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Exploring Long Run Structural Change with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model. (2018). Roson, Roberto ; Britz, Wolfgang.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Promoting extensive cattle production in the European Union has major implications for global agricultural trade and climate change. (2022). Britz, Wolfgang ; Bruckner, Martin ; Escobar, Neus ; Haddad, Salwa.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  2. Impact of Non-Tariff Measures in the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA): A CGE Approach. (2021). Antimiani, Alessandro ; Boughanmi, Houcine ; Akintola, Abdallah.
    In: Conference papers.

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  3. Global land use impacts from a subsidy on grassland-based ruminant livestock production in the European Union. (2019). Britz, Wolfgang ; Bruckner, Martin ; Escobar, Neus ; Haddad, Salwa.
    In: Conference papers.

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  4. An extented myGTAP model to address subsistence production and sub-national households as a module in CGEBox. (2019). Ferrari, Emanuele ; Dudu, Hasan ; Britz, Wolfgang ; Roson, Roberto Britz.
    In: Conference papers.

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References cited by this document

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