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Market transparency and consumer search - Evidence from the German retail gasoline market. (2020). Martin, Simon.
In: DICE Discussion Papers.

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  1. Greater search cost reduces prices. (2023). Heinsalu, Sander.
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  2. Whom to Inform about Prices? Evidence from the German Fuel Market. (2023). Winter, Christoph ; Sagimuldina, Alina ; Montag, Felix.
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  3. From Rules to Regs: A Structural Topic Model of Collusion Research. (2022). Schmal, Benedikt W.
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  4. Detecting Edgeworth Cycles. (2021). Scheidegger, Simon ; Igami, Mitsuru ; Holt, Timothy.
    In: Cahiers de Recherches Economiques du Département d'économie.

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References cited by this document

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