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Stochastic Revealed Preferences with Measurement Error. (2018). Kashaev, Nail ; Aguiar, Victor.
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    In: Working Papers ECARES.

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  2. Revealed statistical consumer theory. (2021). Dziewulski, Pawel ; Rehbeck, John ; Allen, Roy.
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  4. Counterfactual and Welfare Analysis with an Approximate Model. (2020). Rehbeck, John ; Allen, Roy.
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  5. Homothetic preferences revealed. (2019). Hjertstrand, Per ; Heufer, Jan.
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  6. Consumption, Leisure, and Money. (2019). Serletis, Apostolos ; Xu, Lobo.
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  7. Revealed price preference: theory and empirical analysis. (2018). Stoye, Jörg ; Deb, Rahul ; Quah, John ; Kitamura, Yuichi.
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  8. A Representation Theorem for General Revealed Preference. (2018). Martinelli, Cesar ; Freer, Mikhail.
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  9. Revealed Price Preference: Theory and Empirical Analysis. (2018). Stoye, Jörg ; Quah, John ; Deb, Rahul ; Kitamura, Yuichi.
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References cited by this document

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  56. set of (ρt,i, ct,i)i=n i=1,t∈T . We replicate the experiment m = 1000 times. The deterministic test in Browning (1989) rejects the exponential discounting model in 61.5 (62.3) percent of the cases on average across the samples for n = 200 (n = 1500), while our methodology accepts the null hypothesis that all single households are consistent with random exponential discounting (as seen in Section B.2).
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  58. The data generating process for measurement error coincides with the one presented in section B.1. We conduct the experiment m = 1000 times for each value of β. The results are presented in figure 3. For β = 1, as expected, the rejection rate is close to 5 percent (7.9 percent). For β 6= 1 the rejection rates are greater or equal than 69 percent.
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  64. We assumed that every component of gM takes both positive and negative values on some non-zero measure subsets of Ẽ|X (Assumption 2). Hence, following the proof of Theorem 2.1 and Lemma A.1 in Schennach (2014), we can conclude that if infimum in (4) is equal to 0, then it is achieved at some finite and unique γ0,M . Otherwise, kγM k diverges to infinity. A.4. Proof of Theorem 5 Proof. The result is a direct application of Theorem F.1 in Schennach (2014). For completeness of the proof we present the version of it that is applicable to our setting below.
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  65. We use the same discounted prices {ρi,t}n i=1 as the ones given in Adams et al. (2014).46 These are the prices faced by the single-individual households in our application. We consider consumers with the constant elasticity of substitution (CES) instantaneous utility u(ct) = L X l=1 c1−σ t,l 1 − σ , where σ ∼ U[1/15, 100] is heterogeneous across individuals. The consumers are exponential discounters with heterogeneous random discount factor d ∼ U[0.8, 1].
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