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Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies and the Distant Universe / Blanton, Michael R. (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.) ; Bershady, Matthew A. (Wisconsin U., Madison, Astron.) ; Abolfathi, Bela ; Albareti, Franco D. (Madrid, Autonoma U. ; Madrid, IFT) ; Allende Prieto, Carlos ; Almeida, Andres ; Alonso-García, Javier ; Anders, Friedrich (Potsdam, Astrophys. Inst.) ; Anderson, Scott F. (LLNL, Livermore) ; Andrews, Brett et al.
We describe the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV), a project encompassing three major spectroscopic programs. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2) is observing hundreds of thousands of Milky Way stars at high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio in the near-infrared. [...]
arXiv:1703.00052.- 2017 - Published in : Astron. J. 154 (2017) 28 Fulltext: PDF;
The First Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey / SDSS Collaboration
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has validated and made publicly available its First Data Release. This consists of 2099 square degrees of five-band (u, g, r, i, z) imaging data, 186,240 spectra of galaxies, quasars, stars and calibrating blank sky patches selected over 1360 square degrees of this area, and tables of measured parameters from these data. [...]
astro-ph/0305492; FERMILAB-PUB-03-176-A.- Princeton, NJ : Princeton Univ., 2003 - 16 p. - Published in : Astron. J. 126 (2003) 2081 Access to fulltext document: 0305492.fig1 - PS.GZ; 0305492.fig3 - PS.GZ; 0305492.fig2 - PS.GZ; 0305492.fig5 - PS.GZ; 0305492.fig4 - PS.GZ; 0305492 - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
Planck 2013 results. XXIX. Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources / Planck Collaboration
We describe the all-sky Planck catalogue of clusters and cluster candidates derived from Sunyaev--Zeldovich (SZ) effect detections using the first 15.5 months of Planck satellite observations. The catalogue contains 1227 entries, making it over six times the size of the Planck Early SZ (ESZ) sample and the largest SZ-selected catalogue to date. [...]
arXiv:1303.5089; CERN-PH-TH-2013-141; CERN-PH-TH-2013-141.- 2014-10-29 - 41 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 571 (2014) A29 Fulltext: PDF; External links: Preprint; EDP Sciences Free Access article
Planck 2013 results. XX. Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts / Planck Collaboration
We present constraints on cosmological parameters using number counts as a function of redshift for a sub-sample of 189 galaxy clusters from the Planck SZ (PSZ) catalogue. The PSZ is selected through the signature of the Sunyaev--Zeldovich (SZ) effect, and the sub-sample used here has a signal-to-noise threshold of seven, with each object confirmed as a cluster and all but one with a redshift estimate. [...]
arXiv:1303.5080; CERN-PH-TH-2013-133; CERN-PH-TH-2013-133.- 2014-10-29 - 20 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 571 (2014) A20 Fulltext: PDF; External links: Preprint; EDP Sciences Free Access article
Euclid Definition Study Report / Laureijs, R. (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Amiaux, J. (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Arduini, S. (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Augueres, J.L. (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Brinchmann, J. (Leiden U.) ; Cole, R. (University Coll. London) ; Cropper, M. (University Coll. London) ; Dabin, C. (CNES, Toulouse) ; Duvet, L. (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Ealet, A. (Marseille, CPPM) et al.
Euclid is a space-based survey mission from the European Space Agency designed to understand the origin of the Universe's accelerating expansion. [...]
arXiv:1110.3193 ; ESA-SRE(2011)12 ; ESA-SRE(2011)12.
- 2011. - 116 p.
Preprint - Full text
Planck 2013 Results. XXIV. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity / Planck Collaboration
The Planck nominal mission cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps yield unprecedented constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity (NG). Using three optimal bispectrum estimators, separable template-fitting (KSW), binned, and modal, we obtain consistent values for the primordial local, equilateral, and orthogonal bispectrum amplitudes, quoting as our final result fNL^local= 2.7+/-5.8, fNL^equil= -42+/-75, and fNL^ortho= -25+\-39 (68% CL statistical). [...]
arXiv:1303.5084; CERN-PH-TH-2013-137; CERN-PH-TH-2013-137.- 2014-10-29 - 58 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 571 (2014) A24 Fulltext: PDF; External links: Preprint; EDP Sciences Free Access article
Planck 2018 results. I. Overview and the cosmological legacy of Planck / Planck Collaboration
The European Space Agency's Planck satellite, which was dedicated to studying the early Universe and its subsequent evolution, was launched on 14 May 2009. It scanned the microwave and submillimetre sky continuously between 12 August 2009 and 23 October 2013, producing deep, high-resolution, all-sky maps in nine frequency bands from 30 to 857GHz. [...]
arXiv:1807.06205.- 2020-09-01 - 56 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 641 (2020) A1 Fulltext: 1807.06205 - PDF; arXiv:1807.06205 - PDF;
Planck 2015 results. XVI. Isotropy and statistics of the CMB / Planck Collaboration
We test the statistical isotropy and Gaussianity of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies using observations made by the Planck satellite. Our results are based mainly on the full Planck mission for temperature, but also include some polarization measurements. [...]
arXiv:1506.07135.- 2016-09-20 - 62 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 594 (2016) A16 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Planck 2015. XX. Constraints on inflation / Planck Collaboration
We present the implications for cosmic inflation of the Planck measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies in both temperature and polarization based on the full Planck survey. The Planck full mission temperature data and a first release of polarization data on large angular scales measure the spectral index of curvature perturbations to be $n_\mathrm{s} = 0.968 \pm 0.006$ and tightly constrain its scale dependence to $d n_s/d \ln k =-0.003 \pm 0.007$ when combined with the Planck lensing likelihood. [...]
arXiv:1502.02114.- 2016-09-20 - 65 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 594 (2016) A20 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Planck 2015 results. XXV. Diffuse low-frequency Galactic foregrounds / Planck Collaboration
(abridged) We discuss the Galactic foreground emission between 20 and 100GHz based on observations by Planck/WMAP. The Commander component-separation tool has been used to separate the various astrophysical processes in total intensity. [...]
arXiv:1506.06660.- 2016-09-20 - 45 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 594 (2016) A25 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint

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