CW Electron Accelerators : A Review(p. 1) |
by Kowalski, S |
Overview of Synchrotron Radiation Facilities (p. 7) |
by Winick, Herman |
The Status of R&D for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven (p. 12) |
by Forsyth, E B |
IUCF Cooler Ring Status 1989 (p. 17) |
by Pollock, R E |
Operating Results of the Electron Ring of Saskatchewan (EROS) (p. 22) |
by Dallin, L O |
Status Report on the GSI Synchrotron Facility and First Beam Results (p. 27) |
by Blasche, K |
Results from Lanzhou K450 heavy ion cyclotron (p. 29) |
by Wei, B |
The MIT-Bates South Hall Ring (p. 34) |
by Flanz, J B |
Initial Operation of Cooler Ring, TARN II (p. 37) |
by Katayama, T |
The COSY-Jülich Project : Feb. 1989 Status(p. 40) |
by Maier, R |
Status Report on the AGOR Superconducting Cyclotron (p. 43) |
by Launé, B |
The Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher Project (AmPS) (p. 46) |
by Luijckx, G |
The Heidelberg Heavy Ion Cooler Storage Ring TSR (p. 49) |
by Bisoffi, G |
Orbit Stability and Feedback Control in Synchrotron Radiation Rings (p. 54) |
by Yu, L H |
Problems in Measuring Micron-Size Beams (p. 60) |
by Field, C |
Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of the Los Alamos Free Electron Laser Driver (p. 65) |
by Fiorito, R B |
Flying wires at Fermilab (p. 68) |
by Gannon, J |
Design and preliminary tests of a beam intensity monitor for LEP (p. 71) |
by Unser, K B |
Advanced light source control system (p. 74) |
by Magyary, S |
The provision of telecommunications links for the LEP collider (p. 79) |
by Parker, C R C B |
A unified approach to building accelerator simulation software for the SSC (p. 82) |
by Paxson, V E |
The Bates Pulse Stretcher Ring Control System Design (p. 85) |
by Russ, T |
Electric Polarizability and Magnetic Susceptibility of Small Holes in a Thin Screen (p. 88) |
by Gluckstern, R L |
Experiment of Cusptron Microwave Tube (p. 91) |
by Choe, J Y |
FCI-field charge interaction program for high power klystron simulations (p. 94) |
by Shintake, T |
Small-Signal Gain and Numerical Simulation of Transvertron High Power Microwave Sources (p. 97) |
by Sullivan, D J |
A radio-frequency transfer structure for the CERN linear collider (p. 100) |
by Garvey, Terence |
Structure studies for the CERN linear collider CLIC (p. 103) |
by Wilson, Ian H |
Installation and operation of the new rf system for lepton acceleration in the CERN SPS (p. 106) |
by Faugeras, Paul E |
Development of the Collective Interaction Klystron (CIK) (p. 109) |
by Pasour, J A |
Computer Aided Field Measurements of the SUPERHILAC Alvarez Cavities (p. 112) |
by Howard, D |
Optimizing the High Power Input to the LBL 400 MHz Proton RFQ (p. 115) |
by Howard, D |
Advanced Light Source master oscillator (p. 118) |
by Lo, C C |
Computer-aided studies of the ALS 500 MHz storage ring cavity (p. 121) |
by Lo, C C |
Advanced light source storage ring rf system (p. 124) |
by Taylor, B |
Transient analysis of multicavity klystrons (p. 126) |
by Lavine, T L |
Design of a 100 MW X-band klystron (p. 129) |
by Eppley, K R |
rf pulse compression experiment at SLAC (p. 132) |
by Farkas, Z D |
rf system for high beam intensity acceleration in the CERN PS (p. 135) |
by Garoby, R |
Bunch Lengthening Control Using the Fourth Harmonic Cavity in the VUV Ring (p. 138) |
by Keane, J |
X-Ray RF System Upgrade at the NSLS (p. 141) |
by Keane, J |
Planned Beam Transport and Two-Cavity Amplifier Experiments on the University of Maryland Gyroklystron (p. 144) |
by Welsh, D |
A High Power X-Band Relativistic Klystron (p. 147) |
by Davis, T J |
High Power Traveling Wave Amplifier Experiments (p. 150) |
by Nation, J A |
RF System for High-Power Industrial Irradiators (p. 153) |
by Labrie, J P |
Damped accelerator structures for future linear e+- colliders (p. 156) |
by Deruyter, H |
Anomalous electron loading in SLAC 5045 klystron and relativistic klystron input cavities (p. 159) |
by Koontz, R F |
60 KW UHF, Solid State RF Power Supply (p. 162) |
by Davis, C D |
Studies of Ferrite Materials for the AGS Booster Synchrotron (p. 165) |
by Goldman, M A |
Time Domain Beam Loading Studies of the Booster and AGS (p. 168) |
by Meth, M |
Perpendicular biased ferrite tuned rf cavity for the TRIUMF KAON factory booster ring (p. 171) |
by Poirier, R L |
The interaction between the third harmonic resonance and parasitic modes inside the TRIUMF cavity (p. 174) |
by Pacak, V |
Progress on a Prototype Main Ring RF Cavity (p. 177) |
by Swain, G R |
RF System for the STA SR Ring (p. 180) |
by Kusaka, T |
High Power RF Tests of 433 MHz Single-Cell Accelerator Cavities and Associated Feed System (p. 183) |
by Vetter, A M |
SUPERFISH Accuracy Dependence on Mesh Size (p. 186) |
by Merson, J L |
Computer aided design of three-dimensional waveguide loaded cavities (p. 189) |
by Goren, Y |
Prototype RF Cavity for the HISTRAP Accelerator (p. 193) |
by Mosko, S W |
Higher order mode damping in KAON factory rf cavities (p. 196) |
by Enegren, T A |
Depressed Collectors for Gyrotrons (p. 199) |
by Read, M E |
Dynamics of an electron in an rf gap (p. 202) |
by Farkas, Z D |
Modification of MEA Modulator-Kystron Units Enabling Short Pulse Injection into a Pulse-Stretcher Ring (p. 205) |
by Kroes, F B |
Wiggler Tune Shift Compensation on the Daresbury SRS (p. 208) |
by Poole, M W |
Higher Order Modes in the SRS 500 MHz Accelerating Cavities (p. 211) |
by Corlett, J N |
Determination of Failure Mechanisms of RF Cavity Aperture Windows (p. 214) |
by Rimmer, R A |
Status Report on the Radio Frequency Accelerating Systems of the APS at Argonne (p. 217) |
by Nicholls, G |
The Design of the R.F. Cavities for Elettra (p. 220) |
by Fernandes, P |
CARM Driver for High Frequency RF Accelerators (p. 223) |
by Danly, B G |
RF Cavity Design for High Current Operation of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (p. 226) |
by Greenwald, S |
Boeing Travelling Wave Structure Electrical Performance (p. 229) |
by Buller, T |
Design of High Average Power Linear Electron Accelerator Sections (p. 231) |
by Buller, T |
Ferrite loaded untuned rf cavity for synchrotron (p. 234) |
by Muto, K |
An Improved 1.26 MHz System for the Fermilab Antiproton Accummulator (p. 237) |
by Peterson, D W |
125 MHz Cavity for NAR (p. 240) |
by Shibayama, A |
Design and Construction of a Chopper Driven 11.4 GHz Traveling Wave RF Generator (p. 243) |
by Haimson, J |
Engineering Design of the Interaction Waveguide for High-Power Accelerator-Driven Microwave Free-Electron Lasers (p. 246) |
by Hopkins, D B |
Technique of Race-Track Microtron Injection into Linac (p. 251) |
by Tumanian, A R |
Calculation of Losses and Protection Against Irradiation During Beam Abort and Loss Localization in the UNK (p. 255) |
by Drozhdin, A I |
Second Slow Extraction of Relativistic Nuclear Beams from the Synchrophasotron (p. 258) |
by Issinsky, I B |
Design of the Injection System by Half Resonance into a Superconducting Electron Storage Ring (p. 260) |
by Nakata, S |
Mechanical Design of SXLS Radio-Frequency Cavity (p. 263) |
by Mortazavi, P |
Active Interlock for Storage Ring Insertion Devices (p. 266) |
by Rothman, J L |
A Modular Instrumentation Panel for Monitoring the Status of Accelerator Cooling Systems at Los Alamos (p. 268) |
by Tomei, T L |
The Beam Slow Extraction from a Magnetic Ring of Moscow Meson Facility (p. 270) |
by Malítsky, N D |
Operational Status of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility (p. 273) |
by Batchelor, K |
A 4-Megavolt, 5-Kiloampere Pulsed-Power High-Brightness Electron Beam Source (p. 276) |
by Carlson, R L |
The Experiment of Applying Plasma Chemical Reaction and Non-Plasma Chemical Reaction in R.F. Ion Source (p. 279) |
by Gui Bin, B |
Study of a positron source generated by photons from ultrarelativistic channeled particles (p. 283) |
by Chehab, R |
High Current Metal Ion Beam Injection Experiments (p. 286) |
by Brown, I G |
Broad-beam multi-ampere metal ion source (p. 289) |
by Brown, I G |
Bevatron Local Injector Duoplasmatron Ion Source Performance (p. 292) |
by Zajec, E |
NPBTS-Overview and Capabilities (p. 295) |
by Fink, C L |
Single electron beams from the LEP pre-injector (p. 298) |
by Frammery, Bertrand |
Performance Improvement of the KEK PS-Booster Synchrotron (p. 301) |
by Yamane, I |
Gabor lens focusing of a negative ion beam (p. 304) |
by Palkovic, J A |
The Brookhaven Accelerator Test Facility Injection System (p. 307) |
by Wang, X J |
Status of the Sandia EBIS Program (p. 310) |
by Schmieder, R W |
Photoelectric Injector Design Code (p. 313) |
by Carlsten, B E |
A formalism and computer program for coupled lattices (p. 313) |
by Raubenheimer, T O |
The Pseudospark as an Electron Beam Source (p. 316) |
by Boggasch, E |
The ECR Heavy-Ion Source for ATLAS (p. 319) |
by Pardo, R C |
Pulsed 4-MeV Electron Injector with an Excimer Laser Driven Photocathode (p. 322) |
by Kauppila, T J |
Conceptual design of a gyrotron-driven superconducting ECR ion source (p. 325) |
by Countryman, P J |
Conceptual Design of a High Current Injector for the NIST-NRL Free-Electron Laser (p. 328) |
by Cutler, R I |
An Optimized H (p. 331) |
by Tompkins, P A |
Simulations of High-Brightness RF Photocathode Guns for LLNL-SLAC-LBL 1 GeV Test Experiment (p. 334) |
by Chen, Y J |
Generation and Amplification of Temporally "Square" Optical Pulses for the FEL Photoelectric Injector (p. 337) |
by Remelius, D K |
A Volume H (p. 340) |
by Prelec, K |
Timing jitter measurements at the SLC electron source (p. 343) |
by Sodja, J |
Intense Negative Heavy Ion Source with Cusp Magnetic Field (p. 345) |
by Mori, Y |
Successful DC Recirculation of a 2 MeV Electron Beam at Currents More than 0.1 Ampere (p. 348) |
by Adney, J R |
Design calculations and measurements of a dipole magnet with Permendur pole pieces (p. 351) |
by Early, R A |
Variable Gradient Permanent-Magnet Quadrupole Lenses (p. 354) |
by O'Shea, P G |
Hall Effect Magnetic Field Regulation Systems for the CESR Injector (p. 357) |
by Dunnam, C R |
Conceptual design of a 5 T/mm quadrupole for linear collider final focus (p. 360) |
by Egawa, K |
DC Septum Magnet for Beam Extraction (p. 363) |
by Noda, A |
A Radiation Hard Dipole Magnet Coils Using Aluminum Clad Copper Conductors (p. 366) |
by Leonhardt, W J |
Magnets for high energy colliders (p. 369) |
by Spencer, J |
Design of a pulsed switching magnet for the Bevalac (p. 372) |
by Abbott, S |
Laced permanent magnet quadrupole drift tube magnets (p. 375) |
by Feinberg, B |
Magnetic Measurements at LNLS (p. 378) |
by Ortiz, W A |
Static and Dynamic Magnetic End Effects and Correction Magnets for the AGS Booster (p. 381) |
by Danby, G E |
Description of New Vacuum Chamber Correction Concept (p. 384) |
by Danby, G T |
Magnetic Measurements of Permanent Magnet Insertion Devices at the BNL-NSLS (p. 387) |
by Solomon, L |
Prototype magnet designs and loss measurements for the dual frequency booster synchrotron for TRIUMF's KAON factory (p. 390) |
by Otter, Alan J |
Design, Construction, and Field Mapping of the HISTRAP Prototype Dipole (p. 393) |
by Tatum, B A |
Quadrupole Magnet for the APS Storage Ring (p. 396) |
by Thompson, K M |
Beam transport magnets for CEBAF (p. 399) |
by Harwood, L H |
A magnetically switched kicker for proton extraction (p. 402) |
by Dinkel, J |
Kicker Magnets for the Advanced Light Source (p. 405) |
by Gabor, G |
Kickers used for Bunched $e^{+}/e^{-}$ Beam Transfer in the CERN PS Complex (p. 408) |
by Fowler, T |
Design, analysis and measurement of very fast kicker magnets at SLAC (p. 411) |
by Weaver, J N |
Laser stripping of the TRIUMF H- beam (p. 414) |
by Lee, R T |
Stripping Injection of H (p. 417) |
by Rogge, M |
Design of MCTD Photoinjector Cavities (p. 420) |
by Warren, J L |
H- Injection into the Low Energy Booster of the SSC (p. 423) |
by Colton, E P |
Tevatron collider : status and prospects(p. 426) |
by Dugan, G F |
HERA status (p. 431) |
by Wiik, Bjørn Haavard |
The Fermilab Upgrade (p. 436) |
by Holmes, S D |
Operational Experience with Using Collimators to Remove Halo in the Tevatron Collider (p. 439) |
by Pruss, S M |
Proposals for B- and Phi-Meson Factories in Novosibirsk (p. 441) |
by Tumaikin, G M |
High Luminosity Operation of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (p. 444) |
by Rice, D |
Injection and Transport of Beams of Positrons into and through an Octant of LEP (p. 447) |
Injection and transport of beams of positrons into and through an octant of LEP (p. 447) |
by Hofmann, A |
TRIUMF KAON factory pre-construction study (p. 450) |
by Craddock, M K |
The CERN collider after ACOL (p. 453) |
by Jones, E |
PEP as a synchrotron radiation source : status and review(p. 456) |
by Paterson, J M |
Record Capture and Acceleration Efficiency in the SURF-II 300 MeV Circular Storage Ring (p. 461) |
by Hughey, L R |
Status of ELETTRA (p. 464) |
by Wrulich, A F |
SRS-2: Performance and Achievements (p. 467) |
by Suller, V P |
Experience with Phase II Insertion Devices in the X-Ray Ring (p. 470) |
by Decker, G |
Operation of CESR as a Low Emittance X-Ray Source (p. 473) |
by Blum, E B |
Storage Ring Design for STA SR Project (p. 476) |
by Hara, M |
Higher Order Mode RF Power Extraction From Polarized Cavities with a Single Output Coupler (p. 479) |
by Kirchgessner, J |
Field Emmission Processing of Superconducting RF Cavities with High Peak Power (p. 482) |
by Kirchgessner, J |
Fully hydroformed rf cavities (p. 485) |
by Hauviller, Claude |
Temperature and Field Dependence of the RF Surface Resistance of High T (p. 488) |
by Moffatt, D |
R & D in Progress to Overcome Field Emission in Superconducting Accelerator Cavities (p. 491) |
by Shu, Q S |
Optimization of Coil Configuration in a Superconducting Dipole Magnet for Compact Synchrotron Light Source (p. 494) |
by Kitamura, M |
Test of Two 1.8 M SSC Model Magnets with Iterated Design (p. 497) |
by Wanderer, P |
Collarless, Close-in, Shaped Iron Aperture Designs for the SSC Dipole (p. 500) |
by Gupta, R C |
Status of the Quadrupoles for RHIC (p. 503) |
by Thompson, P A |
Minimum Energy to Start a Quench and Optimum Copper-to-NbTi Ratio (p. 506) |
by Ng, K Y |
Lifetime of Passive Quench Protection Diodes in the SSC (p. 509) |
by Ziegler, J |
A new high-gradient correction quadrupole for the Fermilab luminosity upgrade (p. 512) |
by Mantsch, P M |
The D0 Low beta Power and Quench Protection System (p. 515) |
by Koepke, K P |
Time-Varying Sextupole Corrections during the Tevatron Ramp (p. 518) |
by Herrup, D A |
Compensation of Time Varying Fields in the Tevatron Superconducting Magnets (p. 521) |
by Johnson, D E |
In-Situ Non-Destructive Testing of Superconducting Dipoles in the Tevatron (p. 524) |
by Hanna, B |
Design Considerations for a Large Aperture High Field Superconducting Dipole (p. 527) |
by Harfoush, F A |
Full Length SSC R&D Dipole Magnet Test Results (p. 530) |
by Strait, J |
Formulae for the calculation of energy deposition densities in the graphite dumps of the LHC (p. 533) |
by Ijspeert, Albert |
Charge state distributions for heavy ions in carbon stripper foils (p. 536) |
by McMahan, M A |
Emittance at the SuperHILAC and the Bevalac transfer line (p. 539) |
by Krebs, G F |
Jitter in H (p. 542) |
by Novick, A H |
The Beam Bunching and Transport System of the Argonne Positive Ion Injector (p. 545) |
by Den Hartog, P K |
Spectrometer Chopper for AHF and SSC Low-Energy Transports (p. 548) |
by Hurd, J W |
Beam dumps, stoppers and Faraday cups at the SLC (p. 551) |
by Walz, D R |
Momentum slits, collimators and masks in the SLC (p. 553) |
by Walz, D R |
Optical design of the CEBAF beam transport system (p. 557) |
by Douglas, D R |
Vacuum system for the LBL Advanced Light Source (ALS) (p. 560) |
by Kennedy, K |
Differences in synchrotron radiation induced gas desorption from stainless steel and aluminium alloy (p. 563) |
by Andritschky, M |
Fabrication and test of prototype ring magnets for the ALS (p. 566) |
by Tanabe, J |
X-Ray Lithography Source (SXLS) Vacuum System (p. 569) |
by Schuchman, J C |
The Liqud Helium System of ATLAS (p. 571) |
by Nixon, J M |
The Ultra High Vacuum System of the AGS Booster (p. 574) |
by Hseuh, H C |
Vacuum System for the 8 GeV Storage Ring (p. 577) |
by Be, S H |
Bargain Basement Bakeout (p. 580) |
by Manwaring, W |
Vacuum System Development Status for the APS Storage Ring (p. 583) |
by Wehrle, R |
Vacuum Chamber Thermal Protection for the APS (p. 586) |
by Kramer, S L |
Cryogenic Optimization for Cavity Systems (p. 589) |
by Rode, C H |
The CEBAF Croygenic Systems (p. 592) |
by Chronis, W C |
A Synchronous Beam Sweeper for Heavy Ions (p. 595) |
by Bogaty, J M |
Generating Catalogs of Transverse Matching Solutions (p. 598) |
by Swain, G |
Half Wave Helix Loaded Superconducting Resonator for the Saclay Heavy on Linac (p. 601) |
by Cauvin, B |
Half wave helix loaded superconducting resonator for heavy ion linac (p. 601) |
by Cauvin, B |
Thermal Analysis of Cryogenically Cooled Linear Accelerators (p. 604) |
by Fixler, S |
A Rotary Tuner for UHF Drift-Tube Linacs (p. 607) |
by Liska, D J |
Numerical and Experimental Studies of Particle Accelerators Powered by Modulated Intense Relativistic Electron Beams (p. 609) |
by Krall, J |
Advanced accelerator test facility (AATF) upgrade plan (p. 612) |
by Gai, W |
Determination of the Beam Width in a Stellatron Accelerator (p. 615) |
by Ishizuka, H |
Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Experiments in KEK (p. 618) |
by Ogata, A |
Applications of a Plasma Lens with Bootstrap Disruption (p. 621) |
by Rajagopalan, S |
Measurements and Simulation of Controlled Beamfront Motion in the Laser Controlled Collective Accelerator (p. 624) |
by Yao, R L |
The development of plasma lenses for linear colliders (p. 627) |
by Norem, J |
Applicaton of Novel Material in Crystal Accelerator Concepts (p. 630) |
by Newberger, B |
Status and Performance of the IUCF 270 KeV Electron Cooling System (p. 633) |
by Ellison, T J P |
Novel Stochastic Cooling Pickups/Kickers (p. 636) |
by Petter, J |
Frequency Response of 4-8 GHz Stochatic Cooling Electrodes (p. 639) |
by McGinnis, D |
Coping with Power-Limited Transverse Stochastic Cooling Systems (p. 642) |
by Goldberg, D A |
Stochastic cooling and storage tests with oxygen ions in LEAR (p. 645) |
by Baird, S A |
New 4-8 GHz Core Cooling Pickups and Kickers for the Fermilab Accumulator (p. 648) |
by Petter, J |
Electron Cooler at INS (p. 651) |
by Tanabé, T |
Coulomb scattering cross sections for accelerator design (p. 654) |
by Butler, M N |
Boeing 120 MeV RF Linac Injector Design and Accelerator Performance Comparison with PARMELA (p. 657) |
by Yeremian, A D |
Elementary Analysis of Phase Space Painting (p. 660) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
The Heavy Ion Injection Scheme for RHIC (p. 663) |
by Rhoades-Brown, M J |
Longitudinal Phase Space Computer Simulation of IUCF Cooler Ring Multiturn Stacking Injection (p. 666) |
by Pei, X |
Relocation of the Helium Ion Radiotherapy Program from the 184" Synchrocyclotron to the Bevalac (p. 669) |
by Alonso, J R |
Preliminary Results of a Raster Scanning Beam Delivery System (p. 672) |
by Renner, T R |
A New Design of Truly Selfshielding Baby-Cyclotrons for Positron Emitter Production (p. 675) |
by Abs, M |
Conceptual Design of an RFQ Accelerator-Based Neutron Source for Boron Neutron-Capture Therapy (p. 678) |
by Wangler, T P |
Feedback Linear Induction Accelerator Using Fusion Reactor Exhaust Plasma (p. 681) |
by Denno, K |
High-Performance Deuterium-Lithium Neutron Source for Fusion Materials and Technology Testing (p. 684) |
by Lawrence, G P |
Extraction and Transport of the High Current Ion Beam (p. 688) |
by Chung, K H |
Optimal Wakefield Excitation and Particle Acceleration in a Relativistic Counterstreaming Electron Beam (p. 691) |
by Yan, Y T |
Optical Correlator Notch Filters for Fermilab Debuncher Betatron Stochastic Cooling (p. 694) |
by Pasquinelli, R J |
The optics of the fast ejections of the CERN PS (p. 697) |
by Risselada, Thys |
Design of a synchrotron for proton therapy (p. 700) |
by Fukumoto, S |
Cross-Field Acceleration by Electromagnetic Wave (p. 703) |
by Kawata, S |
Development of Two-Dimensional Implosion Code for LIB ICF (p. 706) |
by Kawata, S |
Report on the Lake Arrowhead Workshop on Advanced Acceleration Concepts (p. 712) |
by Pellegrini, C |
Report on the International Workshop of Next Generation Linear Colliders (p. 716) |
by Ruth, Ronald D |
Report on the international workshop on next generation linear colliders (p. 716) |
by Ruth, Ronald D |
Superconducting RF Linear Collider (p. 721) |
by Rubin, D L |
Beatwave Accelerator Experiments at UCLA (p. 726) |
by Joshi, C |
Experimental measurement of nonlinear plasma wake-fields (p. 731) |
by Rosenzweig, J B |
Upper Hybrid Wave Collective Acceleration Studies (p. 734) |
by Chojnacki, E |
Loma Linda Medical Accelerator Project (p. 737) |
by Cole, F T |
Medical Accelerator Projects at Michigan State University (p. 742) |
by Blosser, H |
Report on the Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion, Darmstadt, Germany, June 1988 (p. 747) |
by Keefe, D |
Report on the symposium on heavy ion inertial fusion, Darmstadt, Germany, Jun 1988 (p. 747) |
by Keefe, D |
Status of the PBFA-II Light Ion Beam Fusion Program (p. 752) |
by Quintenz, J P |
X-Ray Lithography Sources: A Review (p. 757) |
by Murphy, J B |
Accelerator for the Production of Tritium (APT) (p. 761) |
by Wilson, M T |
High Intensity H- Cyclotrons for Radioisotope Production (p. 764) |
by Bol, J L |
Advances of the feasibility study of the European light ion medical accelerator (p. 767) |
by Mandrillon, P |
High-Average Power Millimeter-Wave FEL for Plasma Heating Using the ETA-II Accelerator (p. 770) |
by Throop, A L |
The NIST-NRL Free-Electron Laser Facility (p. 775) |
by Debenham, P H |
DELTA, a Low-Emittance Storage Ring as Free-Electron-Laser Radiation Source (p. 780) |
by Marquardt, N |
Developement of a 10-m Wedged-Pole Undulator (p. 783) |
by Robinson, K E |
A Novel Small Period Electromagnetic Undulator for Free Electron Lasers (p. 786) |
by Zhou, W |
Bunch lengthening calculations for the SLC damping rings (p. 789) |
by Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag |
Transverse and longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities in trains of closely spaced bunches (p. 792) |
by Thompson, K A |
Multibunch beam breakup in high energy linear colliders (p. 795) |
by Thompson, K A |
Longitudinal impedance of a smooth toroidal chamber at low and intermediate frequencies (p. 798) |
by Ng, K Y |
On the Theory of Coherent Instabilities Due to Coupling between a Dense Cooled Beam and Charged Particles from the Residual Gas (p. 800) |
by AlvesPires, R |
On the theory of coherent instabilities due to coupling between a dense cooled beam and charged particles from the residual gas (p. 800) |
by Alves-Pires, R |
Observation of transverse quadrupole mode instabilities in intense cooled antiproton beams in the AA (p. 803) |
by Carron, G |
A New Tevatron Collider Working Point near the Integer (p. 806) |
by Johnson, R P |
Influence of the synchrotron radiation on particle dynamics in a rectangular undulator (p. 809) |
by Chin, Y H |
Single Bunch Cumulative Beam Breakup (p. 812) |
by Neri, F |
Understanding and improving the high field orbit in the Fermilab booster (p. 815) |
by Chao, Y |
Intrinsic and Resonance Space Charge Limits (p. 818) |
by Parzen, G |
Lattice Design for the Pohang Synchrotron Light Source (p. 821) |
by Nam, K |
Measurement and Simulation of Beam-Beam Effects in the Weak/Strong Regime (p. 824) |
by Milton, S V |
Scaling Relations for a Beam Deflecting TM (p. 827) |
by Takeda, H |
Comparison of Energy Spreads Induced by a Longitudinal Wakefield in a Cavity (p. 830) |
by Takeda, H |
Simulation of an RFQ Funnel for Heavy-Ion Beams (p. 833) |
by Guy, F W |
Simulation of Round Beams (p. 836) |
by Krishnagopal, S |
Differential algebras without differentials : an easy C++ implementation(p. 839) |
by Michelotti, Leo |
Methods for Detailed Modeling of the Longitudinal Phasespace Dynamics for Beams in Cyclic Accelerators (p. 842) |
by Stahl, S |
The Improvement Program for Higher Intensity and Better Quality in the Princeton University Cyclotron (p. 845) |
by Huang, Y |
Comparison between smooth and AG focusing for the CLIC main linac (p. 848) |
by Henke, H |
Beam Impedance of Ferrite Kicker Magnets (p. 851) |
by Völker, F V |
Beam impedance of ferrite kicker magnets (p. 851) |
by Völker, F V |
Beam Dynamics Calculations for the LAMPF Optically Pumped Ion Source (p. 854) |
by Hayden, R J |
Linear Beam-Beam Tune Shift Estimates for the Tevatron Collider (p. 857) |
by Johnson, D E |
Tune spectra in the Tevatron collider (p. 860) |
by Jackson, G |
Stimulated longitudinal emittance growth in the main ring (p. 863) |
by Jackson, G |
Finite difference time domain modelling of particle accelerators (p. 866) |
by Jurgens, T G |
Compensation of Magnetic Imperfections in the SSC (p. 869) |
by Talman, R |
Electron Transport in Stellarator Fields (p. 872) |
by Tiefenback, M G |
Correction of Transverse Coupling in a Storage Ring (p. 874) |
by Bagley, P P |
Application of the ARGUS Code to Accelerator Design Calculations (p. 877) |
by Mondelli, Alfred A |
Higher order correlations in computed particle distributions (p. 880) |
by Hanerfeld, H |
Measurement of Chromaticity-Energy Spread Product by Transversely Kicking the Beam (p. 883) |
by Hsu, I |
The optical design of the spin manipulation system for the SLAC Linear Collider (p. 885) |
by Fieguth, T H |
Sheet Electron Beam Gun Design Using ARGUS (p. 888) |
by Petillo, J J |
Computer Simulations of Disruption (p. 891) |
by Mori, W B |
Plasma Lenses (p. 894) |
by Su, J J |
Comparison of Analytical and Computational Estimates of Reduction in Linear Aperture in the Presence of Sextupole Field (p. 897) |
by Li, Maozhen |
Disassociation of Electrons from Partially Stripped Ion Beams Due to Strong Magnetic Fields (p. 900) |
by Tepikian, S |
Capture and Containment of the Positron Beam in the APS Injector Linac (p. 903) |
by Yoon, M |
Emittance Growth in a Storage Ring Due to Ground Motion (p. 906) |
by Chou, W |
Impedance Calculations for 2-D and 3-D Structures and the Impedance Budget of 7-GeV APS Storage Ring (p. 909) |
by Chou, W |
A Five-Picosecond, Electron Pulse from the ANL L-Band Linac (p. 912) |
by Cox, G L |
A lattice with no transition and large dynamic aperture (p. 915) |
by Guignard, Gilbert |
Suppression of Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Instability in UVSOR (p. 918) |
by Kasuga, T |
Double RF System for Landau Damping and Robinson Instability (p. 921) |
by Miyahara, Y |
Beam Quality in Single Bunch Mode of UVSOR Ring (p. 924) |
by Yonehara, H |
Observation and simulation of nonlinear behavior of betatron oscillations during the beam-beam collision (p. 926) |
by Ieiri, T |
Emittance Growth, Tune Shift, and the Bunched-Beam, Bunched-Beam Interaction (p. 929) |
by Rhoades-Brown, M J |
Dynamics in an Adiabatic Free Electron Laser (p. 932) |
by Bruhwiler, D L |
The 100 MeV Preinjector for the Trieste Synchrotron (p. 935) |
by Bourat, C |
Acceleration performance of a 50-MHz split coaxial RFQ and the design of a 25.5-MHz prototype (p. 938) |
by Tokuda, N |
High Current RF Accelerator for FEL Applications (p. 941) |
by Price, D |
Development of a New IHQ Linac (Construction and Acceleration of a 2 MeV Prototype Linac) (p. 944) |
by Hattori, T |
Development of the 1 GeV Proton Linac for the Japanese Hadron Facility (p. 947) |
by Yamazaki, Y |
400 MeV upgrade for the Fermilab linac (p. 950) |
by MacLachlan, J A |
Design of an integrally formed RFQ (p. 953) |
by Abbott, S |
Advanced Light Source linac subharmonic buncher cavities (p. 956) |
by Lo, C C |
The Berkeley 2MV Heavy Ion Fusion Injector (p. 959) |
by Rutkowski, H L |
The Berkeley 2 MV heavy ion fusion injector (p. 959) |
by Rutkowski, H L |
Engineering study of a 10 MeV heavy ion linear accelerator (p. 962) |
by Fong, C G |
Acceleration units for the induction linac systems experiment (ILSE) (p. 965) |
by Faltens, A |
Concepts, features, and design of a sixteen-to-four beam combiner for ILSE (p. 968) |
by Judd, D L |
Conceptual design of bend, compression, and final focus components of ILSE (p. 971) |
by Lee, E P |
Superconducting Low-Velocity Linac for the Argonne Positive-Ion Injector (p. 974) |
by Shepard, K W |
Beam-based alignment technique for the SLC linac (p. 977) |
by Adolphsen, C E |
Exploring the Beam Parameter Space of a CW RFQ Proton Accelerator (p. 980) |
by McMichael, G E |
The SLAC linac as used in the SLC collider (p. 983) |
by Seeman, J T |
Compact Linacs for Positron Emission Tomography (p. 987) |
by Raparia, D |
Study of the Four-Rod RFQ Structure at 470 MHz (p. 990) |
by Kazimi, R |
The Injection System for the LNLS Synchrotron Light Source: The Linear Accelerator (p. 993) |
by Liu, L |
Status of the ETA-II Linear Induction Accelerator: High Brightness Results (p. 996) |
by Turner, W C |
Performance of the New AGS RFQ Preinjector (p. 999) |
by Alessi, J G |
Low Emittance Immersed and Non-Immersed Foilless Diodes for High Current Electron Linacs (p. 1002) |
by Mazarakis, M G |
RADLAC-II Upgrade Experiments (p. 1005) |
by Shope, S L |
Optimization of Pulse Quality for a Linear Induction Accelerator (p. 1008) |
by Eckhouse, S |
Phase Space Acceptance of LMF Transport Schemes (p. 1011) |
by Olson, C L |
PIC Simulations of an Aschromatic Solenoidal Focusing System for LMF (p. 1014) |
by Mehlhorn, T A |
A Conceptual Design for an LMF Accelerator Module (p. 1017) |
by Johnson, D L |
Electron Beam Injection, Deflection, and Transport in the UNM Betatron (p. 1020) |
by Schamiloglu, E |
Beam-Breakup and Image-Displacement Instability Coupling Impedances in High-Current Electron-Beam Induction Accelerators (p. 1023) |
by Godfrey, B B |
Recent Laser Guided Transport Calculations (p. 1026) |
by Boyd, J K |
Theory of the Wakefield Effects of Relativistic Electron Beams (p. 1029) |
by Uhm, H S |
Pondeormotive Effects on Charged Particle Beam Limiting Current (p. 1032) |
by Grebogi, C |
Intense Electron Beam Propagation across a Magnetic Field (p. 1035) |
by Zhang, X |
Stability of Compact Recirculating Accelerators (p. 1038) |
by Hughes, T P |
Analytic models for the broad band impedance (p. 1041) |
by Hofmann, A |
Transport and Stability of Long-Pulse, High-Current Electron Beams in Ion Focused Regime Plasma Channels for Advanced Accelerators (p. 1044) |
by Miller, J D |
Octopole Correction of Geometric Aberrations for High-Current Heavy-Ion Beams (p. 1047) |
by Ho, D D M |
The University of Maryland Electron Pulse Compression Experiment (p. 1049) |
by Shea, T |
Current Measurements in a Gas Filled Drift Tube (p. 1052) |
by Fine, T A |
Beam Dynamics in the Spiral-Line Induction Accelerator (p. 1055) |
by Petillo, J J |
A Simple Estimate of Bunch Rotation (p. 1058) |
by Kamiya, Yu |
The Beam Tracking during the First Few Milliseconds of a Low Energy Booster (p. 1061) |
by Machida, S |
High Average Beam Power Linac Waveguides (p. 1064) |
by Gallagher, W J |
Beam Mismatch and Emittance Oscillations in Magnetic Transport Lines (p. 1067) |
by Noble, R J |
Neutralization of Long and Short Pulse Ion Beams (p. 1070) |
by Agafonov, A V |
Drift Tubes for a Focusing Channel of Ion Linear Accelerator (p. 1073) |
by Kapchinskii, I M |
A POS Hall Model (p. 1076) |
by Ivanenkov, G V |
Experimental Investigation of POS (p. 1079) |
by Krastelev, E G |
Commissioning of the 200 MeV Injector Linac for the Oxford Instr.-IBM Synchrotron Light Source (p. 1082) |
by Letellier, P |
Application of Linear Electron Accelerators to Industry and Medicine (p. 1085) |
by Vakhrushin, Yu P |
ECR Source Scaling Concepts (p. 1088) |
by Geller, R |
4 Rod RFQ Injector for GSI Linac (p. 1093) |
by Schempp, A |
High-Brightness Electron Injectors: A Review (p. 1098) |
by Sheffield, R L |
Brief Review of the Development of Electrostatic Accelerators and Continuing Work at Strasburg (p. 1103) |
by Letournel, M |
High-yield positron systems for linear colliders (p. 1107) |
by Clendenin, J E |
Recent Advancements in Sputter-Type Heavy Negative Ion Sources (p. 1112) |
by Alton, G D |
The CCVV High-Current Megavolt-Range DC Accelerator (p. 1117) |
by Anderson, O A |
First Operational Tests of the Positive-Ion Injector for ATLAS (p. 1120) |
by Bollinger, L M |
Relativistic klystrons (p. 1123) |
by Allen, M A |
Status of the LEP accelerating structure (p. 1128) |
by Brown, P |
The LEP Main Ring High Power RF System (p. 1131) |
by Frischholz, Hans |
The LEP main ring high power rf system (p. 1131) |
by Frischholz, Hans |
Development of the Resonant-Cavity Virtual-Cathode and Large-Orbit Gyrotron High-Power Microwave Sources (p. 1134) |
by Fazio, M V |
rf breakdown studies in copper electron linac structures (p. 1137) |
by Wang, J W |
Klystrode (p. 1140) |
by Shrader, M |
High-Speed, High-Accuracy Magnet Power Supply Using FET Chopper for Synchrotron Facility (p. 1145) |
by Kitayama, T |
Magnetic performance of the LEP bending magnets (p. 1148) |
by Billan, J |
Switch mode power converters : present and future(p. 1151) |
by Isch, Hans W |
A Faster Chopper for Programmed Population of the Longitudinal Phase Space of the AGS (p. 1154) |
by Brennan, J M |
High Frequency Dependence of the Coupling Impedance for a Large Number of Obstacles (p. 1157) |
by Gluckstern, R L |
Robinson Instability and Longitudinal Mode Coupling (p. 1160) |
by Wang, T S F |
Interaction of CESR vacuum pumps with stored beam (p. 1163) |
by Billing, M G |
Effect of Energy Spread on the Dipole Beam Break-Up Instability (p. 1166) |
by Chernin, D |
Effect of the Induced Voltage on the Bunch Motion at the Transition Energy (p. 1169) |
by Lee, S Y |
Coherent Beatron Instability Driven by Electrostatic Separators - Stability Analysis of the Tevatron (p. 1172) |
by Harfoush, F A |
Coherent betatron instability driven by electrostatic separators : stability analysis of the Tevatron(p. 1172) |
by Harfoush, F A |
Simulation of coupled bunch mode growth driven by a high-Q resonator : a transient response approach(p. 1175) |
by Stahl, S |
Relativistic Klystron Wakefields (p. 1178) |
by Yu, D U L |
The AMOS (Azimuthal Mode Simulator) Code (p. 1181) |
by De Ford, J F |
Modeling Ferrite Electromagnetic Response in the Time-Domain (p. 1184) |
by Johnson, J |
BBU in Microtrons with Subharmonic Injection (p. 1187) |
by Penner, S |
Beam break-up in the two beam accelerator (p. 1190) |
by Whittum, D H |
Effects of Frequency Spreads on Beam Breakup Instabilities in Linear Accelerators (p. 1193) |
by Colombant, D G |
Stability of beams hollow in longitudinal phase space (p. 1196) |
by Baartman, R A |
Observation of the Tune Dependence of the Stability Threshold Current in the PSR (p. 1199) |
by Wang, T F |
Transverse Collective Instability in the PSR (p. 1202) |
by Colton, E P |
Beam dynamics effects in the CERN SPS used as a lepton injector (p. 1205) |
by Brandt, D |
Study of Collective Effects in a Low-Emittance PEP Lattice (p. 1208) |
by Kramer, S L |
The Backward Mode in an Electromagnetically Pumped Free Electron Laser (p. 1211) |
by Kong, G Y |
The 2 GeV Pohang Light Source (p. 1214) |
by Oh, S |
A 5 GeV Injector for PEP (p. 1217) |
by Nuhn, H D |
Z-Pinch Wiggler (p. 1220) |
by Lampel, M C |
Insertion devices for the advanced light source at LBL (p. 1222) |
by Hassenzahl, W V |
An Ultra-Low Emittance Damping Ring Lattice and Its Dynamic Aperture (p. 1225) |
by Emery, L |
Calculating Emittance from Images of Undulator Radiation (p. 1228) |
by Borland, M |
Experimental Characterization of PEP Low-Emittance Lattice (p. 1231) |
by Borland, M |
Effect of Tapering on Optical Guiding and Sideband Growth in a Finite-Pulse Free-Electron Laser (p. 1234) |
by Hafizi, B |
FEL Projects at DELTA (p. 1237) |
by Nölle, D |
Computer simulation of FEL sidebands in a strongly dispersive waveguide (p. 1239) |
by Sternbach, E J |
A Compact X-Ray Lithography Lattice Using Superferric Magnets (p. 1242) |
by Chen, L K |
Injection System for the 8 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Japan (p. 1245) |
by Yokomizo, H |
LNLS : The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory(p. 1248) |
by Gonçalves da Silva, C E T |
A Second Superconducting Wiggler Magnet for the Daresbury SRS (p. 1250) |
by Poole, M W |
Measurement of a FEL Undulator and Particle Tracking (p. 1253) |
by Tsukishima, C |
On using a superconducting linac to drive a short wavelength FEL (p. 1256) |
by Krafft, G A |
The Effect of Magnetic Field Errors on the Radiation Spectrum of Elettra Undulators (p. 1259) |
by Diviacco, B |
Status of LBL/LLNL FEL research for two beam accelerator applications (p. 1262) |
by Hopkins, D B |
Lattice Comparison for the Synchrotron Light Source Bessy II (p. 1265) |
by Wüstefeld, G |
Recent Experiments with the Free-Electron Laser at Los Alamos (p. 1268) |
by Feldman, D W |
Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Small Obstacle (p. 1271) |
by Gluckstern, R L |
Exploratory orbit analysis (p. 1274) |
by Michelotti, Leo |
Modeling Nonlinear Behavior in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1277) |
by Gerig, R E |
Generalized Emittance Invariants (p. 1280) |
by Rangarajan, G |
Release of Marylie 3.0 (p. 1283) |
by Dragt, A |
Analytical expressions for the smear due to nonlinear multipoles (p. 1286) |
by Merminga, N |
Third Order Combined Function Bending Magnets (p. 1289) |
by Carey, D C |
The MAD program (p. 1292) |
by Grote, H |
One dimensional motion in a thick sextupole : a comparison of tracking methods with the exact solution(p. 1295) |
by Hagel, J |
Consequences of the discontinuous replacement of radiated energy on the performance of LEP 200 (p. 1298) |
by Ruggiero, F |
Precise determination of the amplitude functions in collider insertions with an application to LEP (p. 1301) |
by Bovet, Claude |
Vertically integrated simulation tools for self-consistent tracking and analysis (p. 1304) |
by Forest, E |
Beam Dynamics in Wigglers: Tracking in PEP with Damping Wigglers and Measurements at Spear (p. 1307) |
by Safranek, J |
Beam dynamics with the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (p. 1310) |
by Gabella, W E |
A Formalism and Computer Program for Couple Lattices (p. 1313) |
by Raubenheimer, T O |
A damping ring design for future linear colliders (p. 1316) |
by Raubenheimer, T O |
Design of optics for the final focus test beam at SLAC (p. 1319) |
by Oide, K |
Construction of symplectic full-turn maps by application of an arbitrary tracking code (p. 1322) |
by Warnock, R L |
Construction and Fourier analysis of invariant surfaces from tracking data (p. 1325) |
by Warnock, R L |
Dynamic aperture of the ALS booster synchrotron (p. 1328) |
by Kim, C H |
A New Design of the SSC Boosters (p. 1331) |
by Furman, M A |
Controlling the crossing angle in the SSC (p. 1334) |
by Garren, A A |
XMAP: A Differential Algebra Tool Generating Accelerator Maps (p. 1337) |
by Peggs, S |
Prediction of Long-Term Beam Stability Using High Order Torroidal Invariants (p. 1340) |
by Irwin, J |
The Driven Pendulum, and E778 Tune Modulation (p. 1343) |
by Chen, T |
Correction of Horizontal-Vertical Coupling in the SSC (p. 1346) |
by Peterson, J |
Symmetry Corrected Second Order Achromat (p. 1349) |
by Flanz, J B |
PHASEFIX - correcting the tunes of the SLC arcs (p. 1352) |
by Haïssinski, J |
Racetrack lattices for the TRIUMF KAON factory (p. 1355) |
by Servranckx, R V |
Lattice Comparison for the 8 GeV Synchrotron Radiation Source (p. 1358) |
by Tsumaki, K |
Effect of Insertion Devices on Beam Dynamics of the 8 GeV Light Source Storage Ring (p. 1361) |
by Nagaoka, R |
1.8 TeV Tevatron Upgrade Lattices (p. 1364) |
by Garren, A A |
AGS-Booster Orbit and Resonance Correction (p. 1367) |
by Milutinovic, J |
Closed Orbit Analysis for the RHIC (p. 1370) |
by Milutinovic, J |
Comparison of Accelerator Codes for a RHIC Lattice (p. 1373) |
by Milutinovic, J |
Dynamic aperture and long-term particle stability in the presence of strong sextupoles in the CERN SPS (p. 1376) |
by Gareyte, Jacques |
Optical Flexibility of the (p. 1379) |
by Bongardt, K |
Application of Collins' Distortion Functions (p. 1382) |
by Meads, P F |
Dipole Fringe Field Optics in TRANSPORT (p. 1385) |
by Sagalovsky, L |
Studies on Magnet Shuffling for RHIC (p. 1388) |
by Dell, G F |
Orbital dynamics in the Tevatron double helix (p. 1391) |
by Michelotti, Leo |
Amplitude growth due to random, correlated kicks (p. 1394) |
by Michelotti, Leo |
Multiple Equilibrium States of Electron Flow in a Magetron Gun (p. 1397) |
by Agafonov, A V |
Longitudinal Instability of Azimuthally-Nonsymmetric Beam in a Synchrotron (p. 1400) |
by Balbekov, V I |
Beam-beam effects in the strong-strong régime at the CERN SPS (p. 1403) |
by Evans, Lyndon R |
High Current Beam Dynamics Simulation in the Proton Storage Ring (p. 1406) |
by Moiseev, V A |
Precise Energy Measurement of the Continuous Proton Beam (p. 1409) |
by Feschenko, A V |
Initial Operation of the First 20 MeV Tank of the INR Linac (p. 1411) |
by Bylinsky, Yu V |
Review of Beam Dynamics Experiments and Issues in Large Colliders (p. 1414) |
by Edwards, D A |
Differential Algebra, A New Tool (p. 1419) |
by Berz, M |
Modeling the SSC (p. 1424) |
by Schachinger, L C |
Measurements of beta in the TEVATRON and Comparisons with Calculations (p. 1427) |
by Gelfand, N M |
Nonlinear dynamics experiment in the Tevatron (p. 1429) |
by Merminga, N |
Multipole Correction in Synchrotrons (p. 1432) |
by Neuffer, David V |
Analytic estimates of coupling in damping rings (p. 1435) |
by Raubenheimer, T O |
Electron energy spectrum and maximum disruption angle under multi-photon beamstrahlung (p. 1438) |
by Yokoya, K |
High Average-Power Induction Linacs (p. 1441) |
by Prono, D |
Very High Pulse-Energy Accelerators (p. 1446) |
by Ramirez, J J |
Heavy-Ion Superconducting Linacs (p. 1451) |
by Delayen, J R |
High Brightness Immersed Source Injector Characterization (p. 1456) |
by Frost, C A |
Injector Linac for Super-ALIS (p. 1459) |
by Hosokawa, T |
The Bear Accelerator (p. 1462) |
by O'Shea, P G |
High Precision Real Time Beam Position Measurement System (p. 1465) |
by Kleman, K J |
Beam Position Monitors for the CESR Linac (p. 1468) |
by Meller, R E |
Results of Measurements on the HERA Proton Beam Position Monitors (p. 1471) |
by Schütte, W |
A Beam Scraper Using a Linear Motor (p. 1474) |
by Beadle, E R |
The Upgraded Ring Loss Radiation Monitoring System at the AGS (p. 1477) |
by Bennett, G W |
Electrostatic beam separation system of TRISTAN main ring (p. 1480) |
by Shintake, T |
A Schottky receiver for non-perturbative tune monitoring in the Tevatron (p. 1483) |
by Martin, D |
A resonant beam detector for Tevatron tune monitoring (p. 1486) |
by Martin, D |
Time-dependent Degradation of an Ion-Focused ATA Beam (p. 1489) |
by Fawley, W M |
The LEP injection monitors : design and first results with beam(p. 1492) |
by Burtin, G |
Optical Cerenkov Measurements of Emittance Growth in the Advanced Test Accelerator Beam under Laser Ion-Guiding (p. 1495) |
by Chong, Y P |
Phase Space Profile Measurement Using an X-Ray Pinhole Camera (p. 1498) |
by Ogata, A |
Impedance measurements on button electrodes (p. 1501) |
by Jacob, A |
A Beam Characterization of H (p. 1504) |
by Hassan, A A |
Advanced Light Source (ALS) beam position monitor (p. 1507) |
by Hinkson, J |
A Beam-Profile Monitor for the BNL Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) (p. 1510) |
by McDonald, K T |
Single Bunch Intensity Monitoring System Using an Improved Wall Current Monitor (p. 1513) |
by Moore, C D |
Switched Detector for Beam Position Monitor (p. 1516) |
by Biscardi, R |
A Noniterative Method for Calculating Beam Position From Induced Electric Signals (p. 1519) |
by Bozoki, E S |
The Beam Profile Measuring System at the Bates Linac (p. 1523) |
by Jacobs, K D |
Emittance Measurements at the Bates Linac (p. 1526) |
by Jacobs, K D |
Energy measurements from betatron oscillations (p. 1529) |
by Himel, Thomas M |
Long ion chamber systems for the SLC (p. 1531) |
by Rolfe, J |
Observations of the Transverse and Longitudinal Nature of the Fermilab Linac Beam (p. 1534) |
by McCrory, E |
Design of the AGS booster beam position monitor system (p. 1536) |
by Beadle, E R |
Beam-loss monitors in the SLC final focus (p. 1539) |
by Jacobsen, R G |
Beamstrahlung as an optics tuning tool at the SLC IP (p. 1542) |
by Gero, E |
Precision synchrotron radiation detectors (p. 1544) |
by Levi, M |
Precision measurements of the SLC reference magnets (p. 1547) |
by Watson, S |
Precision measurements of the SLC beam energy (p. 1550) |
by Kent, J |
Compact Emittance Scanners for MeV Particle Beams (p. 1553) |
by O'Shea, P G |
Fail-Safe Ion Chamber Errant Beam Detector Tailored for Personnel Protection (p. 1556) |
by Plum, M A |
Pulse-Power-Induced Oscillations on the REX Electron Beam (p. 1559) |
by Builta, L A |
Beam Position Monitor Upgrade for the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (p. 1562) |
by Thiessen, H A |
General Analysis of Beam Position Monitors (p. 1565) |
by Di Massa, G |
Beam Characterization with Video Imaging Systems at the ANL 50-MeV H (p. 1571) |
by Yule, T J |
Beam Diagnostic for COSY-Jülich (p. 1574) |
by Maier, R |
Timing and rf synchronization for filling PEP/SPEAR with the SLC damping rings (p. 1577) |
by Ronan, Michael T |
Wire Scanner News in the CERN-SPS (p. 1580) |
by Camas, J |
Wire scanner news from the CERN-SPS (p. 1580) |
by Burns, A |
A dedicated multi-process controller for a LEP rf unit (p. 1583) |
by Ciapala, Edmond |
The Measurement of the Twiss Parameters by Using Segmented Faraday Cups (p. 1586) |
by Hummer, C |
HESYRL 200 MeV Linac Single Bunch Energy Spectrum Measurement (p. 1589) |
by Yin, Y |
RF Phase Measurement at Phermex Using Time-To-Digital Converters (p. 1591) |
by Watson, S A |
Fitting Measured Emittance Data (p. 1593) |
by Meads, P F |
A Technique for Improving the Accuracy and Dynamic Range of Beam Position-Detection Equipment (p. 1595) |
by Wells, F D |
Monitoring the Conditions of Beam Injection into the IHEP Accelerator from the Booster (p. 1597) |
by Brook, V L |
Online monitoring of dispersion functions and transfer matrices at the SLC (p. 1599) |
by Emma, P |
A beam position monitor for low current dc beams (p. 1602) |
by Adderley, P |
184-inch synchrocyclotron decommissioning (p. 1605) |
by Reimers, D |
Progress in Commissioning the IUCF Cooler (p. 1608) |
by Ellison, T J |
Reverse Bending Magnets in Combined-Function Lattice for the CLIC Damping Ring (p. 1611) |
by Delayahe, J P |
Reverse bending magnets in a combined-function lattice for the CLIC damping ring (p. 1611) |
by Delahaye, J P |
Upgrading the CERN PS Booster to 1 GeV for improved antiproton production (p. 1614) |
by Cappi, R |
H0 Injection for the JHP Compressor/Stretcher Ring (p. 1617) |
by Yamane, I |
A Two-Cyclotron Concept for the Production of Radioactive Ion Beams (p. 1620) |
by Jongen, Y |
A 30 MeV H- cyclotron for isotope production (p. 1623) |
by Baartman, R A |
Applications of Modern Filtering to the Accelerators (p. 1626) |
by Zhang, S Y |
Data Acquisition, Control and Analysis for the Argonne Advance Accelerator Test Facility (AATF) (p. 1629) |
by Schoessow, P |
Data acquisition, control, and analysis for the Argonne advanced accelerator test facility (AATF) (p. 1629) |
by Schoessow, P |
Objected-Oriented Communications (p. 1631) |
by Chapman, L J |
The Shot Summary System for the Tevatron Collider (p. 1633) |
by Gelfand, N |
Digital control of the LEP rf system (p. 1636) |
by Hansen, S |
Phase and voltage control in the LEP radio-frequency system (p. 1639) |
by Juillard, J C |
Accelerator diagnosis and control by neural nets (p. 1642) |
by Spencer, J E |
Progress on a New Control System for the Bevalac (p. 1645) |
by Lewis, S A |
Networking Remote Instrumentation for the Advanced Light Source (p. 1648) |
by Chin, M |
LNLS Control System Conceptual Design (p. 1651) |
by Franco, J |
VME Bus Performance in Multiprocessor Systems (p. 1654) |
by Mayer, G |
The Colliding Beams Sequencer (p. 1657) |
by Johnson, D E |
Control system for the neutron therapy facility at Fermilab (p. 1660) |
by Shea, M F |
Automatic steering corrections to minimize injection oscillations in the Fermilab antiproton source rings (p. 1663) |
by Harding, D J |
Relational Databases for SSC Design and Control (p. 1666) |
by Barr, E |
A Local Area Computer for Data Acquisition and Control (p. 1669) |
by Russ, T |
A Digital Control System for Accelerator Operator-Host Computer Interface (p. 1672) |
by Tilbrook, I |
Operational experience with model-based steering in the SLC linac (p. 1675) |
by Thompson, K A |
The RTC : a software support system for the control of the CERN SPS(p. 1678) |
by Herr, Werner |
A new closed orbit correction procedure for the CERN SPS (CERN-SPS-89-10-AMS) (p. 1681) |
by Herr, Werner |
Interactive beam tuning simulator for the SLC final focus (p. 1684) |
by Ford, W T |
Architecture and Performance of the New CESR Control System (p. 1687) |
by Strohman, C R |
Vax Q-Bus to CAMAC Systems Crate Interface for Long Camac Branches (p. 1690) |
by Sarkar, S |
The Ground Test Accelerator Control System Database: Configuration, Run-Time Operation and Access (p. 1693) |
by Dalesio, L R |
Design and Implementation of a VMEbus System Services Card (p. 1695) |
by Beechy, D |
Optics of the Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher (AmPS) (p. 1698) |
by Maas, R |
Design for a Second-Generation Proton Storage Ring at LAMPF (p. 1701) |
by Colton, E P |
An Energy Spectrum Compressor System (ESC) for the Amsterdam Pulse Stretcher (AmPS) (p. 1704) |
by Noomen, J G |
The Positron Accumulator Ring for the APS (p. 1707) |
by Crosbie, E A |
VME-computer network (MAP) for the KEK proton synchrotron (p. 1710) |
by Katoh, T |
MOPS : a data structure management system for the LEP/SPS control system(p. 1713) |
by Herr, Werner |
Stanford Linear Collider history data facility (p. 1716) |
by Johnson, R |
Performance and Modification of the MEA R.F. Drive System (p. 1719) |
by Kroes, F B |
High Luminosity Performance of the SPS Protron-Antiproton Collider (p. 1722) |
by Bailey, R |
High luminosity performance of the SPS proton-antiproton collider (p. 1722) |
by Bailey, R |
Integral Split Ring RFQ Structure for Heavy Ion Acceleration (p. 1725) |
by Fang, J X |
ITEP Proton Synchrotron Reconstruction (p. 1728) |
by Alexeev, N N |
Beam-beam effects in electron and proton colliders [presented in Chicago] (p. 1731) |
by Keil, Eberhard |
Beam dynamics issues in linear colliders (p. 1736) |
by Seeman, J T |
Experiments on Intense Electron Beam Transport in Mesh Focusing Arrays (p. 1741) |
by Humphries, S |
Comparison of Gabor Lens, Gas Focusing, and Electrostatic Quadrople Focusing for Low-Energy Ion Beams (p. 1744) |
by Reiser, M |
Longitudinal Emittance in High-Current Linear Ion Accelerators (p. 1748) |
by Wangler, T P |
The effects of insertion devices on beam dynamics in the ALS (p. 1752) |
by Jackson, A |
Analysis of RF Modes in the ANL APS Vacuum Chamber Using Computer Simulation, Electron Beam Excitation and Perturbation Techniques (p. 1755) |
by Kustom, R |
Polarized Proton Acceleration at the KEK PS (p. 1758) |
by Sato, H |
Asymptotic Growth of Cumulative and Regenerative Beam Break-up Instabilities in Linear Accelerators (p. 1761) |
by Lau, Y Y |
Status of Superconducting RF Cavity Development (p. 1764) |
by Shepard, K W |
Status: Large-Scale Subatmospheric Cryogenic Systems (p. 1769) |
by Peterson, T |
Measurement of the Magnetic Field Coefficients of Particle Accelerator Magnets (p. 1774) |
by Herrera, J |
Magnet Design Studies for the European Light Ion Medical Accelerator (p. 1777) |
by Mandrillon, P |
Training of LBL-SSC Model Dipole Magnets at 1.8K (p. 1780) |
by Althaus, R F |
Training of LBL-SSC model dipole magnets at 1.8 K (p. 1780) |
by Gilbert, W S |
Long-term test of a LEP prototype superconducting cavity in the CERN SPS (p. 1783) |
by Boussard, Daniel |
The CERN antiproton accumulator clearing system with ion current measurements as a residual neutralization diagnostic (p. 1786) |
by Pedersen, F |
Upgrading of TRISTAN by Superconducting RF System (p. 1789) |
by Kojima, Y |
Real Time Closed Orbit Correction System (p. 1792) |
by Yu, L H |
Mini- beta Insertion and Luminosity for the RHIC Lattice (p. 1795) |
by Lee, S Y |
Radiative polarization in high-energy storage rings (p. 1798) |
by Mane, S R |
Studies and calculations of transverse emittance growth in high-energy proton storage rings (p. 1801) |
by Mane, S R |
Space-charge effects in the Fermilab main ring at 8 GeV (p. 1804) |
by Mane, S R |
More bunches in LEP (p. 1806) |
by Jowett, John M |
Stratonovich expansion and beam-beam interaction (p. 1809) |
by Hirata, K |
Plasma compensation effects with relativistic electron beams (p. 1812) |
by Autin, Bruno |
Progress report on the LEP pre-injector (p. 1815) |
by Battisti, S |
Helical Orbit Studies in the Tevatron (p. 1818) |
by Goderre, G P |
A >_ TeV Superconducting Synchrotron Design for the Fermilab Tunnel (p. 1821) |
by Syphers, M J |
Luminosity Lifetime in the Tevatron Collider (p. 1824) |
by Herrup, D A |
Improvements in bunch coalescing in the Fermilab main ring (p. 1827) |
by Martin, P S |
Performance of the Fermilab main ring during the 1988-89 Tevatron collider operation (p. 1827) |
by Martin, P S |
Design and Commissioning of the D0 Vertical Nondispersive Overpass in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1831) |
by Trbojevic, D |
Calculation of Integrated Luminosity for Beams Stored in the Tevatron Collider (p. 1834) |
by Finley, D A |
CESR Plus (p. 1837) |
by Rubin, D L |
Test Accelerator Facility for Linear Collider (p. 1841) |
by Takeda, S |
Recent commissioning experience on the SLC arcs (p. 1844) |
by Toge, N |
An asymmetric B-meson factory at PEP (p. 1847) |
by Garren, A A |
Operational Experience with Heavy Ions at BNL: An Update (p. 1850) |
by Gardner, C |
The performance of the SPS as LEP injector (p. 1853) |
by Cornelis, Karel |
Automatic Steering of X-Ray Beams from NSLS Insertion Devices Using Closed Orbit Feedback (p. 1856) |
by Nawrocky, R J |
Detuning of the NSLS UV RF Cavity to Compensate for 1 Ampere of Stored Beam (p. 1859) |
by Thomas, M |
Microprocessor control for the CEBAF rf control module (p. 1861) |
by Ashkenazi, J |
Fast Energy Spectrum and Transverse Beam Profile Monitoring and Feedback Systems for the SLC Linac (p. 1864) |
by Söderström, E |
Fast energy spectrum and transverse beam profile monitoring and feedback systems for the SLC linac (p. 1864) |
by Svderstrvm, E J |
Operational Results of the BEAR Flight RF System (p. 1867) |
by Lynch, M T |
Beam Loading and Cavity Compensation for the Ground Test Accelerator (p. 1870) |
by Jachim, S P |
Amplitude and Phase Regulationn of the RF Separator (p. 1874) |
by Burge, R |
Amplitude and phase regulation of the rf separator (p. 1874) |
by Burge, R S |
Feedback Control of the Upgraded Linac at Fermilab (p. 1876) |
by Owens, T L |
An active feedback system to control synchrotron oscillations in the SLC damping rings (p. 1879) |
by Corredoura, P L |
Longitudinal damping in the Tevatron collider (p. 1882) |
by Kerns, Q A |
RF Control System Development at CEFAB (p. 1885) |
by Simrock, S |
Numerically Controlled Oscillator for the Fermilab Booster (p. 1888) |
by Crisp, J L |
Operational results for the raster scanning power supply system constructed at the Bevalac biomedical facility (p. 1890) |
by Stover, G D |
A Proposal to Pulse the Bevatron/Bevalac Main Guide Field Magnet with SCR Power Supplies (p. 1893) |
by Frias, B |
Control of the Bevatron/Bevalac Main Guide Field Power Supply for Fast Ion Switching Operation (p. 1896) |
by Frias, B |
Advance Technology on Megawatt Modulator for the Ground Test Accelerator (p. 1899) |
by Yasotornrat, H |
Upgrade of Beam Steering System Components and Controls for the NSLS Storage Rings (p. 1902) |
by Singh, O V |
Modular magnet current regulator (p. 1905) |
by Dobeck, N |
The generation of a reference design for TRIUMF KAON factory booster magnet excitation (p. 1908) |
by Reiniger, K W |
Magnet power supplies for the advanced light source (p. 1910) |
by Jackson, L T |
Tuning Magnet Power Supply (p. 1913) |
by Karady, G G |
Optimization of Resonant Power Supply Circuit (p. 1916) |
by Karady, G G |
New Energy Replacement Method for Resonant Power Supplies (p. 1919) |
by Karady, G G |
Power Supplies for the LNLS Magnets (p. 1922) |
by Pomilio, J A |
Status of Magnet Power Supply Development for the APS Storage Ring (p. 1925) |
by McGhee, D |
Distributed supervisory protection interlock system (p. 1928) |
by Walz, H V |
The Daresbury Personnel Safety System (p. 1931) |
by Poole, D |
Operational Experience and Techniques for Controlled Longitudinal Phase Space Dilution in the AGS Using a High Harmonic Cavity (p. 1934) |
by Reece, R K |
Bevalac Versatility: Operations Achievements in the Multitasking Mode (p. 1937) |
by Lothrop, F |
Bevalac versatility : operations achievements in the multi-tasking mode(p. 1937) |
by Lothrop, F |
Fermilab's Automated Accelerator Start-Up Program (p. 1940) |
by Emma, P |
Recent Operational Experience with the Fermilab Tevatron (p. 1943) |
by Crawford, J L |
Reliability and lifetime predictions of SLC klystrons (p. 1946) |
by Allen, M A |
Indirect Measurement of HERMES III Voltage (p. 1948) |
by Sanford, T W L |
Improved High Voltage Coax for Antiproton Source Kicker Pulse Forming Networks and Pulse Transmission (p. 1951) |
by Petter, J |
Circuit Description of Pulsed Power Systems (p. 1954) |
by Rhee, M J |
The Vertical Alignment of the D0 Overpass in the Fermilab Main Ring (p. 1957) |
by Moore, C D |
Phase compensated fibre-optic links for the LEP rf reference distribution (p. 1960) |
by Peschardt, E |
From MAD to CAD : automatic production of accelerator layouts(p. 1963) |
by Mottier, M |
Magnetic properties of the ALS booster synchrotron engineering model magnets (p. 1966) |
by Keller, R |
AC magnetic measurements of the ALS booster dipole engineering model magnet (p. 1969) |
by Green, M I |
Design, fabrication, and calibration of curved integral coils for measuring transfer function, uniformity, and effective length of LBL ALS booster dipole magnets (p. 1972) |
by Green, M I |
A plasma lens for the CERN antiproton collector scaled from model and experiment (p. 1975) |
by Autin, Bruno |
An Improved Phase-Control System for Superconducting Low-Velocity Accelerating Structures (p. 1978) |
by Bogaty, J M |
Computerized precision control of a synchronous high voltage discharge switch for the beam separation system of the LEP e$^{+}$/e$^{-}$ collider (p. 1981) |
by Dieperink, J H |
Phasing Tools for the Klystrons at the SLC (p. 1984) |
by Jobe, R Keith |
rf phase distribution systems at the SLC (p. 1987) |
by Jobe, R Keith |
Microprocessor Based Power Supply Control System (p. 1990) |
by Rumrill, R S |
Effects of Irradiation on Hall Probe Sensitivity (p. 1993) |
by Kulke, B |
Air Pollution Monitor for TRISTAN (p. 1996) |
by Hanaoka, K |
Operational Experience with the Fermilab Antiproton Source (p. 1999) |
by Harms, E |
Design and Construction of Long-Pulse Modulator (p. 2002) |
by Anami, S |
A new system to trigger fast rise thyristors (p. 2005) |
by Sakai, I |
Relativistic Multipactoring (p. 2008) |
by Gallagher, W J |
A Method of Frequency Following of the LINAC with Power Feedback (p. 2010) |
by Xi, D X |
RF By-Pass on the Proton Synchrotron Vacuum Chamber Flanges (p. 2012) |
by Cappi, R |
RF bypass on the proton synchrotron vacuum chamber flanges (p. 2012) |
by Cappi, R |
Synchrotron Radiation Damage on Insulating Materials of TRISTAN Magnet (p. 2015) |
by Endo, K |
Long Term Ground Movement of TRISTAN Synchrotron (p. 2018) |
by Endo, K |
New Accelerating Sections for the 2 GeV Linac (p. 2021) |
by Biller, E Z |
Electron Beam Monochromatization in the Linac Used as an Injector to the Stretcher (p. 2025) |
by Gladkikh, P I |