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A Time-Varying Approach of the US Welfare Cost of Inflation. (2014). Miller, Stephen ; Martins, Luis ; GUPTA, RANGAN.
In: Working papers.

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  2. Money demand stability, monetary overhang and inflation forecast in the CEE countries. (2018). Pépin, Dominique ; Albulescu, Claudiu.
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  3. The micro-foundations of an open economy money demand: An application to the Central and Eastern European countries. (2017). Miller, Stephen ; Albulescu, Claudiu.
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  4. The Growth-Inflation Nexus for the US over 1801-2013: A Semiparametric Approach. (2014). Jooste, Charl ; GUPTA, RANGAN ; Balcilar, Mehmet.
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References cited by this document

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