Silicon detectors for the sLHC
/ Affolder, A (Liverpool U.) ; Aleev, A (Moscow, ITEP) ; Allport, P P (Liverpool U.) ; Andricek, L (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Artuso, M (Syracuse U.) ; Balbuena, J P (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Barabash, L (Kiev, INR) ; Barber, T (Freiburg U.) ; Barcz, A (Inst. Electron Tech., Warsaw ; Warsaw, Inst. Phys. Chem.) ; Bassignana, D (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) et al.
In current particle physics experiments, silicon strip detectors are widely used as part of the inner tracking layers. A foreseeable large-scale application for such detectors consists of the luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the super-LHC or sLHC, where silicon detectors with extreme radiation hardness are required. [...]
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 658 (2011) 11-16
In : 8th International Conference on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Materials Detectors and Devices, Florence, Italy, 12 - 15 Oct 2010, pp.11-16
The integration and engineering of the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker Barrel
/ Abdesselam, A (Oxford U.) ; Allport, P P (Liverpool U.) ; Anastopoulos, C (Sheffield U.) ; Anderson, B (University Coll. London) ; Andricek, L (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Anghinolfi, F (CERN) ; Apsimon, R (Rutherford) ; Atkinson, T (Melbourne U.) ; Attree, D J (University Coll. London) ; Austin, N (Liverpool U.) et al.
- Published in : JINST 3 (2008) P10006
SISSA/IOP Open Access article: PDF;
The Silicon Microstrip Sensors of the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker
/ Ahmad, A (Freiburg U. ; Taiwan, Inst. Phys.) ; Albrechtskirchinger, Z (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Allport, P P (Liverpool U.) ; Alonso, J (LBL, Berkeley) ; Andricek, L (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Apsimon, R J (Rutherford) ; Barr, A J (Cambridge U. ; University Coll. London) ; Bates, R L (Glasgow U.) ; Beck, G A (Queen Mary, U. of London) ; Bell, P J (CERN ; Manchester U.) et al.
This paper describes the AC-coupled, single-sided, p-in-n silicon microstrip sensors used in the SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) of the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). [...]
ATL-INDET-PUB-2007-007 ; ATL-COM-INDET-2007-008 ; CERN-ATL-COM-INDET-2007-008.
2007. - 23 p.
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Design and performance of the ABCD3TA ASIC for readout of silicon strip detectors in the ATLAS semiconductor tracker
/ Campabadal, F (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Fleta, C (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Key, M (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Lozano, M (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Martínez, C (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Pellegrini, G (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Rafí, J M (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Ullán, M (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain) ; Johansen, L G (University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway) ; Mohn, B (University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway) et al.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 552 (2005) 292-328
Beam tests of ATLAS SCT silicon strip detector modules
/ Campabadal, F ; Fleta, C ; Key, M ; Lozano, M ; Martínez, C ; Pellegrini, G ; Rafí, J M ; Ullán, M ; Johansen, L ; Pommeresche, B et al.
The design and technology of the silicon strip detector modules for the Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) of the ATLAS experiment have been finalised in the last several years. Integral to this process has been the measurement and verification of the tracking performance of the different module types in test beams at the CERN SPS and the KEK PS. [...]
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 538 (2005) 384-407
Automatic measurement of 12 GeV/c pp interactions in the CERN 2 m HBC
/ van Apeldoorn, G W ; Gosman, D ; Harting, D ; Hartjes, F G ; Hertzberger, L O ; Holthuizen, D J ; Pfeijffers, R ; Pijlgroms, B J ; Rijssenbeek, M ; Tenner, A G et al.
The authors report on the automatic method developed in Amsterdam for the measurement of 125 k pictures of an exposure of 12 GeV/c p in the CERN 2 m HBC. The method uses an HPD in zero guidance mode. [...]
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 159 (1979) 33-45
Operational experiences with the large microstrip gas tracker of HERMES
/ Blouw, J ; Van den Brand, J F J ; Bulten, H J ; Doets, M ; Hartjes, F G ; Henkes, T ; Kok, E ; Kolstein, M ; Niessink, J J ; Udo, Fred
1995. - 6 p.
Development of Diamond Tracking Detectors for High Luminosity Experiments at the LHC
: status report
/ Adam, W ; Bedermann, E ; Bergonzo, P ; Bogani, F ; Borchi, E ; Brambilla, A ; Bruzzi, Mara (INFN and Universita', Firenze, Italy) ; Colledani, C ; Conway, J ; D'Angelo, P et al.
2001. - 25 p.
Development of Diamond Tracking Detectors for High Luminosity Experiments at the LHC
. - 2002 ed.
/ Adam, W ; Bedermann, E ; Bergonzo, P ; de Boer, Wim ; Bogani, F ; Borchi, E ; Brambilla, A ; Bruzzi, Mara (INFN and Universita', Firenze, Italy) ; Colledani, C ; Conway, J et al.
Over the past 14 months the RD42 collaboration continued the improvement of CVD diamond detectors for high luminosity experiments at the LHC. [...]
CERN-LHCC-2002-010 ; LHCC-Status-Report-RD-42 ; LHCC-RD-001.
2002. - 18 p.
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