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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On the Edge

Maybe you're about to "fall" off, or maybe you're about to "jump." Either way, Jesus has shown us...we need to step away from the edge. At any moment, the enemy can step in and "tempt" us to believe that God is not with us...that He's abandoned us and our faith is vain. The devil likes to find us in our moments of doubt, in the midst of our faith, and isolate our situations in life where we feel as though everything is unraveling...falling apart at the seams. We get a clear glimpse of how the enemy works in Matthew 4:

You see, Jesus stood at the highest point of the temple...and Satan whispered to him, "Go ahead-jump! If you're REALLY God's son...he'll save you."

Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: " 'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'" Matthew 4:5-6

Obviously, Jesus didn't fall for it...even after forty days of fasting. (I fall victim to the enemy right after a full faith has a LONG way to go) You see, the enemy isolated ONE promise of God and tempted Jesus to cast His whole life upon it. There are times when the enemy will isolate ONE situation, trial, tragedy, in our lives and tempt us to place the entirety of our faith on it. He says, "If God is with you...where is He? If God is for you...why are you suffering? If God says He'll deliver you...why doesn't He?" The enemy tries to convince you that you need "proof" from God that He is who He says He is...and leads you to believe that He must prove it when you demand Him to. The enemy tempts you to believe you need a "relevant," "current" miracle, in order to prove that God is with you.

So, the question is, "How do we respond in times when the enemy is tempting us?" Jesus showed us we should do one thing and one thing only...turn to God's Word and battle the enemy with the whole Truth and NOTHING BUT the TRUTH!

Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" Matthew 4:7

Your life might be spinning out of control...but God says, "Trust Me." When the enemy tempts us to ask the question, "Is God with me or not?" ...we must realize that it's a sin to doubt God's presence; we're not to question whether or not He's with us. Our faith says, "HE IS!" As we've cried out in prayer, we're not to worry about how God will answer, and we're not to be downcast if the answer is not in sight. We're to commit our heart of faith to God and walk confidently forward with our eyes fixed on Jesus...the author and finisher of our faith. He is all we need through the most desperate times of our lives...if we need more, God will not withold it. (Psalm 84:11) HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH! No matter what, we are to have faith in God's faithfulness.
In those times when you're standing too close to edge and you're ready to give into doubt, step away from the edge by grabbing hold of your faith...turn back to Jesus...remember the ways that God has rescued you in the past-He has. Don't tempt God...He is faithful...stand upon His Promises in your life...keep seeking after Him with all of your heart and soul.
Know this: If you're following Jesus, you will be tempted, just as He in God will bring you to the edge...everytime. Draw your strength from Him...His mercy, love and grace are abundant...He'll be there to carry you when you're too weak to go on. And just in case you fall...He'll be there to catch just need to trust that He will.


alicia said...

Beautifully said! Who of us doesn't feel at the brink now and then? Thanks for the post!



I love this post because the spoken [out loud] Word of God has power in it to send the enemy off with his tail between his legs! It is the one sure TRUTH of defense that keeps him at bay.
I loved how you used the word 'isolated'. We as humans tend to blow things out of proportion with one isolated event and the enemy bites on that and uses it against us. We must ask ourselves, "Has God been faithful in my past?"

Then as we resound a hearty "yes and Amen," we must remember all the promises He has already kept - the wonders of His works and the salvation miracle of our own soul.

Sometimes when the enemy comes down hard on me I talk back to him quoting scripture and rebuking his attempt to distract my focus from God.

The enemy doesn't even need to mess with the big stuff in our lives - all he desires is to destract us enough so we take our eyes of God. That's His goal. If he can't get all of our worship himself [that only God has a right to] he will attempt to distract us to take our worship off God.... then he has succeeded.

BUT GOD... has given us His Word for such a time as this - to use as a weapon [a sword] against that enemy.

I pray that more people will take heed to your post and the TRUTH shown today!

Bless you for your open heart.

Choosing JOY, Stephanie

Karen said...

Amen!! Wonderfully awesome post...such great promises in the word...I am stepping back and grabbing my faith....

Cherie Hill said...

Sisters...your comments are such a blessing. Praying we all cling to the faith we profess. ;)
Blessings Alicia, Karen, and Stephanie!

Dorcas said...

Thank you so much for this. Really a GREAT post! God is so good! This is SO true!



Unknown said...

So much to absorb in this post, Cherie! I've got such a long way to go, yet it's so very comforting to know that I can trust the person of Christ when things don't make sense. So glad He's the One in control of it all! He provides exactly what we need including the sword of the Spirit (His word) and the shield of faith. Isn't it good to know that it WILL quench ALL the fiery darts of our enemy?! God bless you!

*Thanks so much for praying for Riley! What a blessing to have prayer warriors before the throne on her behalf! Have a wonderful week and know that you are an encouragement to me!

*Would you be willing to share your e-mail? I have a couple of writing-related questions for you. And since you're ahead of me on this journey, just wanted some advice! You can e-mail me @ morgan(dot)maria(dot)i(at)gmail(dot)com

Billy Coffey said...

I think we all stand at the cliff's edge every day. I know I do. Sometimes I jump, and other times I pull back. Thankfully, I've always been caught. Loved this one, Cherie.

Cherie Hill said...

I agree Billy...I find myself on the edge ALOT more than I'd like to...I'm daily faced with the truth that my faith has so far to go. :)
God bless!

Heather Sunseri said...

This was perfect for me, Cherie. I so glad God is there every time we are tempted. Beautifully written!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Another beautiful post, Cherie. Too often we play on the edge and wonder why we fall. We even blame God when we fall. It's not a place to take lightly. It's a place we where must put all our trust in God.

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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie

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