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  1. Are the Chinese in Africa More Innovative than the Africans? Comparing Chinese and Nigerian Entrepreneurial Migrants’ Cultures of Innovation. (2022). Kohnert, Dirk.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  2. Are the Chinese in Africa More Innovative than the Africans? Comparing Chinese and Nigerian Entrepreneurial Migrants Cultures of Innovation. (2010). Kohnert, Dirk.
    In: GIGA Working Papers.

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  3. Are the Chinese in Africa More Innovative than the Africans? Comparing Chinese and Nigerian Entrepreneurial Migrants Cultures of Innovation. (2010). Kohnert, Dirk.
    In: EconStor Conference Papers.

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  4. Drivers of change or cut-throat competitors? Challenging Cultures of Innovation of Chinese and Nigerian migrant entrepreneurs in West Africa. (2010). Kohnert, Dirk.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  5. Are the Chinese in Africa more innovative than the Africans ? Comparing Chinese and Nigerian entrepreneurial migrants‘ Cultures of Innovation. (2010). Kohnert, Dirk.
    In: OSF Preprints.

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  6. Vom Nutzen afrikanischer Zuwanderer für Europa. Wende in der EU-Einwanderungspolitik?. (2006). Kohnert, Dirk.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  35. Are Non-state Actors Better Innovators? The Ambiguous Role of Non-state Actors in the Transition Process: The Case of Benin and Madagascar. (2004). Kohnert, Dirk.
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  36. When Does Natural Resource Abundance Lead to a Resource Curse?. (2004). Murshed, Mansoob S..
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  37. The political economy of Zimbabwes descent into conflict. (2003). Addison, Tony ; Laakso, Liisa .
    In: Journal of International Development.

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  38. UNU|WIDER Special issue on conflict. Explaining violent conflict: going beyond greed versus grievance. (2003). Addison, Tony ; Murshed, Mansoob S..
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  39. Does Higher Inequality Lead to Conflict?. (2003). Mishra, Ajit ; Dutta, Indranil.
    In: Dundee Discussion Papers in Economics.

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  40. Finance in conflict and reconstruction. (2001). Addison, Tony ; Murshed, Mansoob S. ; le Billon, Philippe.
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