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Latent Factor Analysis in Short Panels. (2023). Scaillet, Olivier ; Gagliardini, Patrick ; Fortin, Alain-Philippe.
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  33. Fortin, A.-P., Gagliardini, P., and Scaillet, O., 2022. Eigenvalue tests for the number of latent factors in short panels. Journal of Financial Econometrics, forthcoming.

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  64. The asymptotic expansions (C.10)-(C.11) characterize explicitly the matrices C1(θ) and C2(θ) that appear in Theorem 2 in Anderson and Amemiya (1988). Their derivation is based on an asymptotic normality argument treating θ̂ as a M-estimator, see Section C.2. However, neither the asymptotic variance nor a feasible CLT are given in Anderson and Amemiya (1988).
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