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Do euro area countries respond asymmetrically to the common monetary policy?. (2013). Luciani, Matteo ; Conti, Antonio ; Barigozzi, Matteo.
In: Temi di discussione (Economic working papers).

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  3. Expenditure-based Consolidation: Experiences and Outcomes – Workshop proceedings. (2016). .
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  5. The interest rate pass-through in the euro area during the sovereign debt crisis. (2015). Krippner, Leo ; von Borstel, Julia ; Eickmeier, Sandra.
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  6. The interest rate pass-through in the euro area during the sovereign debt crisis. (2015). Krippner, Leo ; von Borstel, Julia ; Eickmeier, Sandra.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  7. Back to fiscal consolidation in Europe and its dual tradeoff : now or later, through spending cuts or tax hikes ?. (2015). Timbeau, Xavier ; Ducoudré, Bruno ; Creel, Jerome ; Blot, Christophe ; Ducoudre, Bruno .
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  8. The interest rate pass-through in the euro area during the sovereign debt crisis. (2015). Krippner, Leo ; Eickmeier, Sandra ; von Borstel, Julia .
    In: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Discussion Paper Series.

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  9. Back to fiscal consolidation in Europe and its dual tradeoff : now or later, through spending cuts or tax hikes ?. (2015). Timbeau, Xavier ; Ducoudré, Bruno ; Creel, Jerome ; Blot, Christophe.
    In: Working Papers.

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  10. Back to fiscal consolidation in Europe and its dual tradeoff : now of later, through spending cuts or tax hikes. (2015). Ducoudré, Bruno ; Creel, Jerome ; Blot, Christophe ; Timbeau, Xavier.
    In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE.

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  11. The interest rate pass-through in the euro area during the sovereign debt crisis. (2015). Krippner, Leo ; von Borstel, Julia ; Eickmeier, Sandra.
    In: CAMA Working Papers.

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  12. Common Macroeconomic Shocks and Business Cycle Fluctuations in Euro Area Countries. (2014). ribba, antonio ; Cavallo, Antonella.
    In: Center for Economic Research (RECent).

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  13. Common Macroeconomic Shocks and Business Cycle Fluctuations in Euro Area Countries. (2014). ribba, antonio ; Cavallo, Antonella.
    In: EcoMod2014.

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  14. Dynamic Factor Models, Cointegration and Error Correction Mechanisms. (2014). Luciani, Matteo ; Lippi, Marco ; Barigozzi, Matteo.
    In: Working Papers ECARES.

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