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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2,037 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.29 segons. 
Introduction to Cosmology / PATIL, Subodh (speaker) (University of Geneva)
2015 - 5110. General; Israeli school programme series External links: Talk details; Event details In : Israeli school programme series
i) Primordial gravity waves and theory / PATIL, Subodh (speaker) (CERN) ; SIBIRYAKOV, Sergey (speaker) (CERN)
2014 - 3678. TH Cosmo Coffee; BICEP2 Discussion Session External links: Talk details; Event details In : BICEP2 Discussion Session
Analysis of some observable effects of weak currents coupled to charged leptons / Patil, R S ; Patil, S H ; Rindani, S D
1974. - 17 p.
Gravitational Waves: a World-Shaking Discovery / ELLIS, Jonathan R. (speaker)
2016 - 3486. General; Israeli school programme series External links: Talk details; Event details In : Israeli school programme series
Introduction to Cosmology (3/3) / Durrer, Ruth (speaker) (University of Geneva)
2015 - 2465. Summer Student Lecture Programme Course, 2015 External link: Event details
In : 50th INTC Meeting In : Introduction to Cosmology (3/3)
Introduction to Cosmology (2/3) / Durrer, Ruth (speaker) (University of Geneva)
2015 - 2803. Summer Student Lecture Programme Course, 2015 External link: Event details
In : 50th INTC Meeting In : Introduction to Cosmology (2/3)
Introduction to Cosmology (1/3) / Durrer, Ruth (speaker) (University of Geneva)
2015 - 2271. Summer Student Lecture Programme Course, 2015 External link: Event details
In : 50th INTC Meeting In : Introduction to Cosmology (1/3)
Introduction to Cosmology (3/3) / Durrer, Ruth (speaker) (University of Geneva)
2014 - 3071. Summer Student Lecture Programme Course, 2014 External link: Event details In : Introduction to Cosmology (3/3)
Introduction to Cosmology (2/3) / Durrer, Ruth (speaker) (University of Geneva)
2014 - 3190. Summer Student Lecture Programme Course, 2014 External link: Event details In : Introduction to Cosmology (2/3)
Introduction to Cosmology (1/3) / Durrer, Ruth (speaker) (University of Geneva)
2014 - 2714. Summer Student Lecture Programme Course, 2014 External link: Event details In : Introduction to Cosmology (1/3)

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