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Does early-career underemployment impact future career success? : a path dependency perspective. (2015). de Grip, Andries.
In: Research Memorandum.

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  2. Young Romanians’ Transition from School to Work in a Path Dependence Context. (2019). Muntele, Ionel ; Horea-Serban, Raluca ; Istrate, Marinela.
    In: Sustainability.

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  3. Media and Occupational Choice. (2017). Kritikos, Alexander ; Konon, Alexander.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  4. Media and Occupational Choice. (2017). Kritikos, Alexander ; Konon, Alexander.
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  5. Career choice under uncertainty. (2016). Konon, Alexander.
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  41. Mismatches in the Spanish Labor Market: Education vs. Competence Match. (2005). Garcia-Sanchez, Antonio ; Vila, Luis ; Badillo-Amador, Lourdes .
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  43. Can the Changing Nature of Jobs Account for National Trends in Job Satisfaction?. (2004). Green, Francis ; Tsitsianis, Nicholas .
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  44. What determines measured overeducation?. (2004). Verhaest, Dieter ; Omey, Eddy.
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  46. High Performance Workplace Practices and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Europe. (2004). Bauer, Thomas.
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  47. Foreign university graduates in the Greek labour market: Employment, salaries and overeducation. (2004). Lianos, Theodore ; Asteriou, Dimitrios ; Agiomirgianakis, George.
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  48. An investigation into the role of human capital competences and their pay-off. (2003). Heijke, Hans ; Meng, Christoph ; Ramaekers, Ger .
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  50. Job Mismatches and their Labour Market Effects among School-leavers in Europe. (2002). Wolbers, Maarten .
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