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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,050 záznamov nájdených  1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam: Hľadanie trvalo 0.35 sekúnd. 
Optimization on RF parameters of a Choke-Mode Structure for the Clic Main LINAC / Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys.) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys.) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys.)
A tapered choke-mode structure for the main linac of Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) had been designed. Wakefield suppression of this structure fits the beam dynamic requirements. [...]
2013 - 3 p. - Published in : (2013) , pp. TUPME026 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Shanghai, China, 12 - 17 May 2013, pp.TUPME026
High Power Test of X-band Single Cell HOM-free Choke-mode Damped Accelerating Structure made by Tsinghua University / Wu, Xiaowei (Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys.) ; Abe, Tetsuo (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys.) ; Higo, Toshiyasu (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys.) ; Wuensch, Walter (CERN) ; Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys.)
As an alternative design for CLIC main accelerating structures, X-band choke-mode damped structures had been studied for several years. However, the performance of choke-mode cavity under high power is still in lack of research. [...]
CERN-ACC-2016-129; CLIC-Note-1105.- 2016 - 3 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THPOR043 Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 8 - 13 May 2016, pp.THPOR043
Wakefield suppression in the main linac of the klystron-based first stage of CLIC at 380 GeV / Liu, Jiayang (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Grudiev, Alexej (CERN) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI)
An alternative klystron-based scenario for the first stage of Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) at 380 GeV centre-of-mass energy was proposed. To preserve the beam stability and luminosity of CLIC, the beam-induced transverse long-range wakefield in main linac must be suppressed to an acceptable value. [...]
CERN-ACC-2019-213; CLIC-Note-1188.- 2019 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-WEPRB043 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.WEPRB043
Analysis and simulation of the "after-pulse" RF breakdown / Lin, Xiancai (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Liu, Zening (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Wu, Xiaowei (CERN) ; Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI)
During the high power experiment of a single-cell standing-wave accelerating structure, it was observed that many RF breakdowns happen when the field inside cavity is decaying after the input rf pulse is off. The distribution of breakdown timing shows a peak at the moment of RF power switches off. [...]
CERN-ACC-2019-133.- 2019 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPGW047 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.MOPGW047
Fabrication and Cold Test of the Correction Cavity Chain for Klystron-Based CLIC / Wang, Ping (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Cao, Dezhi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Wang, Zhihui (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI)
A proposed RF scheme based on correction cavity chain and storage cavity (CC-SC scheme) for klystron-based CLIC has the ability to generate flat output pulses. In the scheme, the correction cavity chain modulates the amplitude of the input pulse, while the storage cavity compresses the amplitude-modulated pulse. [...]
2018 - 3 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAL155 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 29 Apr - 4 May 2018, pp.THPAL155
The RF Design of a Compact, High Power Pulse Compressor with a Flat Output Pulse / Wang, Ping (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI ; CERN) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Syratchev, Igor (CERN) ; Wuensch, Walter (CERN) ; Zha, Hao (CERN)
An X-band, high-power pulse compressor, which can produce a flat pulse and a power gain of 4.3, has been designed. The device is compact, with the dimensions of within 1m, and is designed for CLIC first energy stage based on klystrons. [...]
CERN-ACC-2016-167; CLIC-Note-1084.- 2016 - 3 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THPMW022 Published version from JACoW: PDF;
In : 7th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Busan, Korea, 8 - 13 May 2016, pp.THPMW022
Higher‐order mode absorption measurement of X-band choke-mode cavities in a radial line structure / Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI ; CERN) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI ; CERN) ; Wu, Xiaowei (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI)
An experiment is presented to study the higher-order mode (HOM) suppression of X-band choke-mode structures with a vector network analyzer (VNA). Specific radial line disks were built to test the reflection from the corresponding damping load and different choke geometries. [...]
2016 - 6 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 814 (2016) 90-95
Choke-Mode Damped Structure Design for the CLIC Main Linac / Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Tang, Chuanxiang (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Huang, Wenhui (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Shi, Jiaru (CERN) ; Grudiev, Alexej (CERN) ; Wuensch, Walter (CERN)
Choke-mode damped structures are being studied as an alternative design for the accelerating structures of main linacs of the compact linear collider (CLIC). Choke-mode structures have the potential for much lower pulsed temperature rise, and lower cost of manufacture and fabrication. [...]
CLIC-Note-981.- 2012 - 3 p. - Published in : Conf. Proc.: C1205201 (2012) , pp. TUPPR015
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Published from JaCoW
In : 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 20 - 25 May 2012, pp.1840-1842
Calorimetric Power Measurements in X-band High Power RF / Wu, Xiaowei (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Catalán Lasheras, Nuria (CERN) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI) ; Woolley, Benjamin (CERN) ; Wuensch, Walter (CERN) ; Zhang, Liang (Tsinghua U., Beijing, Dept. Eng. Phys. ; Tsinghua U., Beijing, KLPRI)
With the aim to test prototype accelerating structures for CLIC at high-gradient, new klystron-based, X-band high power test stands are being built at CERN. These tests stands are referred to as Xboxes with Xbox1 and Xbox2 being already operational. [...]
CERN-ACC-2015-223.- 2015 - 3 p. - Published in : (2015) , pp. WEPMN019 Published version from JACoW: PDF; External link: JACOW
In : 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 3 - 8 May 2015, pp.WEPMN019
Choke-mode damped structure design for the Compact Linear Collider main linac / Zha, Hao (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Chen, Huaibi (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Grudiev, Alexej (CERN) ; Huang, Wenhui (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Shi, Jiaru (Tsinghua U., Beijing ; CERN) ; Tang, Chuanxiang (Tsinghua U., Beijing) ; Wuensch, Walter (CERN)
Choke-mode damped structures are being studied as an alternative design to waveguide damped structures for the main linac of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Choke-mode structures have the potential for lower pulsed temperature rise and simpler and less expensive fabrication [...]
2012 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams 15 (2012) 122003 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;

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