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Vertical integration, supplier behavior, and quality upgrading among exporters. (2017). León-Ciliotta, Gianmarco ; Teachout, Matthieu ; Hjort, Jonas ; Hansman, Christopher ; Leon, Gianmarco.
In: Economics Working Papers.

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  1. Inputs, networks and quality-upgrading: Evidence from China in India. (2023). Zhang, Wenzhang ; Copestake, Alexander.
    In: China Economic Review.

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  2. Farmers, Traders, and Processors: Buyer Market Power and Double Marginalization in Indonesia. (2021). Sexton, Richard J ; Kopp, Thomas.
    In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

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  3. Collective Reputation in Trade: Evidence from the Chinese Dairy Industry. (2019). Wang, Yu Kun ; Gazze, Ludovica ; Bai, Jie.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  4. Collective Reputation in Trade: Evidence from the Chinese Dairy Industry. (2019). Gazze, Ludovica ; Wang, Yukun ; Bai, Jie.
    In: CID Working Papers.

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  5. Product quality, incomplete contract and the product cycle. (2018). Yu, Zhihao ; He, Huanlang .
    In: International Review of Economics & Finance.

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  6. Interlinked Firms and the Consequences of Piecemeal Regulation. (2018). Hansman, Christopher ; Leon, Gianmarco ; Hjort, Jonas.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  7. Export Destinations and Input Prices. (2018). Verhoogen, Eric ; Silva, Joana ; Bastos, Paulo.
    In: American Economic Review.

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References cited by this document

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