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Fully Closed: Individual Responses to Realized Gains and Losses. (2022). Pagel, Michaela ; Meyer, Steffen.
In: Journal of Finance.

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  1. How Do Mutual Fund Management Fee Changes Impact Mutual Fund Flows. (2024). Mugerman, Yevgeny ; Steinberg, Nadav.
    In: Bank of Israel Working Papers.

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  3. Crisis stress for the diversity of financial portfolios — evidence from European households. (2023). Stephan, Andreas ; Schäfer, Dorothea ; Weser, Henriette ; Schafer, Dorothea.
    In: International Review of Economics & Finance.

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  4. Disposed to Be Overconfident. (2023). Smeets, Paul ; Odean, Terrance ; Godker, Katrin.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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