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Is increasing inequality harmful? Experimental evidence. (2015). Fehr, Dietmar.
In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Market Behavior.

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  1. Economic polarization and antisocial behavior: An experiment. (2021). Bigoni, Maria ; Ozen, Efan Nas ; Bortolotti, Stefania.
    In: Games and Economic Behavior.

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  2. Economic Polarization and Antisocial Behavior: An Experiment. (2019). Bigoni, Maria ; Ozen, Efan Nas ; Bortolotti, Stefania .
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  3. Economic Polarization and Antisocial Behavior: an experiment. (2019). Bigoni, Maria ; Ozen, Nas E ; Bortolotti, S.
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  2. Abbink, Klaus, and Benedikt Herrmann. 2011. “The moral costs of nastiness.” Economic Inquiry, 49(2): 631–633.

  3. Abbink, Klaus, David Masclet, and Daniel Mirza. 2011. “Inequality and Riots–Experimental Evidence.” CIRANO-Scientific Publication, , (2011s-10).

  4. Akbaş, Merve, Dan Ariely, and Sevgi Yuksel. 2014. “When is inequality fair? An experiment on the effect of procedural justice and agency.” Working paper.
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  9. Cappelen, Alexander W, James Konow, Erik Ø Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden. 2013. “Just luck: An experimental study of risk-taking and fairness.” The American Economic Review, 103(4): 1398– 1413.

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  32. Prediger, Sebastian, Björn Vollan, and Benedikt Herrmann. 2014. “Resource scarcity and antisocial behavior.” Journal of Public Economics, 119: 1–9.

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  38. Zizzo, Daniel John, and Andrew J Oswald. 2001. “Are people willing to pay to reduce others’ incomes?” Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, 39–65.


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