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Slimming of power law tails by increasing market returns. (2001). Sornette, D..
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  1. From Rational Bubbles to Crashes. (2001). Malevergne, Yannick ; Sornette, D..
    In: Papers.

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  2. Multi-dimensional Rational Bubbles and fat tails: application of stochastic regression equations to financial speculation. (2001). Malevergne, Yannick ; Sornette, D..
    In: Papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. Adam, M.C. and A. Szafarz, 1992, Speculative Bubbles and Financial Markets, Oxford Economic Papers 44, 626 - 640

  2. Black, F., Exploring general equilibrium (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995).
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  3. Blanchard, O.J. and M.W. Watson, 1982, Bubbles, Rational Expectations and Speculative Markets, in: Wachtel, P. ,eds., Crisis in Economic and Financial Structure: Bubbles, Bursts, and Shocks. Lexington Books: Lexington.

  4. Blanchard, O.J., 1979, Speculative Bubbles, Crashes and Rational Expectations, Economics Letters 3, 387 - 389.

  5. Breiman, L., 1965, On Some Limit Theorems Similar to the Arc-Sin Law, Theory of Probability and its Applications 10, 323- 329.
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  6. Burke, J. L., General equilibrium when economic growth exceeds discounting, Journal of Economic Theory 94, 141-162 (2000).

  7. Camerer, C., 1989, Bubbles and Fads in Asset Prices, Journal of Economic Surveys 3, 3 - 41

  8. Diba, B.T. and H.I. Grossman, 1987, On the Inception of Rational Bubbles, Quarterly Journal of Economics 102, pp. 697 - 700.

  9. Goldie, C.M., 1991, Implicit renewal theory and tails of solutions of random equations, Ann. Appl. Probab. 1, 126-166.
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  10. Gopikrishnan, P., Meyer, M., Amaral, L.A.N. & Stanley, H.E., 1998, Inverse Cubic Law for the Distribution of Stock Price Variations, European Physical Journal B 3, 139-140.

  11. Guillaume, D.M., Dacorogna, M.M., Dave, R.R,, MUller, J.A., Olsen, R.B. & Pictet, O.V., 1997, From the Birds Eye to the Microscope: A Survey of New Stylized Facts of the intradaily Foreign Exchange Markets, Finance and Stochastics 1, 95-129.

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  13. Johansen A, Ledoit 0, Sornette D., 2000, Crashes as critical points, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 3, 2 19-255.

  14. Johansen A., Sornette D. and Ledoit 0., 1999, Predicting Financial Crashes Using Discrete Scale Invariance, Journal of Risk 1, 5-32.
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  15. Kesten, H., 1973, Random Difference Equations and Renewal Theory for Products of Random Matrices, Acta Math. 131, 207-248.
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  16. Levy, M., H. Levy and S. Solomon (2000) The microscopic simulation of financial markets: from investor behavior to market phenomena (Academic Press, San Diego).

  17. Lux, L., 1996, The stable Paretian hypothesis and the frequency of large returns: an examination of major German stocks, Appl. Financial Economics 6, 463-475.
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  18. Lux, T. and D. Sornette, 1999, On Rational Bubbles and Fat Tails, submitted to the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (preprint at http :// 10141)

  19. Lux, T. and Marchesi, M. (1999) Scaling and criticality in a stochastic multi-agent model of a financial market, Nature 397, 498-500.

  20. Malevergne, Y. and D. Sornette, Multi-dimensional Rational Bubbles and fat tails, Quantitative Finance 1, 533541 (2001).

  21. Mehra, R. and E. Prescott,1985, The Equity Premium: A Puzzle, Journal of Monetary Economics 15, 145-161.

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  23. Rietz, T.A., R. Mebra and E.C. Prescott, 1988, The Equity Risk Premium: A Solution? Journal of Monetary Economics 22, 117-136.

  24. Sornette, D. and J.V. Andersen, 2001, Quantifying Herding During Speculative Financial Bubbles, Risk, http :// 104341
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  25. Sornette, D. and R. Cont, 1997, Convergent multiplicative processes repelled from zero: power laws and truncated power laws, J. Phys. I France 7, 43 1-444
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  26. Sornette, D. and Y. Malevergne, 2001, From Rational Bubbles to Crashes, in press in Physica A, c-print at 102305

  27. Sornette, D., 1998, Linear stochastic dynamics with nonlinear fractal properties, Physica A 250, 295-3 14.

  28. Sornette, D., 2000, Critical Phenomena in Natural Sciences, Chaos, Fractals, Self-organization and Disorder: Concepts and Tools, (Springer Series in Synergetics, Springer, Heidelberg).
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  29. Sornette, D., 2000, Stock Market Speculation: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Economic Valuation, Physica A 284, 355-375.

  30. Sornette, D., D. Stauffer and H. Takayasu (2000) Market Fluctuations: multiplicative and percolation models, size effects and predictions, in Proceedings of the Workshop `Facets of Universality: Climate, Biodynamics and Stock Markets' at Giessen University, June 1999, A. Bunde and H.-J. Schellnhuber eds. c-print at http ://

  31. Sornette, D., P. Simonetti and J. V. Andersen, 2000,
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  32. Vries, C.G. de, 1994, Stylized Facts of Nominal Exchange Rate Returns, 5. 348 - 89 in: van der Ploeg, F., ed., The Handbook of International Macroeconomics. Blackwell: Oxford.


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