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Food security and health security : explaining the levels of nutrition in Pakistan. (1992). Alderman, Harold ; Garcia, Marito .
In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  1. Poverty, household food security, and nutrition in rural Pakistan:. (1993). Alderman, Harold ; Garcia, Marito .
    In: Research reports.

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  2. Labor and womens nutrition : a study of energy expenditure, fertility, and nutritional status in Ghana. (1992). Alderman, Harold ; DEC, ; Higgins, Paul A ; De C, .
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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  2. Alderman, Harold. 1991. New research on poverty and malnutrition. What are the implications for policy? Paper presented at World Bank-IFPRI Conference on Poverty, Airlie Houses October 25-28. Forthcoming in Michael Lipton and Jacques Van der Gaag (eds.) Including the Poor, World Bank.
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  3. Anand, S., and R. Kanbur. 1990. Public policy and basic needs provision: Intervention and achievement in Sri Lanka. In HunQer and Public Policy, ed. Jean Dréze and A. K. Sen. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  7. Behrman, Jere. 1991. Nutrition, health, and development. In Essays on poverty, equity, and growth, ed. George Psacharopoulos. Elmsford, NV, U.S.A.: Pergamon Press. -45Bollinger, Lorl. 1990. Diffusion and adoption of contraceptive technology in developing countries. University of Pennsylvania. Mlmeo.
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