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Identifying Collusion in English Auctions. (2017). Shneyerov, Artyom ; Marmer, Vadim ; Kaplan, Uma .
In: working papers.

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  3. Deconvolution from Two Order Statistics. (2022). Xiao, Ruli ; Luo, Yao ; Cho, Joonhwan.
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  4. Complementary bidding and the collusive arrangement: Evidence from an antitrust investigation. (2020). Clark, Robert ; de Leverano, Adriano ; Coviello, Decio.
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  1. 1. Part (a) of Lemma B.3 is a standard Functional CLT result for Empirical Processes, see van der Vaart (1998), Theorem 19.5. In fact, the result holds jointly with the weak convergence in (28) for other empirical distributions involving the bids {Bil}.
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  2. 2. The first claim in part (b) of the lemma follows from part (a) by the FDM, see van der Vaart (1998), Lemma 20.10 and Lemma 21.3 for quantile functions. Note that Lemma B.2 implies that 0 i is a bounded function. The α-Hölder continuity result holds by (i) the α-Hölder continuity for of 0 i with α = 1/2 shown in Lemma B.2, and (ii) because the sample paths of Gi and G0 i are α-Hölder continuous with probability one for any α < 1/2, see for example Revuz and Yor (1999), Theorem 2.2. 3. Part (c) uses a point-wise approximation of empirical processes by Gaussian processes, see van der Vaart (1998), page 268, and Hölder continuity of 0 i in Lemma B.2. Proof of Lemma B.3. To simplify the notation, we omit bidder’s index i in whenever there is no risk of confusion.
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  3. A Appendix: Extended Functional Delta Method The following lemma is an extension of the FDM (van der Vaart, 1998, Theorem 20.8) and allows for functionals that depend on the sample size L. This includes functionals with sample-size-dependent trimming. Lemma A.1 (Extended Functional Delta Method). Let D and E be normed linear spaces. Suppose that: (i) rLkφL(F) − φ(F)k → 0, where rL → ∞ as L → ∞, and φL, φ : D → E. (ii) There is a continuous linear map φ0 F,L : D → E such that, for every compact D ∈ D0 ⊂ D, sup h∈D:F+h/rL∈D φL(F + h/rL) − φL(F) 1/rL − φ0 F,L(h) → 0. (iii) kφ0 F,L(hL) − φ0 F (h)k → 0 for all hL such that khL − hk → 0 with h ∈ D0, where φ0 F : D0 → E is a continuous linear map. (iv) GL = rL(FL − F) G, where P(G ∈ D0) = 1. Then, rL(φL(FL) − φ(F)) φ0 F (G).
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  34. The result in (33) now follows by the FDM for the bootstrap (van der Vaart, 1998, Theorem 23.5) and the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 4, since F̃†= S̃†(Ĝ†). The result in (34) holds by the bootstrap FDM, Proposition 3.1 in Chen and Lo, (27), and since the functional ψcol is Hadamard differentiable on [v0, v] ⊂ (0, v]. To show (35), write √ L( ˆ ∆†i (b) − ˆ ∆i(b)) = √ L(Ĝ†i (b) − Ĝi(b)) − √ L(Ĝpred,†i (b) − Ĝpred i (b)). The result in (35) follows by the bootstrap FDM and the previous results of the proposition as the functional ψi,pred defined in (30) is Hadamard differentiable.
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  36. where the first inequality follows because G0 ∈ Hα for any α < 1/2 by Theorem 2.2 in Revuz and Yor (1999), and the second inequality holds because G−1 is continuously differentiable and, therefore, Lipschitz. By Lemma B.2, |G(G−1 (t))(0 (t + δ) − 0 (t))| ≤ C|δ|1/2 supv∈[0,v] |G(v)|.
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