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Monday, April 30, 2018

The Life Expectancy of Aspiring Rap Artists

Ain't that long.

Review of Avengers: Infinity War

Yes, you will go and see this in the theater...unless they require assigned seating.  In which case, have some self respect and just wait for it to come out on DVD.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Baby Boomer Journalism Majors Duped by Millennial Journalism Majors

This story epitomizes when you should never have trust the MSM and why modern day "journalists" are nothing more that shit-brown hacks lying for clicks.  For the old school "journalists" who insist they are the fourth branch of government, it belies just how lacking you are in genuine journalistic integrity.  For the neo-journalists out there, you are just click-bait whores who will lie to get your Google adsense check in the mail.

This merely re-emphasizes my previous position that journalism majors are the dumbest majors out there, and we can throw "despicable" as well.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Fathers Don't Let Their Daughters Become "Cannabis Feminists"

The long version is here if you care to read it, but the short version is 8 long years ago I put together my series on "Crusaderism."  And in this series I highlighted a young 17 year old girl by the name of Jessica Assaf who at the time decided she was going to take on "Big Cosmetics" and launched a teenage crusade in California to ban various chemicals from make-up.  For the purposes of that video I noted she came from a privileged background, got bit by the fame bug for her political crusadering, and though intelligent and capable of many things, would likely not be able to resist the temptation of fame combined with the dopamine fix she'd get from "crusadering."  Thus I predicted she would be condemned to the life of a crusader, the modern day term of which is "social justice warrior."

Fast forward 8 years and tune into this episode of The Cynical Libertarian (around the 33 minute mark) and I could not be more painfully correct.

After forgetting her name and having to look her up again (to draw parallels between David Hogg and herself), I accidentally happened upon her latest productionless project - Cannabis Feminist.

I couldn't even bother looking at the site because not only was is so laughable and cringe-worthy, it was all easily predictable 8 years ago.  If you come from wealth and you get bit by the political crusader bug, not only is the fame too addicting, but so is the prospects of never having to work a real job or abide by the real world.  This has spawned an entire generation and industry of (disproportionately) millennials who think going on crusades or advancing political causes is an actual career of which Ms. Assaf is merely one of many poster children.  Sandra Fluke with her demanding I pay for her birth control even though I'm not fucking her.  David Hogg, more recently, who is stepping on the corpses of his slain peer-students to jam that needle of fame into his veins.  To the legions of Slate, Salon, and XOJane "writers" who all magically live in expensive Manhattan abodes, all of them are pursuing fame, egotism, and an addiction...none of them are contributing one red cent to GDP or society.

In the real world these people would die on the vine because nobody would pay them for their unwanted sermoning and lecturing.  People simply don't want spoiled-rotten children from the suburbs telling them what to do.  But since they come from wealth either in the familial form (of Daddy Warbucks), the hubby form (where nearly all Manhattan based Slate writers get their money), or the government form (where untold dollars in grants go to made-up liberal arts studies and professors), these valueless people continue on their crusades, not for anything as moral as helping the poor, helping minorities, closing the wage gap, or even legalizing pot, but simply to avoid what they fear most in life - the work, labor and toil that comes with being a self-supporting, independent adult in the real world.

But while you may envy these people and their cushy, genuinely privileged lifestyles.  Don't.  For what prompted this article was when I listened to The Cynical Libertarian read an article from the Cannabis Feminist.

And it is the saddest thing I've ever read.

I'll let you read it at your leisure, but this is what's in store for America's spoiled, typically-leftist, crusaderist adult children who pursue crusade after crusade, ne'er dipping a toe into the real world or expending one calorie of energy on real, valuable work.  In being shielded from the true costs and consequences of the real world, these people grow up stunted and authentically retarded to the point they think "empowering women with initiatives to become leaders in the cannabis industry" is actually a thing, let alone a career.  Worse, if you look at the subtext to the picture in the...cough...*article* you see just how skewed her life priorities are as her favorite things in life are "The Scratch and Sniff Book of Weed, Medicine Box tinctures, Magu Beauty oils, CW Hemp oil, and Mondo" not "my husband, my children, my cycling group" or any other people for that matter.  The political crusade consumes them, becoming all they have in life, and denying them real relationships with real people in the real world.

I could go on, but I don't have to.  This is a full grown adult woman who is now 26 years of age.  Even with a HARVARD BUSINESS DEGREE (proving she easily has the ability to do something productive) her greatest accomplishment in life is a Potemkin Village web site that doesn't even rank on Alexa and will sadly have a record traffic day due to this post.  I've ripped on rich parents before, or parents who simply spoil their children as this is not a life that you want your daughter (or any child of yours) to live.  And though I'm increasingly convinced it's impossible for rich parents to raise decent children, I vainly implore any of you rich or merely well-off parents out there to do your children a favor and make them learn the virtues and values of real work, real production, and the real world.  And maybe, just maybe, we'll turn you daughters from "Cannabis Feminists" into engineers, doctors, pilots and actual productive members of society.
Aaron Clarey is a mean, mean, guy who just looked in his "Bag of Fucks" and realized there are none left in it to give people.  You can visit his consultancy which I strongly advise you do if you have problems.  You can also read some of his books which entail equivalent bits of truth and reality.  You can be like rich parents and donate money to his patreon account. And you can tune into his podcast if you're bored and are looking for something more interesting to do with your life.

Episode #251 of The Clarey Podcast - John Steele Special

Cappy and John Steele shoot the breeze about minimalism, buying used cars, finances, and a potluck of other Gen X related stuff in this latest episode.

Direct MP3 link here.

Direct RSS feed here.

Sponsored by and A King's Castle!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Angry Gen X Livestream Tonight

Finally getting off my ass and experimenting with livestream.  The trial run "show" will be later tonight, 6PM Pacific time.

Hey Starbucks, How 'Bout You Just Serve Me My Fucking Coffee?

"But how about you just sell good products at fair prices?

Starbucks serves me my f@cking coffee and not ask me about race?
Target sells me my f@cking toilet paper and not lecture me about transgender bathrooms?
Hollywood makes me my f@cking entertaining movie without a political sermon?
Apple makes me my f@cking iPhone and not tell me about how green they are.
And colleges give me my f@cking degree without screeding about privilege?"

An excerpt from my latest piece at LinkedIn.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Stupid Will Continue

Darwin strikes again.

The father could not be reached for comment.

Women See More Rudeness from Women in the shit Sherlock.

You never marry a woman with student loans.  Never ever ever ever.

Adam Piggott's latest podcast on why you don't remember your crappy teachers.

And as a touch of humor. Look out for these poisoning bug bites this summer:

Tesla is Not an Investment

It's a government subsidized hobby for a rich kid genius who's good at science (well...sorta) and horrible at business.  I know you guys are in love with the idea of Tesla, but it's a lot like "Popular Science" - mostly science fiction and hope and very little reality or production.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Episode #250 of The Clarey Podcast- Millennials Make Horrible Parents Episode

Cappy and DT of The Black Brigade ramble about random stuff, moving to New Zealand, enjoying the decline, and the laughable attempt at parenting millennial parents make.

Direct MP3 here.

RSS feed here.

Sponsored by STEVE'S JERKY! 


Orion's fire!

David Hogg's 15 Minutes of Fame is Over

It was many years ago.  So many years ago I cannot find the original article.  But there was a young woman named Jessica Assaf who hailed from a rich county in California (Marlin) and as a then-high school student she was going to solve a crisis that was plaguing society.

She was going to go to the California state legislature to protest the use of chemicals in cosmetics!

She was very smart, with great grades in high school, even getting accepted to the Harvard Business School.  But as I predicted this veritable crusader, this "proto-SJW" was going to simply waste her abilities championing political crusades instead of becoming a productive member of society.  And true to form, and without fail, she did.  She is not heading up a division at GE.  She is not in Silicon Valley banging out code to make our lives easier.  She isn't even a mother raising 2 wonderful, well-reared children.  She isn't even selling lemonade at a lemonade stand on the corner.

She is "The Cannabis Feminist."

Whether this is a horrible super hero idea or just another one of the millions of millennial work-avoidance-non-profit-crusaderism schemes, it doesn't matter.  Ms. Assaf's raw intelligence and abilities were wasted and her pinnacle in life is forever etched in stone at 17.  Obscurity and irrelevance is now the remainder of her legacy in life.

Pick on Ms. Assaf all we want, the nature of "15 minutes of fame" is not necessarily politically related.  Take for example Walter Palmer.

Does that name even sound familiar?

Give it a minute or two and try to remember why that name was all the rage 2 years ago (if you can).

Without straining your memory too much more he was the "evil" dentist who shot Cecil the Lion.

Alas, 48 months later nobody remembers his name and he is allowed to continue on his dental practice unharassed by self-righteous, sanctimonious animal rights nutjobs.

Be it politics or hunting animals with cute names, however you get your 15 minutes of fame, realize it is only 15 minutes.  It will end and you will return to the life you had before.  Life will once again be "normal" and hopefully you cashed in monetarily on those 15 minutes society granted you (I always thought a book by Dr. Palmer called "Die, Cecil, DIE!" would make serious coin).  But the key difference between Dr. Palmer and Ms. Assaf is that Mr. Palmer has a skill, a trade, a profession to revert back upon while Ms. Assaf has...well...none.  And this is where we introduce David Hogg.

David Hogg if you didn't know is the poster child (emphasis on child) of the professional left's anti-gun agenda.  He is 17, not an adult, hasn't worked a real job in his life and has yet to pay rent.  You cannot fault this young man for any of this because afterall he is a child.  But this fact seemingly doesn't stop precious spoiled suburbanite American children from thinking they know more than the real world working adults.  And it certainly doesn't stop them from lecturing those of us who are wiser and older from how we should live our lives.

The reason for such arrogance and hubris is multifold.  Understandably, in the case of Jr. Hogg the reason for his protest (I will admit) is more important and valid than Ms. Assaf's.  Kids getting murdered in school is a tad more serious issue than chemicals in cosmetics.  But any intellectual honesty ends there and greed, arrogance, ego, and self-serving evil take over.  First there is the addiction to fame that both Jr. Hogg and Ms. Assaf could not resist.  Getting your name in the paper or your face on TV I'm sure provides a high that very few people can relate to.  Second is the prospects of avoiding a real job, in the real world, that requires work, effort and toil.  Running around on the democrat party's dime, giving speeches to throngs of teenage girls is certainly more appealing than going to school for Mechanical Engineering.  And living off of daddy's dime as you jump from one failed non-profit scheme to another is a life that was much easier, posh, and cushy than mine.  But understand that is "prospects."  Like toilet paper, once you serve their purpose, the democrat party or whatever larger entity using you will throw you away.  Finally, ego.  Most leftists cannot simply abide a ho-hum career as a dentist, a mechanic, or a chef.  They need their name to go down in history in conjunction with their lazy activist career.  Ergo, they engage in faux-heroics thinking they're solving some crisis or emergency.  The truth is, more often than not, they do not care about "saving the whales" or "helping poor Africans" as much as they do themselves.  The crisis or emergency is a tool by which they advance their own aims, their own popularity, and their own "faux activist" career.  In this regard, if we were to look into the heart of Jr. Hogg I'd bet he's stepping on the corpses of his fellow students for his own aggrandizement more than any genuine mourning or concern for them (though that is a demon for him to wrestle with).

Detestable as this is, this is the majority of political activists (regardless of your political stripe).  They look to capitalize on the pain and suffering of others, even creating problems where none exist, all so they can avoid real work in the real world, while having their egos masturbated to make them feel good.  But as per my "Universal Law of Equilibrium in Everything" there is a cost to this.  Karma is a bitch and there is a price to pay for living a lie as well as an egotistical life.  And the difference again is highlighted by Dr. Palmer.

Dr. Palmer once again has a skill and a profession to rely upon.  He has a life and a career which was never part of his 15 minutes fame.  Once the dust settled and spoiled, suburbanite soccer moms got bored protesting his office, his life went back to normal, perhaps he even got some more long term clients due to non-leftists wanting to reward him for what he went through.  He never sought his 15 minutes of fame, because his life was not about seeking fame, but being a professional who actually provided a service society demanding.

But what if you're not a 50 year old dentist, but an untalented, non-skilled high school kid?  And not just an unskilled high school student, but one who got bit by the bug of fame?  Instead of going to college, studying a discipline that will command a good salary in the real world, you instead go the route of Ms. Assaf and hop from lily pad to lily pad of productionless political crusades all in the search of that never-to-be-attained-again high that that one hit of fame gave you when you were 17?

This is the life Jr. Hogg (and the activist high schoolers like him) condemn themselves to.

Unfortunately, according to what bio I could find on the young gentleman, he's going to be taking off a year from school to work on the 2018 midterm elections.  His high school activities indicate no interest in serious disciplines or fields, but instead labor-avoidant "media and television." And like many millennial boys he is drastically lacking in social couth (cringe-warning), which though not related to politics or sermoning adults, is only going to complicate matters in his future.  You add this all up and it's painfully obvious that Jr. Hogg is going to waste his life in the democrat/leftist/political machine, never attaining a real career, a real profession, or real worth and value in life.  Like Ms. Assaf, his 15 minutes of fame is over and he will be working on this campaign or that, this go-nowhere political project or that, and maybe will get a taste of that sweet sweet sweet attention as he gives a speech to may 50 people at a DNC.  But it will never compare to his heights at 17 years of age, the addictive high of which damned him to being a life-long slave of the democrat party.

David, your 15 minutes of fame is over.  Please, just go be a boy, date some girls (hit the gym first), go to college, major in engineering, and enjoy life before it's over.  Because life is too short to be "The Cannabis Feminist."

If you don't want to piss away your life like Ms. Assaf or Jr. Hogg, consider checking out Aaron's other cool sites below!
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron 
Amazon Affiliate

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Two Angry, Old Gen Xer's

John Steele and I bitch about the world on his podcast which has finally returned after a year hiatus:

Friday, April 20, 2018

Why Blacks Should Take Advantage of SWPL Leftist White People

Keep gunning for Starbucks and taking advantage of stupid leftist people.  They deserve it.

You Can Become a Digital Nomad Now

Pay isn't great.
Work is boring.
But you can work from the comforts of your own home.
Or, even better, double dip if you have a job that allows you to work on your laptop.

Be smart and consider contacting Alex!
We appreciate all of your support, thanks again to all who contributed to the recent expansion of our organization.

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1. United Kingdom

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Again, if you live elsewhere, please feel free to contact us accordingly, as we could still use your help. However, if you reside in one of these regions, you should be able to start turning a profit almost immediately. 

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The short version is that we will pay you to post ads on social media sites and you'll receive bonuses for each person who will respond to your ads. Yes, we have a way of tracking that and we'll discuss the specifics as soon as we hear from you.

Thank you,

Academic Composition Management

Thursday, April 19, 2018

You Can Return to 1950's America Anytime

The 1950's is incredibly telling of the quality, caliber and sanity of any American today.  You either view it as an ideal, a goal, a target to shoot for, or you loathe it, detest it, hate it, and view it as the epitome of evil.  The first group of people are true Americans.  They love the nuclear family, booming economic growth, progress, fashion, beauty, low crime, excellence, achievement and all that is classically American.  The later are nothing more than parasitic socialists who fear the 1950's more than anything else because it is the single largest, brightest, and blinding bit of empirical evidence that contradicts their socialist religion.  If you point out the virtues of 1950's America they rush to tell you it's racist, while tripping over themselves to nervously-laugh at the presupposed "barbaric sexism" of the 50's.  You can try to reason with them and point out you're talking more the familial stability, economic growth, low unemployment, fashion, etc., and would do away with the bigotry of the times.  But they will have none of it because if they concede that the 50's were better times in general, then that would mean they were wrong about their socialist ideology and can no longer collect their government checks.  Alas, they will always cower and hypocritically hide behind the 50's being racist and "You just want women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen" (you ignorant neanderthal you) because otherwise they'd have to get real jobs.

Sadly, with a high enough percentage of the population voting for socialism, not to mention an increasing percentage of the population preferring to celebrate inferiority over excellence, we as a country cannot return to the "glory days" of the 1950's.  Millennials are not capable of living on their own at 18.  Women prefer to outsource kids to day care instead of raise them.  Men have been replaced with government checks.  And what men are present in their nuclear families are usually Soy Boy jokes which cannot compare to a strong, but fair 1950's Ward Cleaver.  Without the based, anchored, and galvanized WWII generation, the generations of Americans that remain are simply too inferior and lazy to achieve what Americans did in the 1950's.  And so you assume we can never return to those halcyon days of yore and are condemned to Enjoy the Decline.

However, I have a bit of good news for you, and it is one of those rare bits of good news indeed.  For while "we" as a country can't and never will return to the 1950's, YOU as an individual can.  And there's nobody who can stop you.

The main reason anybody can return to the 1950's at any time is because while on a national or macro level the US may be turning into a childish, socialist shithole, on the local or micro level the average American still holds considerable sway and control over their immediate and local environment.  You don't have to live in California where the insane people put cancer warnings on coffee.  You don't have to live in Seattle where the city council obviously loves parasites more than the producers.  You can simply choose to live in towns that aren't socialist, have low crime, low traffic and don't vote to tax their citizens all the time.  But returning to the 50's goes well beyond simply picking the right municipality to live in.  It boils down to individual life-style decisions that are even more personal, more "micro" and will more directly affect the quality of life you live.  And if you make the right decisions, there's a good chance you'll enjoy a 1950's life replete with 2020's technology and conveniences.

Location, Location, Location

The first and most important step in attaining a 1950's lifestyle is refusing to live where liberals and leftists are.  Leftists and liberals are simply antithetical to a 1950's lifestyle and mindset.  This obviously eliminates entire states like California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts, but also eliminates nearly every major city in the United States.  Being away from major metro areas and America's centers of commerce may put a crimp on your career opportunities, but less so than you might think.   The suburbs exist for a reason - hard working people who want safe communities, good schools, low taxes, and low crime, also want to be reasonably close to these hubs of commerce for their careers.  This is possible if you're willing to commute or simply take the bus.  Furthermore, advances in internet technology has made an increasing number of jobs location independent.  This allows you to move yourself (and your family) to smaller, even safer, even lower-taxed hamlets where you can still do our job remotely, occasionally dropping in on the city for whatever culture or entertainment you may want to take in.  These small towns can offer a 1950's "Andy Griffith Mayberry" lifestyle for you and your family...assuming you're done living the "Sex and the City" or "Friends" lifestyle that you were sold on TV.

Career Choices

Closely related to where you live and work is your career.  To be blunt, if you want to return to the 1950's that means a one income household.  One person is going to go out and make the money, the other is going to keep the home and raise any would-be children.  This means you have to major in the right thing and today 2/3rds of American students major in worthless, unemployable slop.  So it is vital you choose the right profession be it the trades, joining the military, majoring in engineering or becoming a dentist.  If you don't, you condemn yourself to a life of the typical Millennial; constantly begging for work, pulling teeth to get a decent wage, crippled by student loans you'll never pay back, living paycheck to paycheck...heck, living at home at 30.  The (evil racist) 1950's American dream of homeownership will simply be out of your reach as you opted to major in an easy hobby rather than a rigorous, industrious and EMPLOYABLE profession.  You can make it even easier on yourself if you choose a profession like computer programming or networking which will not only pay, but give you the added benefit of location independent employment.

The 1950's Budget

In my book "Poor Richard's Retirement" I was amazed how people in the 1950's managed to raise full, nuclear families on incomes that are a third of today's household income.  When people say "it takes two incomes to raise a family today" what they really mean is...

"When you account for my student loans for my worthless masters degree in human development and my husband's MBA, and the luxury SUV lease, and our McMansion mortgage, and the kids' day care, and the pool boy and the lawn care and our annual vacations to Disney World, Mazatlan, and Italy and the designer clothes for all our children, we need two incomes to pay for everything."

In short, people today replace people with stuff.  In the 1950's the parents actually raised a family and spent their money on people.  Not things.  They knew family was more important than materialism and consequently put it at the center of their lives.

This translated into budgets that were mere fractions of what people spend today, but even more shocking to modern Americans, families in the 50's had money left over.  This frugality required living in homes that had 1/3rd the square footage of today's modern homes, owning only one car, taking the bus, children sharing rooms, cutting coupons and budgeting, hemming and darning clothes, and not outsourcing your children to daycare which (ironically) usually costs more than what paltry income a wife brings in when she goes out and works whatever part-time non-profit job her liberal arts degree affords here.

Thankfully today's housing technology allows you to buy more home for the same inflation-adjusted dollar and automotive technology allows you to afford more than one car.  But buying vanity in the form of BMW's, McMansions, designer clothes, trips, and pointless masters degrees is what enslaves most people to their debts and prevents them from living a 1950's, person-focused lifestyle.  If you simply buy what you need, spending less than you make, all the financial problems that plague modern debt-addicted Americans will go away and happier families will be the result.

Yes, You Will Raise Your Own Damn Children

I've always wondered why the majority of people in my generation even bother having children.  They don't raise them.  They simply have them and then juggle them in between both of their careers, hobbies, vices, and daycare.  Half of my parental peer group took a page from the Book of Baby Boomers and end up getting divorced and so now the kids are raised in broken homes...optimistically assuming the mother and father were married in the first place.

So why did you even bother to have kids?

More important than location, more important than your career, more important than you yourself is the children you decided to bring into this world.  I cannot logically deduce anything except that your children should be the most important thing in this world.  Ergo, I would presume if you had them you would like to actually spend time with them, certainly before they turn 18 and you don't see them again.

So please, if the Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers taught us anything, it should be that you should raise your own damn kids.  Don't outsource them to daycare.  Don't outsource them to pre-pre-pre K.  Don't put your career ahead of them.  Actually spent time with them and raise them.  You'd be surprised how well-raised children bring happiness into your life.  You might even be shocked to find out they're more rewarding than your masters degree.

Yes, You Will Remain a Nuclear Family

Appalled as I am watching friends have kids they simply don't want, it enrages me when parents obviously decide they are more important than their children and get divorced (or "split up" because, why get married before having kids anyways, amirite?)  Not only does this wreak havoc upon the psychologies of any children you might have, single parent households are the most inefficient way to raise kids.  The sheer calories of energy I see divorced parents spend not only trying to time-share their children and maintain multiple homes, but battle and fight one another over pure selfishness, pettiness, and pride is argument enough that you should fake being married until your youngest is 18 no matter how much you hate each other.  It would be less painful, less costly, less time consuming and much better for all parties involved (including those kids you had - remember them?).

But there is a much more important argument to maintaining a nuclear family and one that is based in the selfless consideration of others in society - the quality of your children.

The consequences of divorced or broken homes is the scourge of ill-reared children that are then released into the real world.  At best they might be slightly depressed, faking a mental illness like "social anxiety disorder" or whatever the new one is this week.  But at worst (and more typically) they are the cause of nearly all sociological problems.  Poverty, drugs, crimes, STD's, high taxes, mental illness, murder, lost economic production, deficits, future illegitimate children/single parent households, nearly EVERY major problem society faces today has its genesis in broken homes, single moms and dead beat dads.  Failing to maintain a nuclear family results in raising liabilities in the form of your dysfunctional children that you then send out into the real world where they proceed to wreak trillions of dollars worth in damage.

I'm going to assume that the love of your children is argument enough to guarantee your children will be raised under a nuclear family.  The peace, calm, serenity and love that comes from the resulting familial stability would also be a convincing fringe benefit to ensure this trait of 1950's America.  But if that's not enough to convince you, perhaps the guilt that your failure to raise your children properly is guaranteed to cost society trillions will ensure you keep your family together.

Choose a Traditional 1950's Man/Woman

Key to having a stable marriage and a nuclear family is choosing the right person as your spouse.  And to be perfectly honest, the qualities and traits that make a good spouse have been bred out of Americans the past three generations.

This forced-political denial of the differences and thus complimentary natures of the sexes in today's America is laughable and should be ignored if you wish to life a 1950's lifestyle.  Millions of years of human evolution, billions of years of the evolution of life on our planet, and our environment has made it PHYSICALLY CLEAR there are indeed (and in general) two sexes.  And not only are there two distinct sexes, there are some major differences.  In the 1950's these differences were used to help form a nearly-unstoppable duo in the form of a husband and wife with their own unique strengths and specialties.

With their strength, energy, resolve and mathematically inclined brains, men would work and make money.  And not only work and make money, but innovate, create, and experiment resulting in dramatic increases in standards of living.  Women with their care, compassion, kindness and acute awareness of resource management would typically raise the children (don't know if you noticed those things called "boobs" they have), maintain a home, support the husband, but also through budgeting and economic guile make the money the husband made go far as possible, increasing standards of living for all family members.  This isn't to say that men couldn't cook or women couldn't be scientists, but in general these two roles took advantage of the division of labor, playing to each others' strengths, while compensating for each others' weaknesses.

Now that has all be abdicated in the pursuit of the political lie that men and women are not so much equal (which they are), but that they are interchangeable (which they certainly aren't).  Regardless, the point is not one against the folly of feminism or socialist politics, but that if you do indeed want to live a 1950's life you need to find a traditional masculine man for a husband and a traditional feminine woman for a wife.  Not only will this result in a more successful marriage, you have 2 million years of human evolution working for you which is better than the 50 years of delusional feminist slop theory that's been peddled since 1968.

But what makes a traditional man or woman?  Simple, you simply pursue traditional values.

A traditional man supports himself, doesn't rely on a government check, works out, is physically fit,  demands sex, and is going to demand that his wife stays in shape.  He is also fair and just, puts his family ahead of himself, will die for them if necessary, but in the end will inevitably insist he is the head of the household and is going to be the final arbiter of all decisions, not for tyrannical or dictatorial reasons, but simply because there can only be ONE leader and it is in the best interest of everybody to only have ONE leader.

A traditional woman also supports herself, learns a skill or trade, doesn't rely on a government check, and also loves her family more than herself.  However, she is also acutely aware of the sexual demands of men.  She ensures she remains physically attractive for her husband knowing that is one of the most important things in his life.  Additionally, instead of questioning, nagging, contesting and arguing with her husband she supports him. She cares about him and wants to make his life easy as possible whether that's through love and compassion, remaining the physically beautiful muse to inspire him, or simply permitting him the calm serenity and peace in life that comes without having a nagging harpy for wife.

In short, it is selflessness and loving your spouse more than yourself that makes for a stable and happy marriage.  Today that has been bred out of us.  We love ourselves, our careers, our educations, our soy, and our things more than we do our spouses.  But if you want a happy and successful 1950's marriage you will revisit traditional values of excellence, selflessness, beauty, physique, and support.  And I strongly suggest you do because you will be spending the majority of your time with your spouse which will make it the #1 determinant of your happiness.

Friends and Colleagues

Finally, it is not only your family and location that can ultimately provide you with a 1950's life.  It is the friends, colleagues and associates you surround yourself with.  This is somewhat accomplished in choosing smaller, conservative, traditional towns far removed from the country's tallest buildings.  But in addition to your family it is your friends and other non-familial (brotherly) loved ones that will also play a major role in the quality of the life you lead.  And it is here there is one simple rule - no low-quality people in your life.

One might think "no leftists" in one's life would be a rule to follow, but there are some good democrats out there who are good honest souls, simply misinformed or perhaps too optimistic about the reality of people and the economy.  Blue collar democrats, factory workers, union workers.  These are honest men and women who can make great friends and add great value to your life.  But when it comes to welfare recipients, SJW's, activists, politicians, non-profit workers, professors, students, or people who think they're entitled to a free ride, it's very simple - ensure they are not a part of your life.  Life is too short for parasites and ensuring none are around will go a long way in recreating a 1950's lifestyle.

In general, the point is that whatever happens in Washington or your state capitol ultimately doesn't matter because it is the people immediately around us that determines the majority of the quality of the life we live.  It may be annoying what the idiots of California vote to do to themselves.  Or it may make you shake your head that Seattleittes really like punishing themselves.  And you can only sit and wonder at times why college students pay $100,000 to essentially destroy themselves.  But you do not have to participate in their delusional worlds.  With today's technology, old school frugality and wisdom, and simply seeking out traditional people with traditional values you can enjoy a 1950's life very easily.  And while the leftists and liberals mock and ridicule you for having a house paid off, a pretty wife/handsome husband, well-reared kids, as you "live in the sticks," let them enjoy their traffic jams, their $7 mochas, the $125,000 in student loans, and their miserable anti-American lives.  Life is just to short otherwise.
Check out Aaron's other cool sites!
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron 
Amazon Affiliate

If Adam Smith Was a Tailor

Social Security is the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Sort of. A proper Ponzi scheme is
a fraud perpetrated on willing victims. Bernie Sanders Madoff is a great contemporary
example. Early "investors" are cashed out using the money from larger number of later "investors",
then their success stories are used to get even more "investors". People from the earlier stages do
well and people from the last few lose their hat. It's a felony in most places. In Washington D.C.
it's standard practice to get elected.

Social Security is a case of the old eating the young, enforced
at gunpoint, excused as a Ponzi scheme by beneficiaries and the more foolish victims. Of
course it will fall apart eventually; no pyramid scam can grow forever. The most unfortunate part of the
Social Security Ponzi scheme is that the first few generations to benefit got away clean. As much
as the Boomers are hated, they didn't start Social Security. They weren't even born yet. But Boomers
just may be the first generation to get screwed, and by their own votes no less. The Social Security
system is still in place, but over last few decades the Boomers have inflated the dollar so much
that their Social Security and pension checks will barely be worth enough to subsist on cat food.
(Which of course they have, being the reigning All-Time Divorce World Champions.)

"Oh, but Social Security is inflation adjusted!" I hear you say. It's nice that you bring that up
because the inflation numbers have been rigged for decades, and it's only getting worse to hide
the devastating effects of Obamacare and the Bankster Bailouts. Beef prices will raise the official
inflation index by two cents while medical and housing prices will have silently quadrupled.

The relative weight of various commodities to the CPI are listed on page 8 of this document:
Food, which as the Captain mentioned recently is nearly free, accounts for 13% of the CPI. Medical care,
which can quickly bankrupt you, accounts for less than 7% of the CPI. Rent, which has skyrocketed
in most places, is less than 8%, despite housing costs averaging 30-40% of Americans' income. The
Owners' equivalent rent of residences figure listed below, at 23% weight, is just a survey where
homeowners are asked what they feel their house would be worth if rented out. Very scientific.

So what can you do to avoid being on the losing end of the Ponzi scheme? Besides being born in 1899
or subsistence farming a remote island in Panama, not much. The best course of action is to not waste money on
  The only exceptions to living minimally are of course getting  

Thanks for reading. Use discount code CAPPY for 15% off your first order!

"Adam Smith"
Gab: @ihf

Why Women Can't Find Men

Because women love the word "no" and hate the word "yes."

Now go donate to my Patreon.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Episode #249 of The Clarey Podcast - "The Saint" Episode

The Year Long Endorphin Rush Caused by Lies.
The Saint
The Speed at Which Culture Decayed in the 1960's vs. the 2010's
Why Can't I Find a Man????
Starcucks Virtue Signaling Doesn't Pay Off.


In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!!!

Direct MP3 here.

Direct RSS feed here.

Laughing at Seattle's Homeowners

For your listening pleasure this morning and perhaps your commute home later this afternoon, TJ Martinell has a good podcast about leaving Seattle to live in the Cascades.  It also includes meeting a dog who loves to go hiking and the importance of giving up your smart phone to re-connect with real people in the real world.  You can find that episode here.

Also, TJ put together the first in a series on the history of the James Bond films.  He got everything right, except that Goldfinger is NOT "gimmicky" but is in fact the best James Bond film ever.  Of course, Mr. Martinell is a younger man and thus prone to being wrong, but it was a good history lesson on Ian Flemming, Sean Connery, and how President Kennedy helped bring the James Bond films into reality.

Finally, if you're looking for something a bit more crass for your listening pleasure may I recommend The Greasy Pole hosted by The Great One Himself and Gentleman Adventurer Adam Piggott.  Depending on who you want to give the traffic to you can download it from The Great One's site or Adam Piggott's site.  I'm still debating who to promote more based on gifts and favors they've given me.  At least The Great One has provided me lodging in the past.  Mr. Piggott however has only mocked and ridiculed me for liking Irish Spring soap, of which my fragile feelings are still trying to recover from.

Blowing Your Life Savings on a Stupid Business Idea

I know many of you are interested in entrepreneurship as a means of not only employment and freedom, but retirement as well.  However, working in banking for the 15 years I did I can assure you that the VAST MAJORITY (i.e.-98%) of the small businesses I dealt with were nothing more than money-wasting hobbies that destroyed families, finances, and futures.  Many of these businesses were original ideas, started from the ground up, where a client's "passion" overrode logic, common sense, and math.  But more commonly was where some dreamer thought they were going to buy an already-existing business and "make it rich" running a bar, a trinket shop, a restaurant or some other such money-losing concern, only to be blinded into bankruptcy as their "dream" drained their 401k's and IRA's dry


Consider contacting my friend David Barnett at Business Buyer Advantage

The short version is Dave has been working as a business broker for the past 20 years and knows the ins and outs of buying businesses, franchises and other concerns.  He's seen everything and has classes, books, and a YouTube channel.  PLEASE consider contacting him BEFORE you buy a business and put your IRA, 401k, or RRSP at risk.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Episode #248 of The Clarey Podcast - The "I Totally Didn't Lift This Idea from Adam Piggott" Episode

Fan mail.
Need 3 years experience for entry level work.
Will Gen Z stop the education bubble?


In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!

Direct MP3 link here.

RSS feed here.

Sponsored by A Kings Castle!  Visit them NOW!!!

The Three Labor Classes in an AI Economy

The Artists.
The Servants.
The Engineers.

Don't be a servant unless you're happy being a minimalist.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Dan Piepenbring: Posterchild of the "Miserable Left"

The city of Fort Collins faced an incredible and immediate crisis!

There wasn't enough female street names in their fair city!!!  And so a rapid response team was put in place to end this oppression upon the People's Republic of Fort Collins.

Lists of female names were drafted.
Historical records of the city of Fort Collins were consulted.
And initiatives to form committees to start a dialogue about raising awareness of the blatant sexism in street names was achieved.

All is well now and "there's nothing to see here, citizens, " so you can all return to your homes.  But for those of us living in the real world with real problems, it makes us wonder how the hell it's come to this?

We can chalk this inanity of municipal leftist politics up to the US already having too many laws and leftists with too much time on their hands.  "Female street names" rank up there with non-problems such as banning plastic bags, genderless pronouns, bike lanes, and removing George Washington's plaque from a church.  But an interesting observation must be made about the genesis of these "problems" - precisely, who the hell drives down the street and has such an easy life, has so little problems in life, that it occurs to them to poll street names based on gender and find offense in that?

So let me introduce you to the newest evolution of our socialist-loving counterparts which explains their childish and petty behavior - The Miserable Leftist."

The "Miserable Leftist" is nothing new to me.  I've been unofficially polling people with leftist bumper stickers for the past 20 years.  And what I've nearly-always found (quite literally 95% of the time) is if a person has a leftist bumper sticker on their car, if you catch up to them and get a glimpse of the driver they are:

1.  Frowning, and
2.  Ugly

Now you may be saying "Why is the left so unhappy?  Aren't they winning?  Don't they have socialized medicine?  Don't they own the public schools, the youth, minorities and women?  Isn't their dream of bringing down the US inevitably going to come to fruition?"

And the answer is "yes" to all those questions.  But you misunderstand the "Miserable Leftists'" psychology as much as they do.  And so let us delve into the real reason leftists are so miserable, and we will use the newest member to the Miserable Left to explain why - Dan Piepenbring.

Ms. Piepenbring wrote a piece in The New Yorker about the "creepiness" of Chick-fil-a opening more and more stores in New York City.  I won't link to it because they are a socialist rag and her thoughts quite literally hold no value, but it belies just how


and ultimately

pointless Ms. Piepenbring's life has been.

I don't know about you but I have much more pressing matters in my life to worry about than the increasing number of franchises opening up under a fast food chain.  My life is also too short to worry about the ratio of male to female streets named in Fort Collins.  And though I do throw plastic bags into the garbage, occasionally even into the recycle bin, if I were mayor of any major city, I would not waste one second of the taxpayer's time/money/resources banning them.  The reason why is I have a life.  I have important things going on, and more important than that, I have important people going on in my life.  And though economics and politics play a hobby-like role in my life, the same cannot be said of leftists.  For the reason leftists are so miserable, the reason you are guaranteed to see RBF on a woman driver with leftist bumper stickers (and the soyboys who try to woo them) is that all they have in life is their leftist politics.  And trust you me, it is a world of hell.

Ms. Piepenbring is the epitome of this.  Admittedly, she doesn't have a profile about her background available to the public.  Admittedly, I tried to find a bio, of which there was none.  And at best you'll get her page at the New Yorker which tells you nothing.  But we don't need it.  We know everything we need to about Ms. Piepenbring (though at anytime she can come in here and correct me).  And the reason we can be so presumptuous is she is a "Miserable Leftist."

First, she majored in the liberal arts, likely journalism.  Leftists do this for two reasons.  One, they're lazy and don't want to work hard.  Two, they're egotists and need to do "something" heroic or crusader-like.  They can't just be a good, humble parasite, collecting a government check, watching daytime TV, and refrain from lecturing us real world working adults.  No, they must have some kind of SJW job like "journalist," "teacher," "activist" or counselor where they "change the world" or "change minds" or "help the children."

Regardless of their reasons, it doesn't allow them to evade the realities of the labor market.  The liberal arts offer no tangible skills or trades the world demands.  Additionally, the market is flooded with them.  And though Ms. Piepenbring works for AN ESTABLISHED, MSM MAGAZINE, she has a mere fraction of Twitter followers a lowly hobbyist, citizen journalist like myself does.  This means most leftists are always low on funds.  And though they are the first to rush in and yell "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY YOU CAPITALIST PIG!!!!" it most certainly is about the money if you can't feed yourself, can barely pay your bills, have to work multiple jobs, demand the taxpayer pay for your student loans, and can barely make rent.

Two, speaking of rent, could Piepenbring be anymore cliche by living in Brooklyn?  I thought 30 something empowered, NYC women, all writing for fashion/gossip blogs with a feminist bent, had either their daddy or hubby paying for their rent.  But Ms. Piepenbring (who is not female, btw) does not have such a benefactor.  He has to make rent on his own.  Still, leftists insist they live where there is post-modernist degenerative slop "culture" and other leftists, condemning them to live in the most expensive and overpriced rental markets in the world.  This again adds incredible financial and psychological stress, making them even more miserable.

Then there is physique.  Yes I'm going there not because it's a low shot, but because it's vitally important to happiness no matter how much we try to sweep it under the rug.  Being pretty/handsome and getting laid regularly, not to mention scoring an attractive spouse is a huge advantage in people's lives, especially to men.  It makes us happier, makes us healthier, and it just makes life a lot more fun.  The problem leftists face, however, is that while they can distribute wealth they cannot distribute looks.  They could be like us, going to the gym, dieting right, and putting forth the effort to make themselves be attractive to the opposite sex.  But that takes work, and remember, leftists fear labor, work, and toil above all other things in life.

The result?

Pure insanity.

Fat acceptance.  Big is beautiful.  Slut walks.  Fish bicycle don't need no man.  Soy Boys.  Sapiosexual.  And 31 other flavors of gender.

They can lie to themselves all they want, but in the end they have a deep-seated hatred, anger, and - above all else - envy of good looking people and their superior sex lives.  It's just over-powered by their fear of the work and toil that comes from hitting the gym.  Which in turn condemns them to bad sex lives which in turn compounds the misery of the Miserable Leftist.

Fourth and final, is agency and purpose in life.

The left loves to use the phrase "first world problems" as a means to remind us real-world working adults that our problems are petty by world standards.  While I agree with them, it's not like we didn't  work hard to ensure we didn't have the problems that second and third world shitholes have.  Over the millennia western civilization, though often at war with each other, inevitably figured out things like freedom, capitalism, free markets, low taxes, republics, and government for the people by the people.  And over these millennia western civilization solved most of society's main problems.

War (ehhh, well sorta)
Economic progress

you name it, the majority of the first world's problems have been solved.

Logic would then dictate that with most of the world's problems solved, we move onto production, innovation, and creation.  We work to solve cancer.  We work to put a colony on Mars.  We perfect solar or clean energy.  We build a better bridge out of composite materials.  But the problem with "production, creation and innovation" is that those things are hard.  And the reason they're hard is they have to improve upon 2 million years of human evolution, experience, and experimentation.  This typically requires majoring in a tough field, learning hard STEM related disciplines, and putting forth years of effort, work, and toil to get to the cutting edge of technology to truly advance society.

But UH OH, fellow readers! Did I just say,"Effort, work and toil?"

Well we all know what that means.  Leftists simply can't do that.

But do you also remember what I said about leftists?  That they can't just be a good, humble parasite and quietly collect a government check? That they NEED some kind of arrogant, SJW, crusade or purpose to go on?  Well that explains why leftists are going after plastic bags, "female street signs," confederate statues and other "first world problems" they so mockingly deride. It also explains why Dan Piepenbring is going after Chick-fil-a.  They're too damn lazy to put forth the effort to actually advance society and civilization, and would rather feed their egos tearing down her institutions in a fabricated and bogus moral crusade because (and pay attention boys and girls) it is easier to tear down society's institutions than build them up.

The tremendous amount of arrogance, hubris, and outright evil is appalling.  Many leftists, Ms. Piepenbring being one of them, have no moral qualms about masturbating their egos by attempting to take down productive, producing, and employing institutions and people that are doing overall good for society.  They are not saving anyone from anything, they are merely avoiding real work in the real world, while lying to themselves about the value they offer this planet.  And this is where I believe the majority of their misery comes from.

They know it.

Deep down inside you can lie to yourself all you want, but in the end you know whether you're a parasitic scumbag or not.  Mayors know banning plastic bags are bullshit, but it allows them to ignore the much more challenging problem of solving black urban poverty.  Journalism majors know they chose their degree because they're lazy and arrogant, but it allows them to lie to themselves about being a "professional."  Fat acceptance champions can say "big is beautiful" but they are just as disgusted as you'd imagine when they look in the mirror.  Feminists can say they don't need no man, but they cry themselves to sleep at least thrice a fortnight.  Nearly every leftist out there knows they are living a lie, and it is their fear of working a real job that prevents them from doing anything about it, condemning them to a life of hell.  I've wrestled with some mighty dark demons in my life, but none as strong, long, vile, or permanent as that.  And if I had to live a lie like only leftists can, I too would be incomprehensibly miserable too.

In the end Ms. Piepenbring is guaranteed to waste his life on this planet.  While we are hitting the gym, having sex with 7's and up, he will be drinking his soy in a posh little hipster cafe choosing between which hairy armpitted women's study major to hit on.  While we will have worked hard to contribute to adequately funded 401k's, he'll celebrate paying off his student loans at 47.  While some of us will have kids, raising strong, nuclear families, he will fail to adequately pay for his...assuming he finds a wife in the first place.  While we will leave legacies as doctors, nurses, mechanics, chefs, accountants and soldiers, he will just be another unmentionable "millennial blogger" from the 2010's that will die into obscurity.  But where I'll celebrate the most I'm not a "Miserable Leftist" is that I'm simply not allergic to reality.  I can wake up everyday, go outside, interact with other people, and not be constantly offended by everything and everyone.  I won't worry if a fast food joint opens up a shop, I won't worry about the gender ratio of street names, and I won't worry about a statue in the park.

That's a world for leftists.  And I can't think of a world they deserve more.
Don't be a MISERABLE LEFTIST!!!!  Check out Aaron's other sites below and be happy!
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron 
Amazon Affiliate

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Retirement, Recovering from Divorce, the Pursuit of Excellence

and more as I sit in on The Red Man Group with Rich Cooper, Rollo Tomassi, Donovan Sharp and Rob Says.

Direct link here.


We got hit with a foot of snow with 4 foot drifts in the Twin Cities.  I was victorious.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Dealing with Bullies at School and Work

The Fake Rich

I cannot emphasize how much I saw this in my 20's and then later on in my banking years.  Having to work from the ground up and pay for everything myself I know PRECISELY what it takes to afford things like BMW's, McMansions, and bottle service.  76% of Americans maybe living paycheck to pay check but I would claim nearly 95% of the vehicles you see on the road are leased, borrowed, or otherwise "not affordable" for those who are driving them.

If you want to be rich, and I do mean that, then buy this book and freaking read it.  You'll be richer both in terms of financial wealth and "a wealth of happiness."  If you want to keep doing what you've been programmed to do, and pursue materialism, things and other stuff that won't make you happy, by all means, continue being the "fake rich."

Friday, April 13, 2018

Do People Hate Libertarians???

An interesting question I got from a client today:

Advice Cappy Would've Given Himself in High School

A request from Asshole Consulting that proved to be post worthy, especially if you have any loved ones in high school.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Nobel Prize Was Bullshit Anyway

This is just drama.

Cappy Going Live this Weekend on Rich Cooper's Show (Entrepreneurs in Cars)

If you want to tune in live, I'll be podcasting with Rollo Tomassi and Donovan Sharpe this Saturday



on Rich Cooper's channel.

You just clink on this link here at that time to tune in!

Career Uber Alles

Ignore those whispers of desiring children, a husband, and a family.
Ignore those whispers of playing with your children and bonding with them.
Ignore your desires of what you want and what you desire.

Your career is more important.
Your career is uber alles.
Your career is more important than yourself.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Orion's Cold Fire - A New Blog

I'd like to introduce a new blog/sponsor - Orion's Cold Fire.

It's a new website on right leaning politics, but I particularly like his photography page of which I can readily identify several of the places he's been.

Consider adding Orion's Cold Fire to you blog feed!

Why Do People from Communist Countries Not Like Communism?

 A piece from Ms. Sterzinger

"Even back then, when the local young socialists were cumming in their chinos to meet me because I had once worked a temp job in a real live factory (I took the beer they bought me; did not take their ideology), it was obvious that even if there is a way to create a pure meritocracy, whatever created the USSR is not going to be it. Communism doesn’t even hit its stated goal of making things “fair,” whatever the hell they mean by that. No one I’ve ever met who has had anything to do with communist countries personally has anything good to say about it."

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Episode #247 of The Clarey Podcast - Happiness Fun Episode

Cappy has fun and skips social media.
Why Cappy doesn't use Uber or cabs.
When girls never tell you that dumped you.
Antidepressants are addictive??? NOOO!!!
Why the Millennials should sue Big Pharma.
Smoking will make movies "Rated R"


In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!

Direct MP3 here.

Direct RSS feed here.

Cappy's Death Valley Adventure

Took out the Southern Command Motorcycle to Death Valley, specifically Shoshone, California.  It was once again another horrible day of not bothering with Facebook or teh social webz.