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CERN Accelerating science

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A measurement of the W mass in semi-leptonic events using a neural net fit
/ Seager, P
CERN-ALEPH-99-112; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-99-054.- Geneva : CERN, 1999 Fulltext: figure31 - PS.GZ; figure33 - PS.GZ; figure32 - PS.GZ; figure34 - PS.GZ; wmass_anote_abs - TXT; figure6 - PS.GZ; figure5 - PS.GZ; figure4 - PS.GZ; figure2 - PS.GZ; figure1 - PS.GZ; wmass_anote - PS.GZ;
Measurement of W mass using semi-leptonic events at LEP / Montenegro, Joana
CERN-THESIS-2008-233. - Nijmegen : Nijmegen Univ., 2008. - 133 p.

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Measurements of the semi-leptonic decays of D mesons / Roudeau, Patrick
LAL-93-52.- Orsay : Paris 11. Lab. Accél. Linéaire, 1993 - 19 p.
In : 3rd Workshop on the Tau-Charm Factory : TCF, Marbella, Spain, 1 - 6 Jun 1993, pp.327-344
An investigation of the Lorentz structure in tau decays / Seager, P (Sch of Phys & Chem)
This paper describes a measurement of the Michel parameters, eta , rho , xi , xi delta , the average nu /sub tau / helicity, h/sub nu tau / and the anomalous tensor coupling constant, kappa /sub tau //sup W/ in tau lepton decays using the DELPHI detector. The tau /sup +/ tau /sup -/ pairs were produced at the LEP e/sup +/e/sup -/ collider at CERN between 1992 and 1995. [...]
1999 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 76 (1999) 141-6
A "First Generation Fit" for Semi-leptonic WW Events
/ Cavanaugh, R J ; Corden, M J
CERN-ALEPH-99-039; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-99-017.- Geneva : CERN, 1999 Fulltext: PS.GZ;
Quark mass ratios in semi-leptonic quark decays / Nir, Yosef
SLAC-PUB-4983.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 1989 - 8 p.
In : 2nd International Symposium on the Fourth Family of Quarks and Leptons, Santa Monica, CA, USA, 23 - 25 Feb 1989, pp.318-322
Measurement of the cross section of $t\overline{t}$ production in the semi-leptonic muon channel at the LHC using the CMS detector / Peelaers, Wolfger
CERN-THESIS-2009-107 - Gent : U., 2009. - 142 p.

Measurement of B$_{s}$0-B$_{s}\overline{0}$ oscillations using semi-leptonic decays / Roudeau, Patrick
- 1990. - 24 p.
CERN library copies
Semi-leptonic decays of the $\Xi^{0}$ hyperon / Solomey, Nickolas
- 1997. - 10 p.
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V$_{cb}$ semi-leptonic B-decays and the reliability of the infinite quark mass limit / Ball, P
- 1992. - 12 p.
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