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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 13 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενο  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.78 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Particle Physics at the European Spallation Source / Abele, H. (Vienna, Tech. U., Atominst.) ; Alekou, A. (CERN) ; Algora, A. (Valencia U.) ; Andersen, K. (Oak Ridge) ; Baeßler, S. (Virginia U. (main) ; Oak Ridge) ; Barron-Pálos, L. (Mexico U.) ; Barrow, J. (MIT, Cambridge, Dept. Phys. ; Tel Aviv U.) ; Baussan, E. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Bentley, P. (ESS, Lund) ; Berezhiani, Z. (L'Aquila U. ; INFN, Aquila) et al.
Presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, the European Spallation Source (ESS) will be the world's brightest neutron source. As such, it has the potential for a particle physics program with a unique reach and which is complementary to that available at other facilities. [...]
arXiv:2211.10396.- 2023-07 - 84 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 1023 (2023) 1-84 Fulltext: PDF;
Deformation and mixing of coexisting shapes in neutron-deficient polonium isotopes / Kesteloot, N (KU Leuven, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; SCK-CEN, Mol) ; Bastin, B (KU Leuven, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; GANIL) ; Gaffney, L P (KU Leuven, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; Liverpool U.) ; Wrzosek-Lipska, K (KU Leuven, Dept. Phys. Astron. ; Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Auranen, K (Jyvaskyla U. ; Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Bauer, C (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Bender, M (CENBG, Gradignan) ; Bildstein, V (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Blazhev, A (Cologne U.) ; Bönig, S (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) et al.
Coulomb-excitation experiments are performed with postaccelerated beams of neutron-deficient Po196,198,200,202 isotopes at the REX-ISOLDE facility. A set of matrix elements, coupling the low-lying states in these isotopes, is extracted. [...]
2015 - 17 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 054301 APS Open Access article: PDF;
3. Resonant proton scattering of $^{22}$Mg and $^{21}$Na / Tengblad, Oinstitute et al. - ISOLDE.
Approved: 02 March 2011.-
Status: Completed on 19 May 2020
Experiment: IS512
Coulomb excitation of $^{94, 96}$Kr beam : Deformation in the neutron-rich krypton isotopes / REX-ISOLDE collaboration
CERN-INTC-2010-075 ; INTC-P-255-ADD-1.
- 2010.
Original Document (INTC-P-255) - Fulltext
A Spectrometer for Nuclear Reaction Studies at HIE-ISOLDE / Tveten, G (University of Oslo, Norway) ; Cederkall, J (Lund University, Sweden) ; Siem, S (University of Oslo, Norway) ; Goergen, A (University of Oslo, Norway) ; Guttormsen, M (University of Oslo, Norway) ; Hoff, P (University of Oslo, Norway) ; Di Julio, D (Lund University, Sweden) ; Fahlander, C (Lund University, Sweden) ; Butler, P A (Liverpool University, UK) ; Joss, D T (Liverpool University, UK) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-047 ; INTC-I-113.
- 2010.
Studies of collectivity and single-particle behaviour in Te nuclei above the the N=50 shell gap / Cederwall, B (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Butler, P A (Liverpool U.) ; Bäck, T (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Cederkäll, J (Lund U.) ; Darby, I G (Leuven U.) ; Di Julio, D (Lund U.) ; Fahlander, C (Lund U.) ; Grahn, T (Jyväskylä U. ; Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Hadinia, B (West of Scotland U.) ; Huyse, M (Leuven U.) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-046 ; INTC-I-112.
- 2010.
Shape coexistence in the neutron-deficient region around Z=82 studied via Coulomb excitation and few-nucleon transfer reactions / Voulot, D (CERN) ; Wenander, F (CERN) ; Pakarinen, J (CERN) ; Blumenfeld, Y (CERN) ; Davinson, T (Edinburgh U.) ; Woods, P (Edinburgh U.) ; P.T. Greenlees, (Jyvaskyla U.) ; P. Jones, (Jyvaskyla U.) ; R. Julin, (Jyvaskyla U.) ; S. Juutinen, (Jyvaskyla U.) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-044 ; INTC-I-110.
- 2010.
Nuclear-structure evolution from $^{68}$Ni towards $^{78}$Ni studied with multiple Coulomb excitation / Van Duppen, P (CERN) ; Wenander, F (CERN) ; Pakarinen, J (CERN) ; Blumenfeld, Y (CERN) ; Davinson, T (Edinburgh U.) ; Woods, P (Edinburgh U.) ; Huyse, M (Leuven U.) ; De Witte, H (Leuven U.) ; Raabe, R (Leuven U.) ; Van Duppen, P (Leuven U.) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-043 ; INTC-I-109.
- 2010.
Letter of Intent to the ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee for experiments with HIE-ISOLDE: A HELIcal Orbit Spectrometer (HELIOS) for HIE-ISOLDE / Freeman, Sean J (Manchester U.) ; Andreyev, A (West Scotland U.) ; Back, B B (Argonne, CNM) ; Bildstein, V (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Butler, P A (Liverpool U.) ; Catford, W N (Surrey U.) ; Cederkall, J (Lund U.) ; Chapman, G (West Scotland U.) ; Di Julio, D (Lund U.) ; Hoffman, C R (Argonne, CNM) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-031 ; INTC-I-099.
- 2010.
Letter of Intent to the ISOLDE and Neutron Time-of-Flight Experiments Committee for experiments with HIE-ISOLDE : Single-Particle Evolution and Test of Shell Models / Freeman, Sean J (Manchester U) ; Andreyev, A (West Scotland U.) ; Bildstein, V (Munich, Tech. U.) ; Butler, P A (Liverpool U.) ; Carpenter, M P (Argonne, CNM) ; Catford, W N (Surrey U.) ; Cederkall, J (Lund U.) ; Chapman, R (West Scotland U.) ; Di Julio, D (Lund U.) ; Hoffman, C R (Argonne, CNM) et al.
CERN-INTC-2010-029 ; INTC-I-097.
- 2010.

CERN Document Server : 13 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν   1 - 10επόμενο  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή:
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