Trilinear Higgs boson coupling variations for di-Higgs production with full NLO QCD predictions in Powheg (p. 12009) |
by Heinrich, G |
Multi-threaded checksum computation for ATLAS high-performance storage software (p. 12026) |
by Le Goff, Fabrice |
Evaluating InfluxDB and ClickHouse database technologies for improvements of the ATLAS operational monitoring data archiving (p. 12027) |
by Vasile, Matei Eugen |
Performance evaluation of distributed file systems for the phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at CERN (p. 12028) |
by Abed Abud, Adam |
ELisA: the ATLAS logbook facility extensions (p. 12029) |
by Corso-Radu, Alina |
Simulating Diverse HEP Workflows on Heterogeneous Architectures (p. 12030) |
by Leggett, Charles |
ATLAS High Level Trigger within the multi-threaded software framework AthenaMT (p. 12031) |
by Bielski, Rafal |
The FELIX detector interface for the ATLAS TDAQ upgrades and its deployment in the ITK demonstrator setup (p. 12033) |
by Solans, Carlos |
The design and performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector trigger in high pile-up collisions at 13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (p. 12034) |
by Abraham, Nicola |
Design Pattern for Analysis Automation on Distributed Resources using Luigi Analysis Workflows (p. 12035) |
by Rieger, Marcel |
by Kazarov, Andrei |
CMS Software and Offline preparation for future runs (p. 12037) |
by Boccali, Tommaso |
The NanoAOD event data format in CMS (p. 12038) |
by Peruzzi, Marco |
Heterogeneous computing for the local reconstruction algorithms of the CMS calorimeters (p. 12040) |
by Massironi, Andrea |
Faster RooFitting: Automated parallel calculation of collaborative statistical models (p. 12041) |
by Patrick Bos, E G |
Real-time cluster finding for LHCb silicon pixel VELO detector using FPGA (p. 12044) |
by Lazzari, Federico |
Deep learning for certification of the quality of the data acquired by the CMS Experiment (p. 12045) |
by Alan Pol, Adrian |
A new scheduling algorithm for the LHCb upgrade trigger application (p. 12052) |
by Govorkova, Katya |
Vectorization of Random Number Generation and Reproducibility of Concurrent Particle Transport Simulation (p. 12054) |
by Jun, S Y |
The ATLAS EventIndex and its evolution towards Run 3 (p. 12056) |
by Villaplana Perez, Miguel |
Using DODAS as deployment manager for smart caching of CMS data management system (p. 12057) |
by Tracolli, Mirco |
CernVM-FS Container Image Integration (p. 12058) |
by Mosciatti, Simone |
Hardware Accelerated ATLAS Workloads on the WLCG grid (p. 12059) |
by Forti, Alessandra |
New ROOT graphics language (p. 12061) |
by Betsou, Iliana |
Overall quality optimization for DQM stage in High Energy Physics experiments (p. 12063) |
by Benekos, N |
Generative Adversarial Networks for fast simulation (p. 12064) |
by Carminati, Federico |
Federated data storage evolution in HENP: data lakes and beyond (p. 12071) |
by Zarochentsev, Andrey |
Explore cloud solutions for ATLAS with $250,000 AWS cloud credits (p. 12072) |
by Bawa, H |
Next Generation of HEP CPU benchmarks (p. 12073) |
by Giordano, Domenico |
The future of HEP software (p. 12075) |
by Brun, René |
An Ensemble of Neural Networks for Online Electron Filtering at the ATLAS Experiment (p. 12076) |
by Spolidoro Freund, Werner |
Deep generative models for fast shower simulation in ATLAS (p. 12077) |
by Ghosh, Aishik |
Track propagation for different detector and magnetic field setups in Acts (p. 12080) |
by Klimpel, Fabian |
Particle Generative Adversarial Networks for full-event simulation at the LHC and their application to pileup description (p. 12081) |
by Arjona Martínez, Jesús |
A New Visual Analytics Toolkit for ATLAS Computing Metadata (p. 12086) |
by Grigorieva, M A |
Accelerating dark matter search in emulsion SHiP detector by deep learning (p. 12087) |
by Shirobokov, S K |
Energy reconstruction of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter under high pile-up conditions using the Wiener filter (p. 12092) |
by Oliveira Gonçalves, Dayane |
Machine Learning approach to boosting neutral particles identification in the LHCb calorimeter (p. 12096) |
by Boldyrev, Alexey |
Fast Data-Driven Simulation of Cherenkov Detectors Using Generative Adversarial Networks (p. 12097) |
by Maevskiy, Artem |
Variational Dropout Sparsification for Particle Identification speed-up (p. 12099) |
by Ryzhikov, Artem |
Machine Learning for Muon Identifcation at LHCb (p. 12100) |
by Kazeev, N |
Real-time reconstruction of long-lived particles at LHCb using FPGAs (p. 12101) |
by Cenci, Riccardo |
Deep learning for Directional Dark Matter search (p. 12108) |
by Golovatiuk, Artem |
Making RooFit Ready for Run 3 (p. 12114) |
by Hageboeck, S. |
Constructing mass-decorrelated hadronic decay taggers in ATLAS (p. 12117) |
by Sogaard, Andreas |
Multi-threaded checksum computation for ATLAS high-performance storage software |
by Le Goff, Fabrice |
The FELIX detector interface for the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition upgrades and its deployment in the ATLAS Inner Tracker demonstrator setup |
by Solans, Carlos |
Control and Configuration Software for the ATLAS DAQ system in LHC Run 2 |
by Kazarov, Andrei |
Evaluating InfluxDB and ClickHouse database technologies for improvements of the ATLAS operational monitoring data archiving |
by Vasile, Matei Eugen |
Machine Learning Techniques in the ATLAS TDAQ Network Monitoring System |
by Wyszynski, Oskar Justynian |
Performance evaluation of distributed file systems for the phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at CERN |
by Abed Abud, Adam |
ELisA: the ATLAS logbook facility extensions |
by Corso-Radu, Alina |
A New Visual Analytics toolkit for ATLAS metadata |
by Grigoryeva, Maria |
Identifying hadronically decaying vector bosons and top quarks in ATLAS |
by Majersky, Oliver |
The ATLAS EventIndex and its evolution towards Run 3 |
by Barberis, Dario |
Hardware Accelerated ATLAS Workloads on the WLCG |
by Forti, Alessandra |
Towards the Increase in Granularity for the Main Hadronic ATLAS Calorimeter: Exploiting Deep Learning Methods |
by Do Nascimento Gaspar, Philipp |
Fast Deep Learning on FPGAs for the Phase-II L0 Muon Barrel Trigger of the ATLAS Experiment |
by Francescato, Simone |
Deep generative models for fast shower simulation in ATLAS |
by Ghosh, Aishik |
Core software aspects for the LHCb upgrade |
by Nolte, Niklas Stefan |
Core software challenges of the GPU High Level Trigger 1 of LHCb |
by Campora Perez, Daniel Hugo |
Fast Data-Driven simulation of Cherenkov Detectors Using Generative Adversarial Networks |
by Maevskiy, Artem |
Variational Dropout Sparsification for Particle Identification speed-up |
by Ryzhikov, Artem |
Machine Learning on sWeighted data |
by Kazeev, Nikita |
Real-time reconstruction of long-lived particles at LHCb using FPGAs |
by Morello, Michael Joseph |
Continuous Analysis
-- User Containers on the Grid |
by Heinrich, Lukas |
Real-time cluster finding for LHCb silicon pixel VELO detector using FPGA |
by Lazzari, Federico |
A 30 MHz software trigger for the LHCb Upgrade |
by Fitzpatrick, Conor |
The computing model of the LHCb Upgrade |
by Cattaneo, Marco |
Heterogenous computing for the local reconstruction algorithms of the CMS calorimeters |
by Massironi, Andrea |
Adversarial Neural Network-based data-simulation corrections for jet-tagging at CMS |
by Fischer, Benjamin |
Identifying hadronically-decaying vector bosons and top quarks in ATLAS |
by Majersky, Oliver |
The second generation of the ATLAS Production System: expertise and future evolution |
by Borodin, Mikhail |
Standard Model Summary Plots Spring 2019 |
Constructing mass-decorrelated hadronic decay taggers in ATLAS |
by Sogaard, Andreas |
Tracking performance for long-lived particles at LHCb |
by Garcia, Luis Miguel |
Slides for the talk in ACAT 2019: Energy Reconstruction of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter under high pile-up conditions using the Wiener filter |
by Oliveira Goncalves, Dayane |
An Ensemble of Neural Networks for Online Electron Filtering at the ATLAS Experiment |
by Spolidoro Freund, Werner |