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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 20 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.55 seconds. 
Review of particle physics / Particle Data Group Collaboration
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,717 new measurements from 869 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons [...]
2024 - 2382 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 030001 Fulltext: PDF;
Form factors for semileptonic B-decays with HISQ light quarks and clover b-quarks in Fermilab interpretation / Jeong, Hwancheol (Indiana U.) ; DeTar, Carleton (Utah U.) ; El-Khadra, Aida X. (Tata Inst. ; Bielefeld U. ; CERN ; Kaiserslautern U. ; Illinois U., Urbana) ; Gámiz, Elvira (CAFPE, Granada ; Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Gelzer, Zechariah (Tata Inst. ; Bielefeld U. ; CERN ; Kaiserslautern U. ; Illinois U., Urbana) ; Gottlieb, Steven (Indiana U.) ; Jay, William (MIT, Cambridge, CTP) ; Kronfeld, Andreas (Fermilab) ; Lytle, Andrew (Tata Inst. ; Bielefeld U. ; CERN ; Kaiserslautern U. ; Illinois U., Urbana) ; Vaquero, Alejandro (Zaragoza U.)
We compute the vector, scalar, and tensor form factors for the $B\to \pi$, $B\to K$, and $B_s\to K$ amplitudes, which are needed to describe semileptonic $B$-meson decay rates for both the charged and neutral current cases. We use the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action for the sea and light valence quarks. [...]
arXiv:2402.14924; FERMILAB-CONF-24-0077-T.- 2024-05-04 - 9 p.
- Published in : PoS: LATTICE2023 (2024) , pp. 253 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2402.14924 - PDF; 477e115143aafe3f8c7fb18cda1d585b - PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
In : 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2023), Fermilab, Batavia, IL, United States, 30 Jul - 5 Aug 2023, pp.253
Book cover Review of Particle Physics : 2022 / Workman, R.L.
The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology [...]
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022 - 2270.

A lattice QCD perspective on weak decays of b and c quarks Snowmass 2022 White Paper / Boyle, Peter A. (Brookhaven ; U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Chakraborty, Bipasha (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Davies, Christine T.H. (Glasgow U.) ; DeGrand, Thomas (Colorado U.) ; DeTar, Carleton (Utah U.) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; El-Khadra, Aida X. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Erben, Felix (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Flynn, Jonathan M. (U. Southampton (main)) ; Gámiz, Elvira (Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) et al.
Lattice quantum chromodynamics has proven to be an indispensable method to determine nonperturbative strong contributions to weak decay processes. [...]
arXiv:2205.15373 ; CERN-TH-2022-036 ; FERMILAB-CONF-22-433-SCD-T ; JLAB-THY-22-3582, MITP-22-020 ; MIT-CTP/5413 ; MS-TP-22-07 ; SI-HEP-2022-11.
- 19.
Fermilab Library Server - eConf - Fulltext - Fulltext
Prospects for precise predictions of $a_\mu$ in the Standard Model / Colangelo, G. (U. Bern (main)) ; Davier, M. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; El-Khadra, A.X. (Illinois U., Urbana ; Fermilab) ; Hoferichter, M. (U. Bern (main)) ; Lehner, C. (Regensburg U.) ; Lellouch, L. (Marseille, CPT) ; Mibe, T. (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Roberts, B.L. (Boston U.) ; Teubner, T. (Liverpool U., Dept. Math.) ; Wittig, H. (U. Mainz, PRISMA ; Darmstadt, GSI) et al.
We discuss the prospects for improving the precision on the hadronic corrections to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, and the plans of the Muon $g-2$ Theory Initiative to update the Standard Model prediction..
arXiv:2203.15810 ; FERMILAB-CONF-22-236-T ; LTH 1303 ; MITP-22-030.
- 24.
Fermilab Library Server - eConf - Fulltext - Fulltext
Challenges in Semileptonic B Decays / Gambino, P. (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Kronfeld, A.S. (Fermilab) ; Rotondo, M. (Frascati) ; Schwanda, C. (Vienna, OAW) ; Bernlochner, F. (Bonn U.) ; Bharucha, A. (Marseille, CPT) ; Bozzi, C. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Calvi, M. (Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Cao, L. (Bonn U.) ; Ciezarek, G. (CERN) et al.
Two of the elements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark mixing matrix, $|V_{ub}|$ and $|V_{cb}|$, are extracted from semileptonic B decays. The results of the B factories, analysed in the light of the most recent theoretical calculations, remain puzzling, because for both $|V_{ub}|$ and $|V_{cb}|$ the exclusive and inclusive determinations are in clear tension. [...]
arXiv:2006.07287; FERMILAB-PUB-20-235-T.- 2020-10-19 - 77 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 966 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: fermilab-pub-20-235-t - PDF; 2006.07287 - PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model / Aoyama, T. (KEK, Tsukuba ; Nishina Ctr., RIKEN ; KMI, Nagoya) ; Asmussen, N. (Southampton U.) ; Benayoun, M. (Paris U., VI-VII) ; Bijnens, J. (Lund U.) ; Blum, T. (Connecticut U. ; RIKEN BNL) ; Bruno, M. (CERN) ; Caprini, I. (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Carloni Calame, C.M. (INFN, Pavia) ; Cè, M. (CERN ; Mainz U., Inst. Phys. ; Darmstadt, GSI ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz) ; Colangelo, G. (U. Bern, AEC) et al.
We review the present status of the Standard Model calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. This is performed in a perturbative expansion in the fine-structure constant $\alpha$ and is broken down into pure QED, electroweak, and hadronic contributions. [...]
arXiv:2006.04822; FERMILAB-PUB-20-207-T; INT-PUB-20-021; KEK Preprint 2020-5, MITP/20-028; KEK Preprint 2020-5, MITP/20-028; CERN-TH-2020-075; IFT-UAM/CSIC-20-74; LMU-ASC 18/20; LTH 1234, LU TP 20-20; LTH 1234, LU TP 20-20; MAN/HEP/2020/003; PSI-PR-20-06; UWThPh 2020-14; ZU-TH 18/20.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-12-03 - 166 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 887 (2020) 1-166 Fulltext: 2006.04822 - PDF; fermilab-pub-20-207-t - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Fermilab News article; Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
Opportunities for lattice QCD in quark and lepton flavor physics / USQCD Collaboration
This document is one of a series of whitepapers from the USQCD collaboration. Here, we discuss opportunities for lattice QCD in quark and lepton flavor physics. [...]
arXiv:1904.09479; FERMILAB-PUB-19-173-T; RBRC-1309.- 2019-11-14 - 19 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 55 (2019) 195 Fulltext: PDF; Preprint: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available); Open Access fulltext
Report of the Quark Flavor Physics Working Group / Quark Flavor Physics Working Group Collaboration
This report represents the response of the Intensity Frontier Quark Flavor Physics Working Group to the Snowmass charge. [...]
arXiv:1311.1076 ; FERMILAB-CONF-13-664-PPD-T.
- 2013 - 46.
PDF on ECONF - Proceedings write-up on ECONF - Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext
anti-b $\to \pi$ lepton anti-neutron at three lattice spacings / Ryan, S ; El-Khadra, A X ; Hashimoto, S ; Kronfeld, Andreas S ; MacKenzie, P B ; Simone, J N
- 1998.
Full text from Fermilab

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106 El-Khadra, A X
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