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A local general?equilibrium emergency response modeling approach for sub?Saharan Africa. (2022). Daidone, Silvio ; Taylor, Edward J ; Kagin, Justin ; Gupta, Anubhab ; Fletchertaylor, Julian ; Filipski, Mateusz ; Sandstrom, Susanna ; Hooker, Joseph ; Greb, Friederike ; Giuffrida, Valerio ; Caccavale, Oscar Maria ; Grinspun, Alejandro ; Husain, Arif.
In: Agricultural Economics.

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  1. Economic impact of giving land to refugees. (2024). Gupta, Anubhab ; Filipski, Mateusz ; Zhu, Heng ; Taylor, Edward J ; Gonzalezestrada, Ernesto ; Valli, Jaakko.
    In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

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References cited by this document

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  37. Determinants of smallholder farmer labour allocation decisions in Uganda. (2007). Burger, Kees ; KUYVENHOVEN, A. ; Bagamba, Fredrick.
    In: 106th Seminar, October 25-27, 2007, Montpellier, France.

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  38. Rural Income Generating Activities: A Cross Country Comparison. (2007). Zezza, Alberto ; Winters, Paul ; Quiñones, Esteban ; Di Giuseppe, Stefania ; Covarrubias, Katia ; Carletto, Calogero ; Davis, Benjamin ; DiGiuseppe, Stefania ; Stamoulis, Kostas ; Quinones, Esteban.
    In: 106th Seminar, October 25-27, 2007, Montpellier, France.

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  39. Sahelian action spaces: an examination of livelihood configurations in a rural Hausa community. (2006). Manvell, Adam .
    In: Journal of International Development.

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  40. Income diversification in Zimbabwe : welfare implications from urban and rural areas. (2006). Ersado, Lire .
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  41. Nonfarm activity and rural income inequality : a case study of two provinces in China. (2006). Zhu, Nong ; Luo, Xubei.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  42. Pulls, Pushes and Entitlement Failures in Labor Markets: Does the State of Development Matter?. (2006). Nugent, Jeffrey ; Dimova, Ralitza ; Bhaumik, Sumon ; JeffreyB. Nugent, .
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  43. Poverty Dynamics, Violent Conflict and Convergence in Rwanda. (2006). verwimp, philip ; Justino, Patricia.
    In: HiCN Working Papers.

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  44. Development domains for Ethiopia: capturing the geographical context of smallholder development options. (2006). Yu, Bingxin ; Pender, John ; Chamberlin, Jordan.
    In: EPTD discussion papers.

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  45. Development domains for Ethiopia: capturing the geographical context of smallholder development options. (2006). Yu, Bingxin ; Pender, John ; Chamberlin, Jordan.
    In: DSGD discussion papers.

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  46. Bio-economic evaluation of farmers perceptions of viable farms in western Kenya. (2006). Shepherd, K. D. ; Thornton, P. K. ; Waithaka, M. M. ; Herrero, M..
    In: Agricultural Systems.

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  47. Pulls, Pushes and Entitlement Failures in Labor Markets: Does the State of Development Matter?. (2006). Nugent, Jeffrey ; Dimova, Ralitza ; Bhaumik, Sumon ; JeffreyB. Nugent, .
    In: CEDI Discussion Paper Series.

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  48. Smallholder Farming Under Increasingly Difficult Circumstances: Policy and Public Investment Priorities for Africa. (2006). Jayne, Thomas ; Mather, D. ; Mghenyi, E..
    In: Food Security International Development Working Papers.

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  49. Income Sources, Poverty, and Forest Encroachment: Implications for Rural Development Policies in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. (2006). Zeller, Manfred ; Nuryartono, Nunung ; Schwarze, Stefan .
    In: 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia.

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  50. Fostering growth of the rural non-farm sector in Africa: The Case of Tanzania. (2006). Jin, Songqing ; Deininger, Klaus ; Sundaram-Stukel, Reka .
    In: 2006 Annual meeting, July 23-26, Long Beach, CA.

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  51. Is Rural Income Diversity Pro-Growth? Is It Pro-Poor? Evidence from Georgia. (2005). Fraser, Iain ; Davis, Junior ; Bezemer, Dirk ; Balcombe, Kelvin.
    In: Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference, Kiel 2005.

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  52. The rural non-agricultural economy in transition countries: Enterprise level findings from Armenia. (2005). Davis, Junior ; Bezemer, Dirk.
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  53. Key emerging and conceptual issues in the development of the rural non-farm economy in developing countries and transition economies. (2005). Davis, Junior ; Bezemer, Dirk.
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  54. Livelihoods and Farm Efficiency in Rural Georgia. (2005). Dirk_Bezemer, ; Kelvin_Balcombe, ; Junior_Davis, ; Iain_Fraser, .
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  55. Livelihoods and farm efficiency in rural Georgia. (2005). Fraser, Iain ; Davis, Junior ; Bezemer, Dirk ; Balcombe, Kelvin.
    In: Applied Economics.

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  56. Identifying the drivers of sustainable rural growth and poverty reduction in Honduras. (2005). Jansen, Hans ; Pichon, Francisco ; Siegel, Paul B..
    In: DSGD discussion papers.

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  57. The returns to participation in the non-farm sector in rural Rwanda. (2004). Pierre, Gaelle ; paternostro, stefano ; Dabalen, Andrew.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  58. Rural livelihoods in Armenia. (2004). Bezemer, Dirk ; Lerman, Zvi.
    In: Post-Communist Economies.

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  59. Quota Rural Off-Farm Employment and Farm Investment: An Analytical Framework and Evidence from Zimbabwe. (2004). Chikawama, Cornilius.
    In: Working Papers.

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  60. Rural Off-Farm Employment and Farm Investment: An Analytical Framework and Evidence from Zimbabwe. (2004). Chikwama, Cornilius .
    In: CERT Discussion Papers.

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  61. How Accurate is Food-for-Work Self-Targeting in the Presence of Imperfect Factor Markets? Evidence from Ethiopia. (2003). Barrett, Christopher ; Clay, Daniel .
    In: Journal of Development Studies.

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  62. Income diversification in Zimbabwe. (2003). Ersado, Lire .
    In: FCND discussion papers.

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  63. Market opportunities for African agriculture. (2003). Dorosh, Paul ; Diao, Xinshen ; Rahman, Shaikh Mahfuzur .
    In: DSGD discussion papers.

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    In: 2003 Annual meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada.

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    In: Working Papers.

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  66. Skill Needs and Policies for Agriculture-led Pro-poor Development. (). Poston, Mark ; Grossmann, Matthias.
    In: QEH Working Papers.

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  67. The Dynamics of Income Diversification in Ethiopia: Evidence from Panel data. (). Lemi, Adugna.
    In: Working Papers.

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