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Economic crisis and accounting evolution. (2011). Basu, Sudipta ; Waymire, Gregory.
In: Accounting and Business Research.

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  1. Fossil fuel reserves and resources reporting and unburnable carbon: Investigating conflicting accounts. (2020). Fox, Alison ; Stevenson, Lorna ; Schneider, Thomas ; Bebbington, Jan.

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  2. The Ecological Rationality of Historical Costs and Conservatism. (2019). Eduard, Braun.
    In: Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium.

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  3. Historical Cost and Conservatism Are Joint Adaptations That Help Identify Opportunity Cost. (2019). Basu, Sudipta ; Gregory, Waymire ; Sudipta, Basu.
    In: Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium.

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  4. Corporate Scandals and Regulation. (2018). Hail, Luzi ; Wang, Clare ; Tahoun, Ahmed.
    In: Journal of Accounting Research.

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  5. Ekonomické teorie účetnictví: přehled moderních přístupů a jejich reflexe při tvorbě účetních standardů. (2016). Procházka, David ; Prochazka, David ; PELaK, Jii .
    In: Politická ekonomie.

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  6. Isomorphism and resistance in implementing IFRS 10 and IFRS 12. (2016). van Zijl, Wayne ; Maroun, Warren.
    In: The British Accounting Review.

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  7. Fair value vs conservatism? Aspects of the history of accounting, auditing, business and finance from ancient Mesopotamia to modern China. (2015). Macve, R H.
    In: The British Accounting Review.

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  8. Management accounting practices before and during economic crisis: Evidence from Greece. (2015). Pavlatos, Odysseas ; Kostakis, Hara.
    In: Advances in accounting.

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  9. Monopoly versus Competition in Setting Accounting Standards. (2014). Sunder, Shyam ; Jamal, Karim.
    In: Abacus.

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  10. “Trading Places”: A UK (and IFRS) Comment. (2013). Richard, Macve .
    In: Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium.

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