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Globalization, Peace & Stability, Governance, and Knowledge Economy. (2014). Asongu, Simplice ; ANDRES, ANTONIO ; Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich ; Amvilah, Voxi .
In: AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  1. Rational Asymmetric Development: Transfer Pricing and Sub-Saharan Africa’s Extreme Poverty Tragedy. (2015). Asongu, Simplice.
    In: Working Papers of the African Governance and Development Institute..

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  2. Economic Implications of Business Dynamics for KE-Associated Economic Growth and Inclusive Development in African Countries. (2014). Asongu, Simplice ; ANDRES, ANTONIO ; Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  3. Knowledge Economy Gaps, Policy Syndromes and Catch-up Strategies: Fresh South Korean Lessons to Africa. (2014). Asongu, Simplice.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  4. Boosting scientific publications in Africa: which IPRs protection channels matter?. (2014). Asongu, Simplice.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  5. Economic Implications of Business Dynamics for KE-Associated Economic Growth and Inclusive Development in African Countries. (2014). Asongu, Simplice ; ANDRES, ANTONIO ; Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich.
    In: Working Papers of the African Governance and Development Institute..

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References cited by this document

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  69. Naudé, W., (2013). “Development Progress in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Botswana, Ghana, Mauritius and South Africa”, In Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World, ed. Fosu, A., Oxford University Press.
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  71. Nguena, C. L. (2013a), “Rethinking Pro-Growth Monetary Policy in Africa: Monetarist versus Keynesian Approach”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 001. Association of African Young Economists.
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  72. Nguena, C. L. (2013b), “Inclusive and Pro-Poor Financial System in Africa: Does Islamic Finance Development Matter?”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 002. Association of African Young Economists.
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  73. Nguena, C. L. (2013c), “Heterogeneity of Saving-Investment Causality and Fiscal Coordination Implication: The Case of an African Monetary Union”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 009. Association of African Young Economists.
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  74. Nguena, C. L. (2013d), “Déficit de Financement des PME au Cameroun: A qui la faute? ”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 012. Association of African Young Economists.
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  75. Nguena, C. L. & R., Tsafack Nanfosso (2013a), “What Drives and Limits Financial Deepening Dynamics? Fresh Empirical-based Policy Lessons for African Sub-Regions”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 003. Association of African Young Economists.
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  76. Nguena, C. L. & R., Tsafack Nanfosso (2013b), “Facteurs Microéconomiques du Déficit de Financement des PME au Cameroun”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 004. Association of African Young Economists.
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  77. Nguena, C. L. & R., Tsafack Nanfosso (2013c), “Financial Deepening Dynamics and Implication for Financial Policy Coordination in a Monetary Union: the case of WAEMU”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 005. Association of African Young Economists.
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  78. Nguena, C. L. & R., Tsafack Nanfosso (2013d), “On the Sensitivity of Banking Activity Shocks: Evidence from the CEMAC Sub-region”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 007. Association of African Young Economists.
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  79. Nguena, C. L. & R., Tsafack Nanfosso (2013e), “Importance des Politiques Financières dans la Croissance Economique en zone CEMAC: Approche en Données de Panel”. AAYE Policy Research Working Paper Series number 008. Association of African Young Economists.
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  80. Nyarko, Y., (2013a). “Sustaining High Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Knowledge and the Structure of the Economy”, Journal of African Economies, 22, suppl_1(January), pp: -i101.

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  94. Solimano, A., (2013). “Three Decades of Neoliberal Economics in Chile: Achievements, Failures and Dilemmas”, In Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World, ed. Fosu, A., Oxford University Press.
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  107. Yao, Y. E., (2013). “The Disinterested Government: An Interpretation of China’s Economic Success in the Reform Era ”, In Achieving Development Success: Strategies and Lessons from the Developing World, ed. Fosu, A., Oxford University Press.
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  109. Zhu, T., & Pearson, M. (2013) “Globalization and the role of the state: Reflection on Chinese international and comparative political economic scholarship,” Review of International political Economy, 20(6), pp. 1215-1243. The Association of African Young Economist (AAYE) is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization with the vision of a future for Africa where policy decisions emanate from rigorous scientific evidence by Africans and fellows for the welfare of Africans and partners. The AAYE RP WPS is double blind peer reviewed and indexed at IDEAS REPEC, SSRN and ACADEMIA. Head Quarter: Bastos, PO BOX: 959, Yaounde – CMR; Site web:; Email:; Tel.:+237 22 11 03 58. Declaration receipt number: 005/RDA/F35/SAAJP. Association of African Young Economists Association des Jeunes Economistes Africains
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    In: OxCarre Working Papers.

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  11. Norms and Institution Formation. (2008). Francois, Patrick.
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  12. The Scope of Cooperation: Norms and Incentives. (2007). Tabellini, Guido.
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  13. Macroeconomic policy and the distribution of growth rates. (2006). Temple, Jonathan ; Sirimaneetham, Vatcharin.
    In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers.

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  14. Legal Reform and Loan Repayment: The Microeconomic Impact of Debt Recovery Tribunals in India. (2006). Visaria, Sujata.
    In: Boston University - Department of Economics - The Institute for Economic Development Working Papers Series.

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  15. Altruism and Climate. (2006). Weibull, Jörgen ; Alger, Ingela.
    In: Boston College Working Papers in Economics.

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  16. The Choice of Institutions: The Role of Risk and Risk-Aversion. (2005). Weinhold, Diana ; Zak, Paul J..
    In: Others.

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  17. Intelligence, Human Capital, and Economic Growth: A Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) Approach. (2005). Jones, Garett ; Schneider, Joel W..
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  18. IQ in the Ramsey Model: A Naive Calibration. (2005). Jones, Garett.
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  19. The overhang hangover. (2005). Ranciere, Romain ; Imbs, Jean.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  20. Institution building and growth in transition economies. (2005). Laeven, Luc ; Beck, Thorsten.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  21. Will political liberalisation bring about financial development?. (2005). Huang, Yongfu.
    In: Bristol Economics Discussion Papers.

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  22. Fooling Ourselves: Evaluating the Globalization and Growth Debate. (2004). Levinsohn, James ; Hallak, Juan.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  23. Voter Turnout, Regulatory Commitment, and Capital Accumulation: Evidence from the US Telecommunications Sector. (2003). .
    In: Microeconomics.

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  24. Culture Rules: The Foundations of the Rule of Law and Other Norms of Governance. (2003). Schwartz, Shalom ; Licht, Amir N. ; Goldschmidt, Chanan.
    In: William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series.

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  25. Institutional and Non-Institutional Explanations of Economic Differences. (2003). Sokoloff, Kenneth L. ; Engerman, Stanley L..
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  26. Incomplete Contracts and the Product Cycle. (2003). Antras, Pol.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  27. Unbundling Institutions. (2003). Johnson, Simon ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  28. Geography and Export Performance: External Market Access and Internal Supply Capacity. (2003). Venables, Anthony ; Redding, Stephen.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  29. Institutions Dont Rule: Direct Effects of Geography on Per Capita Income. (2003). Sachs, Jeffrey D..
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  30. Distance, Skill Deepening and Development: Will Peripheral Countries Ever Get Rich?. (2003). Schott, Peter ; Redding, Stephen.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  31. Do Firms in Countries with Poor Protection of Investor Rights Hold More Cash?. (2003). Stulz, René ; Pinkowitz, Lee ; Williamson, Rohan .
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  32. Consequences of Constitutions. (2003). Persson, Torsten.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  33. Kleptocracy and Divide-and-Rule: A Model of Personal Rule. (2003). Verdier, Thierry ; Robinson, James ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  34. The Form of Property Rights: Oligarchic vs. Democratic Societies. (2003). Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  35. Geography and Institutions: A Review of Plausible and Implausible Linkages. (2003). Olsson, Ola.
    In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  36. More on finance and growth: more finance, more growth?. (2003). Levine, Ross.
    In: Review.

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  37. Distance, Skill Deepening and Development: Will Peripheral Countries Ever Get Rich?. (2003). Schott, Peter ; Redding, Stephen.
    In: CEP Discussion Papers.

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  38. The Roads To and From Serfdom. (2002). Lagerlof, Nils-Petter.
    In: Macroeconomics.

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  39. Mortality and early growth in England, France, and Sweden. (2002). Lagerlof, Nils-Petter.
    In: Macroeconomics.

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  40. The Roads To and From Serfdom. (2002). Lagerlof, Nils-Petter.
    In: GE, Growth, Math methods.

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  41. Does it Take a Lula to go to Davos? A Brief Overview of Brazilian Reforms, 1980-2000. (2002). Moreira, Mauricio ; Campos, Nauro ; Giambiagi, Fabio ; Pinheiro, Armando Castellar.
    In: William Davidson Institute Working Papers Series.

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  42. Law and Finance: why Does Legal Origin Matter?. (2002). Levine, Ross ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  43. Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions over Geography and Integration in Economic Development. (2002). Trebbi, Francesco ; Subramanian, Arvind ; Rodrik, Dani.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  44. Factor Endowments, Inequality, and Paths of Development Among New World Economics. (2002). Sokoloff, Kenneth L. ; Engerman, Stanley L.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  45. International Financial Integration and Economic Growth. (2002). Slok, Torsten ; Ricci, Luca ; Levine, Ross ; Edison, Hali.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  46. Tropics, Germs, and Crops: How Endowments Influence Economic Development. (2002). Levine, Ross ; Easterly, William.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  47. R&D, Implementation and Stagnation: A Schumpeterian Theory of Convergence Clubs. (2002). Mayer-Foulkes, David ; Howitt, Peter.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  48. Law, Endowment, and Finance. (2002). Levine, Ross ; Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Beck, Thorsten.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  49. Distance to Frontier, Selection, and Economic Growth. (2002). Zilibotti, Fabrizio ; Aghion, Philippe ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  50. Property Rights and Finance. (2002). Woodruff, Christopher ; McMillan, John ; Johnson, Simon.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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