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Evidence of Self-Organization in Time Series of Capital Markets. (2017). , Leopoldo ; Garc, Alba Lucero ; Morales-Matamoros, Oswaldo ; Soto-Campos, Carlos Arturo .
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  12. Multifractality of sectoral price indices: Hurst signature analysis of Cantillon effects in disequilibrium factor markets. (2014). Mulligan, Robert F..
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  13. The role of fluctuating modes of autocorrelation in crude oil prices. (2014). An, Haizhong ; Ding, Yinghui ; Huang, Xuan ; Gao, Xiangyun ; Fang, Wei.
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  14. Finite sample properties of power-law cross-correlations estimators. (2014). Krištoufek, Ladislav.
    In: Papers.

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  15. Correlation structure and principal components in global crude oil market. (2014). Jiang, George J. ; Dai, Yue-Hua ; Xie, Wen-Jie ; Zhou, Wei-Xing.
    In: Papers.

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  16. Are European equity markets efficient? New evidence from fractal analysis. (2014). Onali, Enrico ; Goddard, John.
    In: Papers.

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  17. Self-affinity in financial asset returns. (2014). Onali, Enrico ; Goddard, John.
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  18. Hurst exponent footprints from activities on a large structural system. (2013). Farrell, Aidan ; Pakrashi, Vikram ; Harkin, Julie ; Kelly, Joe.
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  19. Efficiency and multifractality analysis of CSI 300 based on multifractal detrending moving average algorithm. (2013). Gu, Rongbao ; Dang, Yaoguo ; Zhou, Weijie .
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  20. Mixed-correlated ARFIMA processes for power-law cross-correlations. (2013). Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Kristoufek, Ladislav.
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  21. Modeling natural gas market volatility using GARCH with different distributions. (2013). Lv, Xiaodong, ; Shan, Xian .
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  22. Measuring capital market efficiency: Global and local correlations structure. (2013). Vošvrda, Miloslav ; Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Kristoufek, Ladislav ; Vosvrda, Miloslav .
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  23. Mixed-correlated ARFIMA processes for power-law cross-correlations. (2013). Krištoufek, Ladislav.
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  24. Cross-correlations between agricultural commodity futures markets in the US and China. (2012). Lu, Xinsheng ; Li, Zhihui.
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  25. A Monte Carlo simulation to the performance of the R/S and V/S methods—Statistical revisit and real world application. (2012). He, Ling-Yun ; Qian, Wen-Bin .
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  26. What can we learn from the history of gasoline crack spreads?: Long memory, structural breaks and modeling implications. (2012). Wang, Yudong ; Wu, Chongfeng.
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  27. Testing the weak-form efficiency of the WTI crude oil futures market. (2012). Zhou, Wei-Xing ; Jiang, Zhi-Qiang ; Xie, Wen-Jie.
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  28. Measuring capital market efficiency: Global and local correlations structure. (2012). Vošvrda, Miloslav ; Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Kristoufek, Ladislav ; Vosvrda, Miloslav .
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  29. Long-term correlations and multifractal nature in the intertrade durations of a liquid Chinese stock and its warrant. (2011). Zhou, Wei-Xing ; Ruan, Yong-Ping .
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  30. Multifractal analysis of the Korean agricultural market. (2011). Oh, Gabjin ; Kim, Seunghwan .
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  31. A copula–multifractal volatility hedging model for CSI 300 index futures. (2011). Wang, Yudong ; Huang, Dengshi ; Wei, YU.
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  32. A study of correlations between crude oil spot and futures markets: A rolling sample test. (2011). Wan, Jieqiu ; Liu, LI.
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  33. Multifractal detrending moving average analysis on the US Dollar exchange rates. (2011). Wang, Yudong ; Wu, Chongfeng ; Pan, Zhiyuan.
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  34. Forecasting volatility in Shanghai and Shenzhen markets based on multifractal analysis. (2011). Wu, Chongfeng ; Chen, Hongtao .
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  35. Are European equity markets efficient? New evidence from fractal analysis. (2011). Onali, Enrico ; Goddard, John.
    In: International Review of Financial Analysis.

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  36. Multiscale entropy analysis of crude oil price dynamics. (2011). Rodriguez, Eduardo ; Escarela-Perez, Rafael ; Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose ; Martina, Esteban .
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  37. Multifractal spectrum analysis of nonlinear dynamical mechanisms in China’s agricultural futures markets. (2010). He, Ling-Yun ; Chen, Shu-Peng .
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  38. Are developed and emerging agricultural futures markets multifractal? A comparative perspective. (2010). He, Ling-Yun ; Chen, Shu-Peng .
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  39. Are crude oil markets multifractal? Evidence from MF-DFA and MF-SSA perspectives. (2010). He, Ling-Yun ; Chen, Shu-Peng .
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  40. Multifractal analysis on international crude oil markets based on the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis. (2010). Wang, Yudong ; Chen, Hongtao ; Gu, Rongbao .
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  41. Value-at-risk estimations of energy commodities via long-memory, asymmetry and fat-tailed GARCH models. (2010). Mabrouk, Samir ; Aloui, Chaker.
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  42. Crude oil market efficiency and modeling: Insights from the multiscaling autocorrelation pattern. (2010). Alvarez, Jesus ; Solis, Ricardo ; Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose .
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  43. Is WTI crude oil market becoming weakly efficient over time?: New evidence from multiscale analysis based on detrended fluctuation analysis. (2010). Wang, Yudong ; Liu, LI.
    In: Energy Economics.

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  44. The efficiency of the crude oil markets: Evidence from variance ratio tests. (2009). Darné, Olivier ; CHARLES, Amelie ; Darne, Olivier.
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  45. Unifractality and multifractality in the Italian stock market. (2009). Onali, Enrico ; Goddard, John.
    In: International Review of Financial Analysis.

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  46. The efficiency of the crude oil markets: Evidence from variance ratio tests. (2009). Darné, Olivier ; CHARLES, Amelie ; Darne, Olivier.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  47. Multifractal analysis of Chinese stock volatilities based on the partition function approach. (2008). Zhou, Wei-Xing ; Jiang, Zhi-Qiang.
    In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications.

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  48. Short-term predictability of crude oil markets: A detrended fluctuation analysis approach. (2008). Rodriguez, Eduardo ; Alvarez-Ramirez, Jose .
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  49. A generalized pattern matching approach for multi-step prediction of crude oil price. (2008). Wei, Yi-Ming ; Liang, Qiang ; Fan, Ying.
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