequential adjustment of the hybrid governance structure: the case of the poultry sector. (2011). Polinori, Paolo ; Martino, Gaetano.
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  13. Market power and contract form: evidence from physician group practices. (2011). Town, Robert ; Feldman, Roger ; Kralewski, John.
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  14. Partial Vertical Integration, Risk Shifting, and Product Rejection in the High-Value Export Supply Chain: The Ghana Pineapple Sector. (2011). Suzuki, Aya ; Sexton, Richard J. ; Jarvis, Lovell S..
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  17. Evidence on performance pay and risk aversion. (2010). Sliwka, Dirk ; Grund, Christian.
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  18. Vertical integration in the wine industry: a transaction costs analysis on the Rioja DOCa. (2009). Rosell-Martinez, Jorge ; Jorge Rosell-Martínez, ; Fernandez-Olmos, Marta ; Espitia-Escuer, Manuel A..
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  19. Technical Efficiency of Land Tenure Contracts in West Java Province, Indonesia. (2009). Jamal, Erizal ; Dewi, Yovita Anggita .
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  20. Technical Efficiency of Land Tenure Contracts in West Java Province, Indonesia. (2009). Jamal, Erizal ; Dewi, Yovita Anggita .
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  21. Agrarian Land Tenancy in Prewar Japan: Contract Choice and Implications on Productivity. (2008). Nakabayashi, Masaki ; Arimoto, Yutaka ; Okazaki, Tetsuji.
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  22. Contract duration and the division of labor in agricultural land leases. (2008). Yoder, Jonathan ; Epplin, Francis ; Doye, Damona ; Hossain, Ishrat.
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  23. Agency Theory Issues in the Food Processing Industry. (2008). Boland, Michael ; Golden, Bill B. ; Tsoodle, Leah J..
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  24. Quality and governance mode choice: a transaction cost approach to the wine industry. (2008). Rosell-Martinez, Jorge ; Espitia-Escuer, M. ; Fernandez-Olmos, M..
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  25. Contracting Food Safety Strategies in Hybrid Governance Structures. (2007). Polinori, Paolo ; Martino, Gaetano.
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  26. Role of risk sharing and transaction costs in contract choice: Theory and evidence from groundwater contracts. (2007). Aggarwal, Rimjhim M..
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  27. The optimal length of contracts with application to outsourcing. (2006). Ellman, Matthew.
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  28. Performance Pay and Risk Aversion. (2006). Sliwka, Dirk ; Grund, Christian.
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  29. Performance Pay and Risk Aversion. (2006). Sliwka, Dirk ; Grund, Christian.
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  30. Contractual Choice and Food Safety Strategy: Some Empirical Findings in Italian Poultry Sector. (2006). Pulina, Pietro ; Martino, Gaetano ; Furesi, Roberto .
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  31. Contract Duration and the Division of Labor in Agricultural Land Leases. (2005). Yoder, Jonathan ; Doye, Damona ; Hossain, Ishrat ; Eppin, Francis.
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  32. Risk, Transaction Costs, and Geographic Distribution of Share Tenancy: A Case of Pre-War Japan. (2005). okazaki, tetsuji ; Nakabayashi, Masaki ; Arimoto, Yutaka.
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  34. Industrialization and Contracting in U.S. Agriculture. (2005). Banker, David ; Korb, Penni ; Ahearn, Mary Clare .
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  37. Two-Part Share Contracts, Risk, and the Life Cycle of Stars: Some Empirical Results from Motion Picture Contracts. (2004). Chisholm, Darlene .
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  40. Investment, and Contract Hold-Ups in Transition: Evidence from Hungary. (2002). Swinnen, Johan ; Gow, H. R..
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  42. Fixed Rent Contracts in English Agriculture, 1750-1850: A Conjecture. (2001). Stead, David R.
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  43. Le métayage comme partenariat. Larrangement a médias dans la Sierra Madré orientale. (2001). Bouquet, Emmanuelle ; Colin, Jean-Philippe .
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