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German economics: Its current form and content. (2020). Rommel, Florian ; Urban, Janina.
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  23. Economic competence in early secondary school: Evidence from a large-scale assessment in Germany. (2020). Kaiser, Tim ; Oberrauch, Luis.
    In: International Review of Economics Education.

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  24. Measuring Economic Competence of Secondary School Students in Germany. (2019). Kaiser, Tim ; Seeber, Gunther ; Oberrauch, Luis.
    In: EconStor Preprints.

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  25. Illustrative Assignments to Incorporate Research and Writing in Introductory Economics Classes. (2019). Fisher, Ronald C.
    In: Journal of Economics Teaching.

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  26. Climate Change and Economics 101: Teaching the Greatest Market Failure. (2019). Chuang, Yating ; Bauman, Yoram ; Liu, John Chung-En.
    In: Sustainability.

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  27. Dispelling Misconceived Beliefs about Rent Control: Insights from a Field and a Laboratory Experiment. (2019). Lopez-Mayan, Cristina ; Panades, Judith ; Busom, Isabel ; Brandts, Jordi.
    In: Working Papers.

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  28. Economic competence in early secondary school: Evidence from a large-scale assessment in Germany. (2018). Kaiser, Tim ; Oberrauch, Luis.
    In: EconStor Preprints.

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  29. Insegnare Economia Industriale ‘in a digital age’. (2018). Lasagni, Andrea ; Arrighetti, Alessandro.
    In: Economics Department Working Papers.

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  30. Teaching Macroeconomics with the Econland Simulation Game and Learning Platform. (2018). Rogmans, Tim.
    In: Journal of Economics Teaching.

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  31. Smart tools? A randomized controlled trial on the impact of three different media tools on personal finance. (2018). Angel, Stefan.
    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics).

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  32. Does English proficiency affect academic performance?. (2018). Geide-Stevenson, Doris .
    In: International Review of Economics Education.

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  33. Do mentoring, information, and nudge reduce the gender gap in economics majors?. (2018). Li, Hsueh-Hsiang.
    In: Economics of Education Review.

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  34. The Relative Value of AER P&P Economic Education Papers. (2017). Hall, Joshua ; Harrison, Ashley S ; Clark, J R.
    In: Working Papers.

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  35. Students persistent preconceptions and learning economic principles. (2017). Lopez-Mayan, Cristina ; Busom, Isabel ; Panades, Judith .
    In: The Journal of Economic Education.

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  36. Research performance and teaching quality in the Spanish higher education system: Evidence from a medium-sized university. (2017). del Mar, M ; Pedraja-Chaparro, Francisco ; Artes, Joaquin .
    In: Research Policy.

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  37. Humanities as technology in teaching economics. (2017). Wagner, Jeffrey.
    In: International Review of Economics Education.

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  38. Teaching empirical finance courses: A project on portfolio management. (2016). Morley, Bruce ; Cook, Steve.
    In: Cogent Economics & Finance.

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  39. A quantitative evaluation of the flipped classroom in a large lecture principles of economics course. (2016). Gilleskie, Donna ; Tran, Uyen ; Balaban, Rita A.
    In: The Journal of Economic Education.

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  40. Capstone senior research course in economics. (2016). Li, Ishuan ; Simonson, Robert .
    In: The Journal of Economic Education.

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  41. The disaggregation of value-added test scores to assess learning outcomes in economics courses. (2016). Wagner, Jamie ; Walstad, William B.
    In: The Journal of Economic Education.

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  42. The opinions of economics majors before and after learning economics. (2016). Walker, Jay ; Routon, Wesley P ; Hammock, Michael R.
    In: The Journal of Economic Education.

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  43. Development economics as taught in developing countries. (2015). McKenzie, David ; Paffhausen, Anna Luisa.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  44. Student preconceptions and learning economic reasoning. (2015). Lopez-Mayan, Cristina ; Busom, Isabel ; Navarrete, Cristina Lopez-Mayan ; Piquer, Isabel Busom.
    In: Working Papers.

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  45. Case teaching in economics: History, practice and evidence. (2015). Volpe, Guglielmo ; Elliott, Caroline.
    In: Cogent Economics & Finance.

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  46. Student Preconceptions and Learning Economic Reasoning. (2015). Lopez-Mayan, Cristina ; Busom, Isabel.
    In: Working Papers.

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  47. Student Preconceptions And Learning Economic Reasoning. (2015). Lopez-Mayan, Cristina ; Busom, Isabel.
    In: UFAE and IAE Working Papers.

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  48. Teaching Practices and Social Capital. (2013). Shleifer, Andrei ; Cahuc, Pierre ; Algan, Yann.
    In: Sciences Po publications.

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  49. Teaching Practices and Social Capital. (2013). Shleifer, Andrei ; Cahuc, Pierre ; Algan, Yann.
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