The LHCb DAQ Upgrade for LHC Run3 (p. 982) |
by Colombo, Tommaso |
FELIX: the New Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment (p. 986) |
by Wu, Weihao |
FELIX based readout of the Single-Phase ProtoDUNE detector (p. 993) |
by Borga, Andrea |
Clock Distribution and Readout Architecture for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter at the HL-LHC (p. 1014) |
by Carrió, Fernando |
General purpose readout board $\pi$ LUP: overview and results (p. 1021) |
by Giangiacomi, Nico |
The Phase-1 Upgrade for the Level-1 Muon Barrel Trigger of the ATLAS Experiment at LHC (p. 1028) |
by Izzo, Vincenzo |
FLIT-level InfiniBand network simulations of the DAQ system of the LHCb experiment for Run-3 (p. 1159) |
by Colombo, Tommaso |
The DAQ for the Single Phase DUNE Prototype at CERN (p. 1210) |
by Sipos, Roland |
ATLAS Tile calorimeter calibration and monitoring systems (p. 1228) |
by Marjanovic, Marija |
Design and Evaluation of the LAr Trigger Digitizer Board in the ATLAS Phase-I Upgrade (p. 2011) |
by Besin, Dominique |
Precision Timing in the CMS MTD Barrel Timing Layer With Crystal Bars and SiPMs (p. 2105) |
by Santanastasio, Francesco |
Performance Study of the First 2-D Prototype of Vertically Integrated Pattern Recognition Associative Memory (p. 2111) |
by Deptuch, Gregory |
Real time data analysis with the ATLAS Trigger at the LHC in Run-2 (p. 2128) |
by Beauchemin, Pierre-Hugues |
The Design and Testing of the Address in Real Time Data Driver Card for the Micromegas Detector of the ATLAS New Small Wheel Upgrade (p. 2155) |
by Yao, L. |
The CMS Data Acquisition System for the Phase-2 Upgrade |
by Hegeman, Jeroen Guido |
Overview and performance of the ATLAS Level-1 Topological Trigger |
by Damp, Johannes Frederic |
The Study of Multi-Layer sTGC Test System for ATLAS Phase-I upgrade |
by Li, Feng |
A new high speed, Ultrascale+ based board for the ATLAS jet calorimeter trigger system |
by Bauss, B. |
Online Track Reconstruction on GPUs for the Mu3e and LHCb experiments |
by Vom Bruch, Dorothea |
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger |
by Akatsuka, Shunichi |
ATLAS Tile calorimeter calibration and monitoring systems |
by Marjanovic, Marija |
Clock Distribution and Readout Architecture for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter at the HL-LHC |
by Carrio Argos, Fernando |
The Phase-1 Upgrade of the
ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger |
by Akatsuka, Shunichi |
A new high speed, Ultrascale+ based board for the ATLAS jet calorimeter trigger system |
by Rocco, Elena |
ATLAS Tile calorimeter calibration and monitoring systems |
by Marjanovic, Marija |
Clock Distribution and Readout Architecture for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter at the HL-LHC |
by Carrio Argos, Fernando |
FELIX: the New Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment |
by Oberling, Michael B |
The Phase-1 Upgrade for the Level-1 Muon Barrel Trigger of the ATLAS Experiment at LHC |
by Izzo, Vincenzo |
Real time data analysis with the ATLAS trigger at the LHC in Run-2 |
by Beauchemin, Pierre-Hugues |
The Phase-1 Upgrade for the Level-1 Muon Barrel Trigger of the ATLAS Experiment at LHC |
by Izzo, Vincenzo |
FELIX: the new detector interface for the ATLAS experiment |
by Wu, Weihao |
The design and performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector trigger in high pileup collisions at 13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider |
by Grandi, Mario |