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The nexus between unemployment rate and shadow economy: A comparative analysis of developed and developing countries using a simultaneous-equation model. (2019). Abdennadher, Chokri ; Sahnoun, Marwa.
In: Economics Discussion Papers.

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  1. Unemployment and the Informal Economy. (2022). Williams, Colin C ; Remeikien, Rita ; Gasparnien, Ligita.
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  5. The Importance of the Informal Economy for Social Policy. (2020). Karagz, Sefa.
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References cited by this document

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    In: Finance.

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  58. Firm Level Investment in France and the United States: An Exploration of What We Have Learned in Twenty Years. (1999). MULKAY, Benoît ; MAIRESSE, Jacques ; Hall, Bronwyn.
    In: Econometrics.

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  59. Demographic and Per Capita Income Dynamics: A Convergence Study on Demographics, Human Capital, and Per Capita Income for the US States. (1999). Persson, Joakim.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  60. Municipal Labour Demand - Sweden 1988 - 1995. (1998). Mörk, Eva ; Dahlberg, Matz ; Bergström, Pål ; Johansson, Eva .
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  61. Municipal labour demand. (1998). Mörk, Eva ; Dahlberg, Matz ; Bergström, Pål ; Bergstrom, Pl.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  62. How to Compete: The Impact of Workplace Practices and Information Technology on Productivity. (1997). Lynch, Lisa ; Black, Sandra.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  63. Production Functions: The Search for Identification. (1995). MAIRESSE, Jacques ; Griliches, Zvi.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  64. The effect of innovation activity on innovating quasi-rents: an empirical application. (). Martínez-Ros, Ester ; Ester Martínez Ros, ; Vicente Salas Fumás, .
    In: Studies on the Spanish Economy.

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