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Recent Developments on Factor Models and its Applications in Econometric Learning. (2020). Fan, Jianqing ; Liao, Yuan.
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    In: Papers.

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  36. Large Volatility Matrix Prediction with High-Frequency Data. (2019). Song, Xinyu.
    In: Papers.

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  37. Time series models for realized covariance matrices based on the matrix-F distribution. (2019). Zhu, Ke ; Li, Wai Keung ; Jiang, Feiyu ; Zhou, Jiayuan.
    In: Papers.

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  38. Generalized Dynamic Factor Models and Volatilities: Consistency, rates, and prediction intervals. (2019). Hallin, Marc ; Barigozzi, Matteo.
    In: Papers.

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  39. State-Varying Factor Models of Large Dimensions. (2019). Xiong, Ruoxuan ; Pelger, Markus.
    In: Papers.

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  40. Machine Learning Macroeconometrics: A Primer. (2018). Korobilis, Dimitris.
    In: Working Paper series.

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  41. A nonparametric eigenvalue-regularized integrated covariance matrix estimator for asset return data. (2018). Feng, Phoenix ; Lam, Clifford.
    In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  42. A nonparametric eigenvalue-regularized integrated covariance matrix estimator for asset return data. (2018). Lam, Clifford ; Feng, Phoenix.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  43. Simultaneous multiple change-point and factor analysis for high-dimensional time series. (2018). Barigozzi, Matteo ; Fryzlewicz, Piotr ; Cho, Haeran .
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  44. Testing against constant factor loading matrix with large panel high-frequency data. (2018). Kong, Xin-Bing ; Liu, Cheng.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  45. Adaptive thresholding for large volatility matrix estimation based on high-frequency financial data. (2018). Kim, Donggyu ; Wang, Yazhen ; Li, Cui-Xia ; Kong, Xin-Bing.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  46. High-dimensional covariance forecasting based on principal component analysis of high-frequency data. (2018). Jian, Zhi Hong ; Zhu, Zhican ; Deng, Pingjun.
    In: Economic Modelling.

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  47. Generalized Dynamic Factor Models and Volatilities: Consistency, Rates, and Prediction Intervals. (2018). Hallin, Marc ; Barigozzi, Matteo.
    In: Working Papers ECARES.

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  48. Uniform Inference for Characteristic Effects of Large Continuous-Time Linear Models. (2018). Yang, Xiye ; Liao, Yuan.
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  49. Uniform Inference for Conditional Factor Models with Instrumental and Idiosyncratic Betas. (2017). Yang, Xiye ; Liao, Yuan.
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