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Identification of counterfactuals in dynamic discrete choice models. (2021). Souzarodrigues, Eduardo ; Scott, Paul T ; Kalouptsidi, Myrto.
In: Quantitative Economics.

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  1. Semiparametric Bayesian estimation of dynamic discrete choice models. (2024). Shimizu, Kenichi ; Norets, Andriy.
    In: Journal of Econometrics.

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  2. A partial identification framework for dynamic games. (2023). Chen, Cuicui ; Abito, Jose Miguel.
    In: International Journal of Industrial Organization.

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  3. The Biases in Applying Static Demand Models under Dynamic Demand. (2022). Fukasawa, Takeshi.
    In: Discussion Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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  31. Kalouptsidi, M., P. T. Scott, and E. Souza‐Rodrigues (2017), “On the non‐identification of counterfactuals in dynamic discrete games.” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 50, 362–371. .
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